Chapter 955: Did Her Boyfriend Hook Up With You (part three)

"Just say what you want to say. Don't play charades with me." Edward grew impatient as his eyes locked on the approaching Humvee.

"Don't you know everything about S city? How do you know nothing about what I say! If you really don't understand, I suggest you ask your wicked mother." Coco bit her lip hard. She knew that it was Cynthia whom Jessica met today. How on earth did Cynthia turn out unscratched and Jessica end up badly hurt?

"Senior Colonel, it's Mr. Mu." Mark slowly stepped on the brake and turned to Daisy.

What? Why did he park his car in the middle of the road?" Daisy raised her head from the files she was reading. The National Day that just passed had kept her busy for days.

"Oh! He is standing with a woman. Do you want to go out and see what's happening?" Curiosity was all over Mark's face as he wondered how Daisy would react.

"He is even blocking the way. How can I not go down to see what is happening?" Daisy gently frowned. and then opened the car door. She was instantly standing straight before the woman and Edward in her olive uniform.

"What's the matter? Why are you parking your car here?" Daisy threw a gaze at Coco but refused to greet her. The woman's arrogant reputation wasn't something she would consider worthy of any politeness.

"Honey, why do you come back so early today?" Edward treated Coco like she was not there. He didn't even care to answer her pending doubts and just casually turned to greet his wife instead.

Are you saying that you don't want me to see you dating another woman here?" Daisy's gaze went to Edward. She wasn't sure when did this man get so familiar with Coco. For Pete's sake, how could they even set the meeting just right before their house!

"Daisy Ouyang, I don't care what you're telling your husband. But don't put me together with him. That is just outright disgusting!" Coco sneered scornfully. She might not like Daisy Ouyang. But she had to admit that the woman looked very dignified and heroic in her military uniform.

"It's just proper for you to feel sick. That actually means that you're normal. It's hard for me to figure out though why you choose to feel nauseated and vomiting just to talk with this disgusting man." The military woman shrugged her shoulders in indifference. She was solid and didn't even give a damn about the murderous gaze Edward threw her.

"Do you think that I would want to see that disgusting face if I have a choice?" Coco secretly admired how calm Daisy was. However, that didn't lessen her hate towards Daisy.

Edward, say it! Did you just make her fall in love with you? Or did her boyfriend hook up with you and now she's jealous?" Hearing someone cursed Edward didn't even make Daisy angry. She even had the gut to tease Edward whose expression was beyond shocked after hearing what his wife just said. He looked like he was just a thread away from throttling Daisy.

"Daisy Ouyang, if you want to annoy me, I have to say 'Congratulations, you did a good job'." Edward's teeth were gritted as he looked at his smiling wife. What the hell did she just say? He was already reluctant to accept the accusation that someone had fallen in love with him. How much more was Daisy's claim that he hooked up with Coco's boyfriend! Oh, God. She just clearly called him a gay!

"Are you angry now? The lady hasn't spoken anything yet. What are you worrying about? Is it already your turn to speak?" Daisy turned to look at Edward and gave him a murderous glance. He was really good at making troubles. The woman even came to find him in front of their house. Thus, she did not have the time to ask him to explain it. Didn't he have a clue that she was helping him out and his reactions were just making it even messier?

"I..." Edward looked at Daisy with confusion. What was wrong with this little woman? Was Daisy having a fever? Otherwise, how could she blame him in front of others when she had always known that he was very keen on his dignity?

"I...what? Don't say what you shouldn't say. Coco is already disgusted just by seeing you. How could you be cruel enough to even say something? Do you want to make her faint?" Daisy slightly raised the corner of her lower lip. She looked at Coco from the corner of her eyes. A satisfied smile cracked her lips upon seeing how the woman's face turned pale.

"Are you two playing a double act with me? Or are you just playing me?" Coco angrily clenched her fist. It was already difficult for her to deal with Edward. Daisy's coming made things worse. She literally ran out of things to say.

"How could that be? You're too serious for us to play with. I am a woman, and I have no interest in lesbian things. And as for my husband, well, I am just standing here. Do you think I will watch my husband cheating on me?" Daisy had learned a lot about contradicting others from the months she lived with Edward. How else could she even develop such sharp tongue in the first place?

"Do you really want to be mean to me as an officer, Daisy? I am not here to make troubles for you. What are you talking about?" Coco pressed her lips and did not realize that she was negating her own remarks. She used to talk as equally mean as Daisy. But now, she could even shamelessly criticize Daisy.

"I didn't mean anything. I just made my sexual orientation clear to you." Daisy coldly glanced at Coco and thought, 'Do you feel uncomfortable this time? How'd you feel when you taunted me like this before?'