Chapter 962: Good Job (part three)

"Haha, It's only the worst-case scenario. I know it can't really happen. Honey." Daisy continued to smile mischievously. She thought that her actions might look very dumb now. What else could she do? She was at a disadvantage. No matter how reluctant she was, she had to play the fool. She could feel herself turning very pathetic. She was an honorable Senior Colonel and it never came to her that she would act so cute and humble to play up to him.

"Daisy, are you sure you were not born in the year of dog?" Edward mocked. For the first time, he found that Daisy was also fickle. It seemed that no matter how aloof she was, she couldn't get rid of women's mercurial nature.

Oh? Why do you ask?" Daisy looked at him, confused. She slowly stood up upon realizing that he had already released her foot. She was very careful with her movement as she wouldn't want her wounds to bleed with just a wrong move.

"Dogs are mercurial by nature." Edward also stood up too. His bruise still stung even after Daisy put medicine on it. He wasn't able to control his eyebrows from furrowing out of pain.

"Huh! Where did you get that theory?" Daisy looked at his legs with concern upon noticing the slight wince he made. It seemed that she should not be too violent in the future, as it wouldn't make anyone happy if she really made him disabled.

"What are you doing?" It was then that a cold commanding voice suddenly boomed inside the room and frightened the sweet couple.

"Dad, you came home! Mom told us that you would come home very late." Daisy replied quickly as soon as she realized that that voice came from Jonathan. She was nervous at the same time as she wondered how Jonathan would perceive her if he noticed the bruise on Edward's leg.

Edward didn't show any response to Jonathan's appearance. It was given that their relationship was softened than before, it did not necessarily mean that they were closer to each other though. Edward still looked very indifferent.

"Yes! The affairs were finished in advance, so I came back early. Say, what happened to his leg?" Jonathan was not an ordinary man. He could hit the nail on the head right at the moment he entered the house. As the leader of the Mayfly, he had a sharp observation.

"Nothing, I just carelessly bumped into a table. Since you are back, let's eat dinner together." Edward immediately blurted out a lie upon hearing his father ask about his leg. He didn't want Daisy to stupidly acknowledge that she kicked him. Who knew whether this eccentric man would really mind if he got the truth?

"Dad, It's me. I kicked on his leg and I'm very sorry." Daisy was an honest person. She would never escape from her responsibility if it was her fault. That was the reason why she frankly admitted that the bruise on Edward's leg was caused by her.

"Oh! Good job!" Jonathan glanced at Edward's leg again and then decisively walked towards the washroom. It was difficult to know how he felt today. No one had any idea about his mindset. The one and only person in that house that had the ability to decipher Jonathan's mind was his wife, Cynthia.

"He... What did he mean?" Edward was dumbfounded as he watched his Dad walk away. He even doubted it if he was actually his mother and father's biological son. It was fine that his mother didn't even care about his leg but what was more depressing was how his father added insult to his injury. The world was so unjustified!

"If you really want to know the literal meaning, I don't mind if you ask him." Daisy said blissfully. She was ready to be blamed right after Jonathan asked about the bruise. For her, Jonathan had always been very cold and harsh. Thus his comment earlier almost made her jaw drop in surprise.

"Do you think I will be so stupid to invite trouble for myself? Honey, are you so happy to see your husband being despised?" Edward pretended to get angry and stared at her. He was secretly relieved. He knew that all the people in his family loved Daisy, just like he did, although they didn't express it.

"No, you took it wrong. Are you okay now? Can you walk by yourself?" Daisy said while trying to support him. He seemed to be in great pain.

"No, thanks. You didn't utter a word of pain about your wound. As a man, I will be more ashamed if I can't even bear mine. Talking about this, I wonder how could you walk like normal with such serious wound on our leg?" This was the question that had been lingering on his mind since he got to know Daisy's wound. He wouldn't even know about it if she didn't voluntarily tell him. There was nothing strange about how she moved and walked at all.

"I told you it was only a minor wound." Daisy would never tell him that she was actually enduring the pain and she was trying her best to cover it. She feared that Edward would get even madder if he knew the truth. She didn't expect that she would be so careless to let her secret out at Edward's provocation. Otherwise, she would have hidden it all the time. If so, the wound would soon recover and Edward would never know about it.

"Honey, don't lie to me. You know I have plenty of ways to get the truth if I want to know." Edward was still very worried about Daisy's wound. They kept talking and arguing but the topics were just wandering around and kept coming back to the starting point. Nevertheless, their dialogues were full of endless affection towards each other and also with fun.

You could trust me or not, I don't care. I'm hungry. I don't have any energy to talk about such nonsense. I'll go eat dinner." Daisy said as she trotted towards the dining room. Edward was flustered as he tried to catch up to her. Was he taking her wound too seriously? How could she walk so quickly like there were no injuries on her leg at all?