973: Thank You For Saving Me (part three)

"So what? Their cooperation has nothing to do with me. I don't care who he is, he should be brought to justice since he has committed a crime. Or is it Edward whom you fear, you think that he would get angry over this?" Daisy fumed. Of course, she knew that Edward's company had recently become Kompass Group's shareholder, but it was not a bilateral or even a friendly cooperation. It all started when Shaun crossed the line and vexed Edward. In doing so, Shaun woke up the sleeping lion and got kicked in the teeth.

No, no. That is not what I meant! I was just wondering whether you two are acquainted." Mr. Yi explained hastily, with a flattering smile on his face. He immediately straightened his expression and wheeled around to glare at Shaun.

"So you are Mr. Yi? You see, here is an honest and law-abiding man standing in front of you. I'm actually a friend of the Senior Colonel! What happened just now is merely a misunderstanding," Shaun said, raising his hands. He was still in shock, hearing that Daisy was indeed a Senior Colonel. It was not until he saw Mr. Yi and the constables arrive that he realized that the call Daisy made was not a fake one intended only to scare him away.

"Sorry, but since the Senior Colonel called the police, we have to do our duty. Please understand and cooperate. You can still try and defend yourself at the station. But I need to warn you that you'd better not think of getting away with this. It is Edward Mu's wife whom you have offended, and there will be a price to pay. So I suggest that you put away all your unrealistic ideas and come with us," Mr. Yi warned Shaun sharply. It was unclear whether or not he said this only to intimidate Shaun. Possibly, he truly attached great seriousness to this matter. But one thing was clear, Shaun was more angry than frightened as he heard his words. He was alarmed to know that Daisy was Edward's woman. 'That hateful and infuriating Edward!' He loathed him even more now. 'How come he possesses all the best things in the world, including this beauty in front of him?' he wondered.

"What did you just say, Mr. Yi? You mean she is the wife of that bastard? Edward Mu, from FX International Group?" Shaun flared up at Edward's name, not paying attention to his speech. His true nature as an arrogant, rich man was obvious for anyone to see.

"How dare you insult Mr. Mu, you rascal! Now hurry up, unless you want to be tied up and forced out of here!" Mr. Yi snapped, staring at Shaun grimly. He was always polite to the wealthy and powerful people in the city, but he dared not act that way when Daisy was around.

Although Mr. Yi appeared to take her side, Daisy took his words to mean something else. From how he put it, it seemed to her that Edward could do whatever he liked. He was pleased to punish his enemies, and would pay no attention to the law in the process. Daisy feared that Mr. Yi knew the secrets of the Mu family. He wouldn't have spoken like that otherwise. Whatever it was, she would not let down her guard when dealing with this man in the future.

Senior Colonel, now if you will excuse us, we'd like to take him to the police station," Mr. Yi uttered resolutely, with utmost respect. He noticed Daisy thinking intently when he mentioned Edward, and realized that he should have put his foot in his mouth. Embarrassed, he could think of nothing else to say. What was more, it would be rash to give a response before he figured out the specific reason for her displeasure. Therefore, he decided to take Shaun away at once, in case he further disgruntled her.

Sure. Thank you very much, Mr. Yi. Sorry to have troubled you with such a trifle. It is so kind of you to have come here personally. You could simply have sent some of your men to get it settled, you know," Daisy responded with a faint smile as she looked at Mr. Yi mildly. She seemed to have softened, although Mr. Yi could still see the chill in her eyes.

"It is my pleasure. I'll leave then. Call me if anything else turns up," Mr. Yi said, bowing. Judging from his past experiences, Mr. Yi felt that Daisy was quite an easy-going person. That was why he didn't always watch his mouth when he cottoned up to her. But her frigidness today served as a warning to him. He shuddered at the possibility that he might have left a bad impression on her.

"Goodbye." Daisy nodded. She frowned at Mr. Yi's back. To be honest, she wasn't blaming him for what he said about Edward. Being a prudent person, she was only worrying that he talked with the tongue in the cheek. Worse still, it could mean that he knew Jonathan was the leader of Mayfly.

Well... thank you for coming and saving me today," Coco said after they left. Shaun had finally been taken away. Though he was still foul-mouthed and was swearing all the way, it was a great relief for her to get rid of him.

"You are welcome," Daisy replied. "Actually, I'm here to clear the air about Jessica's accident. I promised that I would give you an answer, and I must tell you that my mother-in-law was never involved in this, from the very beginning." She took out a pile of documents from her briefcase. It was evidence that she had collected in the last few days, including relevant materials and printed screenshots from video clips. It was a great deal of work, but Daisy had to keep her word, since she promised Coco an explanation. "Actually, the police have told us everything, and I know now that it wasn't Cynthia's fault. I am so sorry for my impudence that day," Coco apologized. To show that she meant it, Coco took the documents from Daisy, although she did not need them anymore. It was true that she could be haughty sometimes, but she knew it was necessary to show her gratitude in this case.

Glad to know that. Anyway, I hope that Jessica will recover soon. Now that we have cleared the misunderstanding, I think it's time that I get out of your way. Just take good care of her. As for Shaun, I will try my best to make sure that he won't bother you again in future." Daisy handled the situation gracefully. Others might not think of responding to hatred with kindness. Her reaction was enough to make her enemies feel ashamed and put them out of countenance.

"So... you don't hate Jessica? Not even a little bit?" Coco asked in confusion. She was very surprised at Daisy's generosity. Under the circumstances, Daisy could readily seize the opportunity to add insult to the injury. But she hadn't. To top it all off, she was willing to help them. It was completely beyond Coco's expectations.

"You won't believe me if I say no. And I will despise myself if I lie. I won't pretend that I have forgiven her already. But I won't lose myself to the grudge, either. It won't help anything, will it? After all, Jessica is getting penalized now. That is enough for me." Daisy smiled helplessly. According to Coco, her good heart added to her charm, for she looked as beautiful as an angel with the small smile on her face.