Chapter 809: You Have No Choice But to Wait for Me (part two)

"Daddy, who is more handsome between us?" Justin got no choice but to turn his attention to his father since his mother instantly disappeared. He just realized that he had asked the wrong question. He should not have said "handsome", rather, he should have said "charming". After all, being described as handsome wasn't enough to justify his dad's look.

"What do you think, little fellow?" Edward smiled. There was really no need for a debate. So what if Justin was more handsome than he was? He ended up looking like that because he inherited his genes. His smile was quickly replaced by a frown as soon as he was back to turning the pages of his unhandled documents. He had intended to go to the Leng's house early in the morning. He never expected some important documents from foreign companies to come in the same morning though. Thus he had to finish his business before going out.

All right! I failed. We aren't on the same level." Little Justin was downcast and lowered the head. He ran out of the study room and went straight to find his Grandpa as he could find a sense of superiority from him. After all, he was more like his grandpa. No one was as charming as Edward Mu.

Edward smiled. Good! It seemed that the boy knew himself well. It was not that he wanted to boast himself. It just happened that overcoming him on this aspect would be difficult for many. He had full confidence about it. Otherwise, he wouldn't be labeled as the 'rare type of handsome' by others. Leena also got up much earlier in the morning due to Duke's wedding. However, Kevin was not on the bed anymore when she opened her eyes. She didn't care much about it as she had never seen him in the bed before. She just couldn't be too used to it anymore.

In order not to steal the show from the bride, she gave her favorite white clothes up and opted to wear a pale pinkish print skirt. The skirt made her look nifty but solemn. Her fashion was both clever and lively. People might think she was an elf at first glance.

There was no need for her to dress up more since she already had white skin. She applied a little makeup to match the occasion and made herself look a little more mature.

Fortunately, she had prepared Kevin's suit in advance. She seemed to have done the right thing. But where was he? Did he get out to exercise? But that was not the right time! It was not his exercising time.

A little confused, she decided to go downstairs. Kevin was still nowhere to be seen but she found the breakfast he prepared for her on the table. The meal was already cold, it might be because he got up very early in the morning! Not wanting to spoil his kindness made her sit down and start eating. It was then that she thought of giving him a call and asking him where he was.

Hello! Leena, have you got up? I'll be back right now." Kevin held his phone with one hand as his other held a huge pile of documents. He went out of his office hurriedly.

"Well! Where are you?" Leena asked upon hearing that he gasped a little as he walked. She frowned. Could it be that he got some important things to do?

You were still sleeping soundly earlier so I went back to the army base to get some documents," Kevin answered. He lied. Honestly, he didn't go back to the base just to pick some documents alone. There was this really good training plan that he learned when he was still abroad. He could give that plan to Hawkeye on Monday but it was just so perfect that he couldn't wait. It was Hawkeye's special identity that made him lie to Leena.

"I know. I'll wait for you." Leena was not the type who would explore on a subject to make it clearer. Therefore, she believed what he said. She was certain that she would not get the answer she wanted anyway, no matter how much she asked if he really wanted to cheat.

"You have no choice but to wait for me. Ha! I used your car to drive here." His car was not in the apartment as it was Lee who sent him to the airport when he went abroad. Having Lee pick him up would be a waste of time. Therefore, he had to drive Leena's car. The only thing was that he had been used to his olive car, thus, driving his wife's red car felt weird.

"You don't have to be in hurry if it's just about the car. Finish your work and I'll drive another car." Leena was not worried about the car. Duke ordered another Pikes Peak for her a few days ago. She just thought that the color was not what she liked so she didn't drive it and just had it parked.

"Another car? What do you mean? My car? I had my car serviced before I went abroad and I haven't driven it back." Kevin was very confused and stopped his steps. He seldom drove his car. He was certain that she hadn't seen it. He lived in the army base before they got married. There was no chance for him to drive his own car as he always drove military cars. He had his own car parked in his private garage and he just sent it to do maintenance some time ago. Never did he mention his car to her. How could she know he had a car? He was quite confused about it.

"No, my brother just ordered me a new car the other day as a wedding present." She wasn't the luxury car type of person. Thus, she seldom changed her car. It was just Mr. Leng who said that it was a wedding gift for her so she had to accept it. She knew it was just his excuse. She didn't want to clarify herself to Mr. Leng. Plus, he would be sad if she had refused so she really didn't have much choice but to accept it happily.

"Oh! So you got another car. You'd better wait for me to be home though. I will arrive within an hour," said Kevin. He chose not to intervene with the matter as that was how Mr. Leng expressed his affection to his sister. He accelerated his steps and quickly got into that red Ferrari. He didn't know what the officers would think once they saw this car in the parking lot. He might be accused of bribery just like what happened with Daisy. After all, this car was so pricey that no officer could afford it.

"Well! Don't worry, slow down. Be careful on the road." Although Leena knew that he was a mature and steady person, she still couldn't help but remind him such.

"OK, then see you later." Inevitably, the red car attracted many soldiers' attention. Admiration was all over their faces. It was rare to see such a luxury car in the army base.

Both sides of the road were full of leaves as it was autumn. Those leaves flew in the air as his car passed by, then gently fell to the ground. They were showing their last bloom.

Leena did not put the phone down until she heard the end-call beeped. A soft smile appeared on her face. She really did not want Kevin to do too much for her. It was enough for her that they could get along with each other.

People should not be greedy. That was the reason why she was extremely easy to satisfy. A warm word, a touch, a smile and a gentle look would be enough to make her happy.

But when it came to who should be the happiest person that day, there was no question that it should be today's bride, Belinda. She couldn't help but be happy even after her mother woke her up early in the morning. Her joy even remained long after the dresser had dressed her. That was the day when all the people would know that Duke Leng belonged to her. He was hers! So all other women who would approach him should go through her first.

She never believed that flash marriage could develop to true love. But she discovered that love could grow slowly after she met Duke. Anyway, people who lived together for a long time tended to lightly affect each other. Being similar to one another was something inevitable too. And finally, they fell in love. So she hoped that their affection would be just like how water flowed in rivers, gentle and everlasting.