Chapter 853: I Miss You (part two)

"Mignonne, I made some meat porridge for you. Have some. I learned how to cook it from the internet." Gerard worried that Leena might get sick, so he came to see her early in the morning. He was right -- Leena really got sick after being soaked in the water yesterday. That was unfortunate.

Thanks, Gerard. But I don't have any appetite now." When Leena woke up, she saw the private doctor Duke had sent there. Obviously Kevin had called Duke. She had thought to call them and tell them she was okay after she felt better. But she fell asleep again. She even didn't know when the doctor left. She didn't wake up until she heard the doorbell ring. When she looked through the peephole, she was surprised to see it was Gerard. As she was sick now and might need some help, she opened the door.

Mignonne, you'd better eat something. This should help you recover more quickly," Gerard said as he tried to lift Leena off the bed. But as soon as he reached out his hand, he was stopped by a sudden shout.

Stop! What are you doing?" Duke appeared, suitcase in hand, looking weary after the long journey. He stared hard at Gerard as if he were a bad guy.

Duke, you're here!" When Leena saw Duke, she was overjoyed. She didn't expect that she would see him so soon.

How could I not be here? You're as sick as a dog!" Duke put down his suitcase and rushed towards Gerard, tackling him and pushing him away from the bed. Gerard fell in a heap. Duke then placed his palm on Leena's forehead. He felt relieved when he found that her fever was gone.

I'm fine. I feel better after taking the injection and medicine." Leena grabbed his hand excitedly. It seemed that even though she was married, she was still as important in his heart as she was before.

You have some nerve saying that. Why didn't you call the doctor in the first place?" Duke pinched her pale face with affection. Seeing that she was fine, he finally felt relieved. He had been worried all the way here.

Mignonne, this is..." Gerard wasn't sure how to proceed. His face was also pale. Different from Leena's pale face, he was frightened by Duke's sudden appearance. He was wondering whether this man was Leena's husband. He got up carefully, making sure nothing was broken.

"Oh! He is my --" Duke cut her off.

"Hi! I'm Duke Leng, nice to meet you. Thanks for taking care of her for me." Before Leena could finish, Duke interrupted and introduced himself to Gerard in French. He didn't like Kevin, but he detested foreign men more. He was certain that this foreign man didn't know Leena's full name. So he wouldn't know Duke's real relationship with Leena.

"Hi, I'm Gerard. Mignonne is my friend. I feel obliged to look after her." Gerard was a little unhappy. But he knew he paled in comparison with the inborn noble manner of Duke. Even he didn't want to accept the fact, he had to admit that Duke was better than him.

"That's very kind of you. But I'll be frank. Since I'm here, I can take care of her myself. You can go home now." Duke smiled playfully. He was no fool. He could see the way Gerard looked at Leena, with that affectionate gaze and puppy dog eyes. What he wanted to do was to make sure no one interfered with Kevin and Leena's happiness. It was true that he didn't like Kevin, but that didn't mean he would accept this foreign guy as his sister's husband.

Gerard is my friend, Duke. He came here with good intentions." Shocked, Leena stared at Duke. She knew he would act like this. Every time any man got close to her, he would try to intimidate them and run them off. Fortunately, she got married to Kevin before he knew anything, otherwise Duke wouldn't let them tie the knot.

"Leena, bad people will never write 'bad' on their foreheads. You know he has impure thoughts, right? I knew that at the first sight of him," Duke unabashedly criticized Gerard to his face, knowing that he couldn't understand the language they spoke.

Mignonne, is he your husband? That's the reason you turned me down? But in my eyes, he's just so so. So I'll challenge him for the right to hold your hand. No matter what, I will never give up on you." Gerard stared at Duke aggressively. He felt Duke was rude and arrogant, and he needed to take this guy down a few notches.

"Oh! Challenge me? It's a pity that I don't like to play such stupid games. Because no matter how hard you try, you'll never make Mignonne change her mind. She'll always stay with me, not you." Duke looked into Gerard's eyes and glared at him. 'Kevin, don't forget you owe me again this time. I'm helping you protect your beautiful wife from being snatched up by another man,' Duke thought.

How can you be so sure that she won't choose me? We haven't put that to the test yet. Or you are already scared?" Gerard knew he was not as mature and experienced as Duke, but he was younger than Duke. So he believed he had the potential to win Mignonne back.

"Scared? Huh! I don't know the meaning of the word. She'll never be yours. Give up now!" Duke sneered, flashing a cunning smile in his eyes. This man was too young and too naive. He rushed to challenge him without figuring out how difficult it would be to win. Against Duke, it was never easy. Duke never lost.

Mr. Leng, It's not up to you. Let Mignonne decide." Gerard clenched his fists. He felt no matter what he said, Duke seemed not to care, making Gerard the one who was causing all the drama.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. My words are exactly what she wants to say." Duke flashed a smug smile. His childish expression was nothing like the usual cold and ruthless Mr. Cold.

"Okay, you two can stop fighting now. Gerard. You'd better go home. Thanks for visiting me." Leena's head became heavy with dizziness again with all the commotion.

"Mignonne, I..." Gerard glanced at Duke. He didn't want to leave like this. His rival was right in front of him. He didn't want to lose.

"Get out! I need to get some rest," Leena said firmly. She didn't want to see these two men continue to argue around her.

"Okay, Mignonne, I'll come to see you tomorrow. Goodbye!" He wouldn't listen to Duke, but since Leena asked him to leave, no matter how reluctant he was, he had no choice but to leave first.

"Duke, why did you mislead him and make him think that we are a couple?" Leena pouted. She was quite moved to see Duke suddenly appear when she was sick.

"If I hadn't, he'd keep pestering you. Leena, you should know that I was helping you to stay out of trouble. Unless you're really interested in him." Duke adjusted the blankets, pulling up the quilt to cover her. He didn't think that Leena would fall in love with someone else so soon.

"You're a jerk! How could I possibly be interested in him? Don't forget that I'm married. Even if I am still single, I wouldn't even think about Gerard. He's not my type now." Leena pursed her lips. She had thought that Gerard had already given up on her. But judging from what he said just now, it seemed that he didn't really give up completely.

"It's good that you remember that you're already married, Leena. It's true that I don't like Kevin, but I don't want my sister to be a woman who dates two men at the same time." No man would let his wife be intimate with another man. And he knew Kevin was no exception.

"Duke, I know how to handle it. I won't cross the line. Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. Probably better than anyone else." About Gerard, she admitted that she had loved him once, but that was before she met Kevin. So now, he was just a friend, and she had no special feelings for him.

Okay, it's a good thing that you get it. I'll call Belinda to tell her everything is fine here." Duke didn't forget his promise to Belinda before he set out. So he took out his cellphone and dialed her number.

It was 3 in the afternoon there. So when Belinda received Duke's call, she was about to have a meeting. When she saw Duke's name on the screen, she smiled and connected the call.

"Hello! It's me, are you in Paris now? Is Leena okay?" Belinda was worried the whole day, but Duke hadn't called, so she had to be patient.

"Yeah. Her fever's gone, but she's still pretty weak. Probably needs a few days' rest. Don't worry, " Duke said in a gentle voice, very different from his usual cold tones.