Chapter 796: I Love Her (part one)

Tom always got to work on time. It was as Edward had expected. Punctuality was Tom's strong suit. When Edward entered Tom's office without knocking, he was met by a pair of fierce eyes. But when Tom saw Edward, he instantly changed his expression to a smile. Tom didn't dare to offend Edward, as the CEO had a myriad of ways to get back at him. Edward was by no means a forgiving man.

"Good morning, Edward, Daisy. I guess you've seen Hero, huh?" It annoyed Tom to think of the two policemen standing outside Hero's ward. They'd seriously hurt the business and reputation of his hospital. Edward, however, forced Tom to treat Hero. If it hadn't been for Edward, Tom wouldn't have had anything to do with Hero.

"Yes, we have. Thanks, Tom," Daisy said with a smile of appreciation. Though Hero was not that important to her, she appreciated Tom very much for having saved the man she once considered a friend.

"Come on, Daisy. Don't be so formal. Edward and I are good buddies. No need for that," Tom said, stealing a glance at Edward. He was relieved to find that Edward wasn't looking at him.

"Since we are such good buddies, I believe you won't mind checking my wife's wounds." Edward smiled slyly. He had been waiting for what Tom would do to trap himself again. Tom always complained that Edward treated him like a slave. This time, Tom would have no excuse to complain.

"What? Daisy, you got hurt again? You must be joking, right?" Tom cried in astonishment. He finally realized why Edward neither scolded him nor shot cold eyes at him. It turned out that Edward wanted something from him. He always wanted something from him.

"Sorry to bug you, Tom. Recently, I've been off my game, like I'm weaker. I'm not as quick as I was. And that was why I got hurt a couple of times." Daisy smiled awkwardly. She told Edward there was no need for her to go to the hospital and she could simply apply some medicine on her wounds, but Edward ignored her opinion and took her here immediately.

"Come on! If you're out of shape, what does that make me? A lazy pig, that's what. I might die of embarrassment!" Hearing Daisy's explanation, Tom felt ashamed of himself and pretended to strike his head against the wall. Daisy was much stronger than most men, but she still thought so little of herself as to believe she needed more exercise. The woman was unbelievable!

"Before you die, treat her first! Let's stop wasting time," Edward demanded in a chilly voice as he cast a stern glance at Tom. Tom was getting to be more and more like Rain. He might have to stop him from hanging out with Rain so much.

"You really have no heart!" Tom pursed his lips grumbling. He walked up to Daisy and checked her wounds. He had to be in surgery soon, so he had to hurry up.

"I have no sympathy for you. Just check her carefully and cut the crap!" Edward let his eyes settle upon Tom, watching his every move. If Tom were not a doctor, Edward would not allow him to touch Daisy at all. But Edward had to admit that Tom knew his stuff.

"Holy moly! So many wounds! Did you meet up with thugs again?" Tom asked with a frown. Other women spent countless time and money in taking good care of their skin; Daisy, however, got hurt from time to time. She just wouldn't take care of herself. No wonder Edward got pissed off every time she got injured.

"She met mad dogs!" Edward's anger rose at the sight of Daisy's wounds. She would get hurt every time she went out to do something. So it was natural that he would worry about her whenever she wasn't with him.

How's that possible? Edward, are you testing me? These are knife wounds and bruises. If she had been bitten by dogs, the wounds would be totally different." Hardly had Tom's words faded when Edward cast him a murderous glance. Tom trembled with fear, and he bumped Daisy's wounds carelessly. Daisy yelped in pain.

"Could you please be more careful? You're a doctor, not a murderer." Edward cast a warning glance at Tom. His heart broke when hearing Daisy's cry.

"It's all your fault, boss. Why did you glare at me like that? I got so scared that I bumped her wounds accidentally. Daisy, I'm so sorry. Does it hurt? I didn't do it on purpose." Embarrassed, Tom apologized to Daisy. He smiled, trying to defuse the situation. Edward was not only trying to test his medical knowledge, but also his mental endurance. It was so difficult for Tom to be Edward's friend and maintain their friendship.

"It's okay. It doesn't hurt that much." Blushing, Daisy answered in a light voice. Though men and women were the same in doctors' eyes, she felt awkward being seen and touched by a man. She kept her head low all this time.

"Well, you'll recover soon. But remember to keep the wounds dry, otherwise they might get inflamed. So, don't do any exercises for a while." Tom focused all his attention to Daisy's wounds this time. If he hurt Daisy again, Edward would kill him.

What?" Daisy hesitated. She had been planning to go to the military base and train with Hawkeye. Kevin was gone for a bit, so Daisy was their commanding officer on their many training projects.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked, confused. Did Daisy have no time to rest after being seriously injured? "Nothing. I'll follow your advice," Daisy answered with a smile. It seemed that she needed to rest first and train with Hawkeye later.

All right. I'll prescribe some antibiotics for you." Tom sat back in front of his desk to write out a prescription. It was very hot, and it was easy for swelling to set in. So, antibiotic medicine was a must.

"Thank you, Tom!" Daisy thanked Tom with a sincere smile. As a soldier, she got injured from time to time, and she felt embarrassed for having bothered Tom so many times.

When Edward and Daisy walked out of the hospital, the sun was high in the sky. Daisy decided to postpone the training with Hawkeye, but she had to go to the army base today. Luckily, it was Friday today and she could stay at home tomorrow.

Let me give you a ride," Edward offered with a worried look. He was afraid that Daisy would forget the doctor's advice when she arrived at the army base.

"That's not necessary. Mark is waiting for me over there. Don't worry! I'll keep the doctor's advice in mind. Duke and Belinda's wedding is tomorrow, and I don't want to miss it. I will put my safety first." Duke and Belinda would be married the next day. Daisy was extremely happy that her best friend was getting married. A wedding is a joyful celebration of love. Daisy decided to come to the wedding in her best condition.

"You remember that, huh? I thought you were too busy to remember their wedding." Edward pinched Daisy's nose affectionately, eyes full of love. Being the husband of a soldier, he had to put up with loneliness, and worry about her safety from time to time. He had asked himself for several times why he fell in love with Daisy. But he didn't have an answer yet. What is love? Nobody could answer it clearly.

"Come on! I won't forget my best friend's wedding date. Edward, just go to the office. It's getting late. I gotta jet." Daisy glanced at her wrist to check the time. She couldn't help but frown when she thought about everything that she needed to deal with.

"All right! Have a safe drive." Edward kissed Daisy on her forehead and opened the car door for her.

Sure! You too, Edward." Daisy urged, blushing. She was used to Edward's ways of showing his love in public, but she blushed with shyness every time he kissed her.

"Bye!" Edward waved, letting his eyes settle upon Daisy. It was not until the military vehicle vanished that Edward got in his own car and started the engine. Luke followed him closely.

In the morning, the president of Leng Group announced that he was going to get married the next day. The company was bustling with noise and excitement. Everyone was wondering who Duke would be marrying. Was it the president of YS Financial Group, Rachel, or some other lady from a rich and powerful family?