Chapter 802: A Delicate Necklace (part one)

"Really? There won't be any problem, right?" Leena could not help jumping for joy in her heart because he would be with her for two whole days. She was happy and wanted to spend more time with him. After all, she would be in Paris two days later. So these two days were quite precious for her. Although she was not sure whether Kevin wanted to stay with her in the two days or not, she was expecting a lot for the coming two days. Happy? She was ecstatic.

"There won't be any. I promise you. You've got me for the weekend. We good?" Kevin took a sip of his soup and then raised his head to take a look at her. His heart could not help beating happily when he saw Leena's bright smile. And that was it. All the aggravation, having to take Duke's abuse, the hard life of a soldier -- her smile made everything worth it.

"No, only kids need company. I am not a kid anymore." She stuck out her tongue to show him she was teasing. What a typical woman! In her heart, she could not be happier about his company. She was desperate for it but pretended not to care a bit.

"Really? Well, now that you don't need me, I can make other plans for tomorrow then." Kevin smiled and lowered his head to continue his meal as if he were fine about everything.

Upon hearing this, Leena opened her eyes wide, staring at him. Come on, she was just kidding. How could he take it seriously? Should he have other arrangements, she would be extremely disappointed! God knew how hard she had wished to have him for two whole days. Her hopes were dashed all of a sudden, just because of a few careless words.

Well..." Leena compressed her lips a little and did not know what she could do to take back her words. How could this man be so unromantic? Couldn't he know her feelings? She did want him there, and he must know it. Come on, she was a female! As a woman, she should be shy and pretend to reject his offer. And she'd done it. But he wasn't supposed to take her seriously! Why did not he know her heart?

"What? What would you like to say to me?" Looking at her complicated expression, Kevin was almost about to burst into laughter. But he barely kept it together, even though a secret smile spread across his lips.

"Oh! No, nothing." How Leena wished she had bit her tongue! What did she say just now? Stupid stupid girl! She had lots of things to say to him. But why did she say "no" and not tell him how she felt?

"Let's have dinner if you don't have anything to say!" Oh, she was so funny! Kevin seemed to find something interesting about her every time he saw her. Maybe it was not bad to make fun of her sometimes.

Dinner? Her appetite was blunted by the potential snafu this weekend. She was certainly in no mood to have dinner thanks to Kevin. But good for him! He was not influenced at all. He went too far! Leena could do nothing but stare at him in anger. She was cut to the quick. She'd like to see whether he was able to stay calm under her burning glare.

"Why are you staring at me? Or are you so hungry that you see me as a piece of meat right now?" he raised his head and asked her. Yes, Kevin could not keep eating his dinner when she was staring at him like that.

"I'm full now. Please put away the dishes and clean them!" Suddenly, Leena put down her bowl and chopsticks and then walked away from the dining table in a huff. She looked really cute doing that.

Watching her stomp off, Kevin frowned. Did he joke too much? Did he take things too far? Why was she so angry? It did not match what he knew about her. She'd always acted considerately when they were together and seemed to share his sly sense of humor. Since when did she become so irritable? Did something happen while he was away? But why did he know nothing about it? He was hoping they could talk about this.

Gloomily, Leena ran to the living room and sat down at the dressing table. Who was this girl with the depressed look? She was thrilled when Kevin said he'd be staying for a couple days. But now she saw her frustrated face in the mirror. Leena felt like she was thrown into a cold lake and no matter how hard she tried, she just could not shake off this deep depression.

"Hey, are you angry at me?" Kevin followed her into the room and asked. He knew she was not full because she barely touched her meal. He was worried about her.

No, I'm not. Leave me alone!" Oh, see? She was talking back obstinately again! Although she refused to admit she got angry, her curved lips sold out her thought.

"Okay, okay. I was just joking. Let's go! Let's have dinner together." Kevin reached out to pull her up. When he touched Leena's slim body, he felt that she was thinner than before. What happened to her when he was gone? She should not be that skinny. Kevin wondered about it, trying not to lose his train of thought. Probably she did not eat well.

"I hate you! How could you make fun of me?" "Oh, come on, silly! Couldn't you see that I was joking? Hey, I'm sorry it went that far. It's my fault. Just come back to the table with me, okay?" explained Kevin gently.

Finally, Leena broke through her tears. All her gloominess disappeared all of a sudden. She was lit up immediately on Kevin's explanation. Holding her little hands, Kevin finally made it all better. He continued holding one hand and gently walked with her to the dining table to continue the dinner. After they sat down, Kevin shook his head helplessly. Now he figured that he could not make fun of her later because she would take it really seriously.

"Hum! I'm still mad because of you." Leena touched her nose awkwardly. She would never admit that she was too foolish to figure out that he was actually joking with her.

Kevin's caring words and actions made Leena feel bashful. She lowered her head and continued her meal. She had been born and raised in a rich and prominent family and lived a princess life, so she had an extremely proper and elegant way of having meals. Every move and action showed perfectly that she was a real princess. Unlike ordinary women, she acted punctiliously when she enjoyed the dinner. It was in stark contrast to her vivid personality.