Chapter 1066: Are You Hungry (part two)

Why are you apologizing to me like that? I know you didn't mean to cause me trouble on purpose. To be honest with you, I should be the one saying sorry here. You are sick because of me. It was my fault that you got in trouble. You were punished for my sake and ended up with a nasty fever. I owe you a lot. You should not be sorry to me at all." Leena lowered her head. She was deeply upset, and could not blame herself any harder for causing Kevin the unnecessary hassle. So she decided to face him, her expression determined. The way she spilled her heart out was very mature of her. Her eyes reflected sadness and helplessness that indicated she had already seen a lot of hardship in her short life.

"Honey, please don't say that. This was clearly an issue between me and my father. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. Just come over and join me in the bed. It is much warmer here. You should have taken your nap here, right here beside me. Your hands are so cold. Are you shivering?" Fervently, Kevin caught her hands and put them around his lips. He blew hot air to them, trying his best to warm her up. His intimate behavior caused her to blush instantly.

"One moment." Leena smiled, pulling her hands back. She looked up at him and said,"Dr. Pei told me to give you your medicine as soon as you wake up. I need to get it for you. I will be right back." Leena walked over to the other side of the room and took out the medicine. One by one, she carefully counted the pills out according to the doctor's prescription. 'There should be no mistake in the dose, ' Leena thought. She double checked the pills before handing them to Kevin along with a glass of water.

"Who are you talking about? Dr. Pei?" Kevin's eyebrows furrowed slightly. He was not quite sure who this Dr. Pei was and what he apparently prescribed him. However, upon seeing the concerned look on her face, Kevin obediently opened his mouth and swallowed all the pills she gave him.

"Don't worry. Dr. Pei is the kind doctor who ran the checks on you earlier. He is very professional. Here, take the water. Drink it up!" His lips casually brushed over her hand, immediately causing her to retract back as she felt the sensation. Leena looked away, her face bright red. It didn't matter how intimate they had been with each other previously, she still found it quite hard to face him without feeling butterflies in her stomach.

Kevin, on the other hand, was more natural and relaxed. He didn't notice her embarrassment. Instead, he swallowed the water and washed down the pills he had taken. He trusted her completely and didn't doubt her words at all.

"All right. I have taken the medicine as per your requirement. Now you should come to bed with me." Kevin took the glass from her hand and put it away on the night stand beside the bed. He grinned at her feebly and invited her to bed in all eagerness. He was worried for her own well-being first, that was why he gulped down the pills as fast as he could.

"Are you hungry? How about some noodle soup? I can make you something nice to eat in a jiffy." Leena turned to see the time on the wall clock. It was well past six in the morning. Usually, soldiers started their morning drills early. However, today it seemed to be quiet. She didn't hear any drill sounds. 'I must have been fast asleep so I missed the drill,' Leena thought.

"Hungry for what? Darling, you shouldn't ask me such sensitive questions. You might not be able to afford the consequences. I might just get what I wish for." Kevin smiled dangerously, looking most handsome in the moment. Although he looked quite pale due to his sickness, his eyes sparkled with desire. He had his own unique sense of humor, which was undoubtedly his sexiest quality.

"What consequences are you talking about?" Leena turned back to face him, looking innocently into his dark eyes. She was confused. 'What does he mean by asking me what he is hungry for?' She didn't get him. An innocent girl like Leena was not able to read between the lines. Her clueless expression and her wide, black eyes made him want to immediately pull her into his strong arms. Kevin smiled evilly. For a second, he felt like he was positively wicked. He shouldn't joke around with her on this subject. It was not the right timing yet.

"Never mind. Change the topic. I shouldn't talk to you like that." Grinning widely, Kevin slowly shook his head. What a naive girl his little wife was. He felt like he was at the end of his wits. How could he possibly make her fall for him? Without speaking, he just gazed at her fondly, wondering how to address her decently.

His intense look made her blush deeper shades of red. As she looked into his eyes, Leena felt like her world was spinning much too quickly. It slowly dawned on her what he meant. When she finally realized his intentions, she covered up her blush with her hands and yelped. The embarrassment was overwhelming. She bit her lip. It never occurred to her that a serious man like Kevin could actually imply something that was so bold and shameless.

"How dare you." She scolded him, softly uttering her embarrassment from between her teeth. Now that she knew his intent, there was no way she would voluntarily come to bed with him.

"Well, do you want me to get you here myself?" Kevin looked determined as he lowered his voice. His eyes were so solemn that for a moment, she blanked out. He meant business. He really wanted her by his side so he could warm her up.

"Fine! I will sleep next to you." Leena pouted and climbed onto the bed. She didn't lie right next to him. Instead, she carefully chose a spot opposite him on the edge, which she believed to be safe enough. Leena pulled over the quilt to cover herself up.

"Come over here. Don't test my patience." Kevin frowned when he saw her weird behavior. It made him realize that she didn't want to be close to him. He just had a small cold, that was it. Why was she avoiding him like he had some kind of plague? 'Is she deliberately keeping distance from me to annoy me?' Kevin thought unpleasantly.