Chapter 1023: A Trip For The Four (part two)

"No way. We will be quiet and won't make any noise. Just let us stay with you, okay?" Claire begged, sulking in a low voice. There was no way Claire and Louisa were going to keep a distance from them. They would follow them all the way, trying to find any chance to separate them. Only then would Louisa be able to find some alone time with Kevin.

"Claire, even though our entire family spoils you, don't go too far and think you can try to challenge me. You will not want to know the consequences of angering me. If you continue to behave like this, I'll leave you here alone and won't come to bring you back," Kevin warned her. He meant the threat whole-heartedly. Even though she was his sister, he would never allow her to challenge his authority like that. Besides, he did not want other people to disturb Leena and him any longer.

"Forget it, Claire! If Kevin doesn't want us to follow them, we can just go somewhere else! This place is a bit remote, but we probably won't run into a shady guy here," Louisa persuaded her. She seemed to make a compromise, yet her words accused Kevin of being heartless enough to leave two weak girls alone.

"No, Louisa, we can't be left here. You are so beautiful. What if we come across some guy who wants to flirt with you?" Claire's voice pitch was raised, as she pretended to be nervous for Louisa's so-called beauty.

"Oh, yes. She's right. Miss Ye is so beautiful. I'm afraid she must be protected by someone. Kevin, you can stay with them. An ugly woman like me doesn't deserve your protection. I think it would be better for me if I walked around alone." Leena was fed up with their behavior. She cast a contemptuous look at them and stalked away. It was a waste of her time and energy to be with them. She couldn't stand it anymore. Looking at their childish antics, Leena felt like her IQ lowered.

"Leena, no. Wait!" Kevin frowned as he walked up to Leena swiftly. He did not have time to think about Louisa and Claire. He knew with absolute certainty that it was safe here for them. There would not be any bad guys appearing out of the blue. What was more, many tourists visited the place. Even if they came across someone dubious, they could always shout for help.

"Claire, does Kevin hate me so much? Why is he so distant and indifferent whenever I approach him?" Louisa was annoyed. She felt down in the dumps upon seeing Kevin's reaction. There was nothing she could do but look at the two disappearing figures, feeling betrayed. She did not know why he was like this.

"No, Louisa. Not at all. You are so beautiful. There's no way Kevin hates you. In my opinion, this is all because of Leena. She distracts Kevin deliberately so Kevin doesn't see you," Claire explained to Louisa, pouting. She cast a dark look in the direction Leena went. She seemed to hate her so much that fixing their relationship could never be on the cards.

"Huh. I hope so. What about us? What should we do? Are we really going to walk around by ourselves?" Louisa was not reassured. She saw how Kevin responded to them just now and did not dare to catch up with them to challenge his anger further.

"Hmm. Do you really think we have to do exactly as he says? This place doesn't have his name on it. Everybody is free to choose where they want to go. Of course we can walk along the same road," Claire said in anger. She decided to turn a deaf ear to Kevin's warnings. She was his sister after all. She knew how to make him compromise.

"But you heard what he said just now. What if he really leaves us here and goes home alone with her? I'm worried." Louisa fretted despite Claire's words. From her experience in talking to Kevin, she knew he was a harsh man. Also, she was not Claire - who had the same blood running in her veins as him.

"Don't worry. We have money! We can call a cab should he leave us here," Claire said disdainfully. She did not consider what he said to be a big problem. It was not even qualified to be called a threat.

"Okay, you are right. We can follow them at a distance and then pretend to meet them by accident." Louisa thought the plan was quite practical. She was satisfied with her brilliant mind and a confident smile spread across her face.

"Yes, yes! They can walk that road, so can we. Let's go, Louisa," Claire said, taking Louisa's hand. They ran in the direction in which Kevin and Leena disappeared.

"Why are you following me here? What if your two beautiful sisters come across some bad guy?" Leena complained. She did not mean to be jealous. But right now, she indeed was. She also felt a bit frustrated at her childish behavior. She knew that Kevin liked mature and rational women. That was the reason why she always forced herself to speak and act in a grown-up fashion. She wanted to be a woman like Daisy, whom Kevin loved so much.

"You are more likely to meet a bad guy than they are." Kevin reached out to take her hand. Leena was not very tall but she walked so quickly that he had spent quite a while catching up with her.

No, you are wrong. An ugly woman like me would never be in such a dangerous situation," Leena retorted. She was extremely unhappy about the word 'ugly'. Ever since she came to Capital City, Claire had been undermining her confidence. How could she just stand there and feign indifference while she spouted nonsense? Leena had emotions and feelings too, and was not a puppet without a soul who could be looked down upon by anyone. She had pride, too.

"Darling, are you saying that you'd prefer to be flirted with? Well, if that's the case, I volunteer for it. I can do that." Kevin shook his head, comforting her. He used to think she never got angry. Now he knew otherwise. She was just waiting for the opportunity to explode. She also fought back hard when she could not take it anymore. And whosoever she was mad at would be in trouble.