Chapter 792: What Are You Doing (part one)

"I won't apologize." Belinda didn't leave his lips until she tasted a tinge of blood. She spoke in a domineering manner, looking very aggressive. His words were still lingering on her mind. He said that he loved her. It turned out she was not the only one who was suffering from the pain of love in the past few days, he suffered too. She was amazed to know this. She realized that they were only an inch away from love, and the gap could have been filled before with only a minor step taken by one of them.

"When have you become like a puppy dog?" Duke wiped the blood on his lips. The pain made him realize that he had been bitten by a woman. He wasn't angry at all though. On the contrary, he flashed a brilliant smile. Belinda was dazzled by his charming smile which she had never seen before. It filled her with love.

"Duke, do you really mean what you said just now?" Belinda mumbled. She didn't dare to ask in a loud voice, fearing that any loud sound might shatter the beautiful dream she thought she was in now.

"What did I say just now?" Like Belinda, Duke also pretended that he knew nothing. His forehead was against hers. His eyes were full of affection. Besides Leena, this woman was the only one that he was willing to lavish with his tenderness and affection. He would cherish her wholeheartedly.

You said you love me, you can't deny it." His confession was such a pleasant surprise before the wedding day. Everything was still surreal to her as she couldn't believe what just happened.

"Did I say that? Are you sure you didn't mishear?" Duke continued to tease. Yes, he fell in love with her and he didn't want to deny it. He found that it was harder to restrain himself from loving her than to free himself and let the love take its lead. So he frankly admitted his love to her.

"I may mishear anything else but never the words you said just now. Duke, when did you realize that you fell in love with me?" Belinda raised her head and gazed at him, her eyes filled with happiness. She had never felt so much love with any other man in her life except for Zachary, her father. Wasn't it said that daughters were their fathers' lovers in a past life? His father took a special place in her heart which could not be replaced by any other men.

"Yes, that's a good question. When did I fall in love with you?" Duke was suddenly lost in his thought. Was it when she slapped him or when she fought with him for a parking space? Could it be when she showed how sexy and charming she was when she was drunk? Those were the possible moments that flashed in his mind. It was then that he realized that he had always been fascinated with her from the beginning and that falling in love with her happened gradually. There was just no escaping out of it. Earlier, he had been just refusing to admit that she already had his heart a long time ago.

"When? Tell me quickly!" Belinda acted like a young and naive girl. She found such behavior shameful in her usual days because it looked stupid. She dare not do this. But today, she was too overwhelmed with happiness and just forgot everything else. She was gazing at him like a blissful little girl, eager to get the answer.

"What about you? When did you have feelings for me?" Duke asked, ignoring her question. He looked at her and flashed a smile. His handsome face was beaming with the tease.

"I don't know, I feel hot, I'll go to take a shower." Belinda blushed immediately. She usually showed an outgoing, cheerful and lively image in public but it was different when it came to 'Love Topics'. It could easily make her flustered. She felt embarrassed at his question.

"Hot? Are you sure?" Duke frowned. He rested his eyes on her dress, which showed much of her skin. A cunning smile gradually rose on his eyes. Then, without any ado, he lifted her to his chest, surprising her with the sudden move. She screamed with her eyes wide open.

"Ah… Duke, let me down. What are you doing? I'm not hot now." Belinda wrapped her arms around his neck helplessly and grumbled in a flirtish manner. She narrowed her eyes and looked at him. Her face was blushing all over. They were adults. She clearly knew what was on his mind when he lifted her to his chest.

"It's too late." Ignoring her request, Duke directly put her onto the bed and threw himself on her. He eagerly planted passionate kisses on her luscious lips without even pausing a bit. He couldn't get enough of her.

Belinda closed her eyes. She began to passionately kiss back in response. She had no affectation at all. She didn't hide her feelings this time and bared her true self in front of him.

The cold night breeze blew the window gauze open and curled it up. The moon poked from the clouds quietly. She couldn't make out the two silhouettes tangling together but the amorous air that filled that room was enough to make her blush. She hid back into the clouds again, too shy to hear the endless whispers of love.

Daisy had already finished her field survival training even before the first light of morning appeared in the darkness. She quietly went back to Edward's house. All the people were still sound asleep, except for the body guards who were on duty at the gate. The night was very quiet. Daisy carefully walked upstairs without making any sound. She didn't dare to turn the light on after she entered the bedroom as she didn't want to wake Edward up. It was like that until she gently slid the wardrobe open and to her surprise, the wall lamp beside the bed was turned on. Edward sat up with sleepy eyes then suddenly gasped in astonishment as soon as he saw her.

Who are you?" It was not Edward's fault that he didn't recognize Daisy. Edward was half awake. Moreover, Daisy was covered with mud and paint, as if she just crept out from some mud pit. He couldn't make out any human skin from her at all!

"I'm a robber, take out your money quickly!" Daisy was dumbfounded for a moment, but soon flashed a playful smile and came up with the joke. She regained her composure and intentionally feigned a husky voice. She turned around and approached the bed.

"Are you sure you want money, not me? Aren't you attracted to me,? I'm such a handsome man." Edward already figured out it was Daisy as soon as she spoke. Despite the intentionally lowered voice, her aloof sound in her tone betrayed her.

"Cut the crap! Did you just dare to bargain with me? Do you think you're buying vegetables in the market? Be clever and give me all your valuables quickly…" Daisy frowned as her voice faded out. She just noticed Justin sleeping soundly beside Edward. So she unwittingly lowered her voice.

"Compared to other things, don't you think that I'm the most valuable thing here? If you get me, you will have everything. Daisy, you better explain what happened to you. Why the hell do you look so nasty? Have you fallen into a cesspit?" Edward furrowed his brows and looked at the dirty mud on her with disgust. Who would think that she was the aloof and arrogant female colonel with her excessively messy look?

"Um… I…I didn't have time to get back to the army base to clean myself. You can pretend that you didn't see me. But why is Justin here?" Daisy said as she stepped back. She feared that he might see the wounds on her if she was too close to him.

"Why? Of course, he's playing his role as your spy. He came here to watch me when you were out. What a good son! Aren't you moved by him?" Edward teased with a sneer. The more he looked at her, the deeper he frowned. He was a germaphobe. Fortunately, it was Daisy, he would have thrown the person out already if it were someone else.

"Huh! Is our son always taking my side depressing you?" Daisy felt very happy upon hearing Edward's complain. It was good to have such a considerate son!

"I'm not depressed by that. But if you stay here unwashed, I will not only get depressed. I will also go crazy." Edward stared at her. 'Huh! What is she looking so smug about? Wait until I make her pregnant with a baby girl and see whose side our daughter will take after she grows up,' Edward thought.

"Okay, I will go to wash." Daisy would never expect that her careless words tonight would cause her a big trouble later. She would have to compete for Edward's favor with their daughter. That would be embarrassing. More, she would always be pissed off and have nowhere to shed her tears.