Chapter 1080: Suspicions (part one)

"That's true. I don't know why you girls are obsessed with getting thinner. I'm sure that you'll look ugly if you are as thin as a lath," Kevin replied as he cut the steak. He didn't know what other men thought but he had never liked skinny women.

Look at your wife. She is also skinny," Claire answered back as she glanced sideways at Leena. The latter looked plump and awkward in her loose clothing during their stay in the capital city. It was only until now that Claire realized Leena's waist was much more slender than hers. This quite depressed her.

Yeah, you're right. You're too thin, Leena. I have to feed you up a bit." The man glanced at Leena while he spoke. Despite his words, he thought his wife was curvy and perky. The dress exaggerated her wasp waist and enlarged her bosom.

"Huh? I think I'm good." Leena looked down at her body. She might not be what people called "hot" but she had "hour-glass" figure written all over her body. She wasn't as thin as Kevin said.

You'll look more beautiful if you get fatter," was Kevin's indifferent reply. Leena didn't know whether he meant what he said as it sounded more like a half-meant joke. He even looked serious while staring at her.

"No! It'll be scary." She shuddered just by the thought of herself being fat. She used to suffer from obesity, so she knew how painful it was. She didn't want to fall into the same old trap again.

"See? I'm not alone in this. No woman wants to be obese." For the first time, Claire took Leena's side as they shared the same idea.

"Good to see that you hang together. Hope you can get along with each other afterward." Kevin smiled widely and pushed the plate back to Claire. His eyes glittered with joy. 'What a delightful scene it is,' he thought.

The meal wasn't enjoyable but the three got on very well with one another. They asked for the bill after they dined and wined to satiety. Claire chuckled to herself because she thought the price on the bill would embarrass Leena. However, things didn't go that way. Leena calmly took a card out of her purse and gave it to the cashier. More surprisingly, she didn't even need to enter the password. The cashier just swiped the card and respectfully returned it to her.

"Leena, what card did you use just now? You didn't even need to enter the password! It's amazing!" Claire asked curiously when they walked out of the restaurant. What she saw at the checkout counter really surprised her.

"Well, it's a Dragblac Card. What's wrong? You seem curious." Claire's question confused Leena. The card required no passwords and she had been accustomed to it. Why did it surprise Claire?

"How did you get it? Which bank is it from? It looks different from general bank cards," Claire continued to inquire. She also wanted to have this card. Then she could show it off to her friends.

"Yeah. It's not a bank card. It can only be used in all branches under FX International Group." Leena patted her forehead as she was suddenly enlightened. She finally knew why Claire was curious. She used this card in front of them for the first time, so Claire had no idea of it.

"FX International Group? What is it?" Now Claire's curiosity was just unstoppable. She wanted to get the answer to her question despite her dislike towards her sister-in-law.

"Err… It's a little difficult to explain. Well, you can search Google for the answer after you go home. I believe you'll know the ins and outs on the internet." Leena made a mystery of the card. She didn't expect Claire to be so interested in her card.

"Come on. Don't leave me hanging. Kevin, you have stayed in S City for long. You must know the story of the card, right? Tell me about it." Since Leena was unwilling to answer, Claire turned to ask Kevin, who remained silent all the time.

"You heard what Leena said. Search Google if you want to know the answer. I believe that it'll provide more detailed information." Kevin was also very curious about the card but he knew it was nothing more than a privilege Edward gave Leena. It was when Leena said that she could only use the card in FX International Group's branches that gave it away.

"Come on! Can't you tell me now? You're being so mysterious." Claire pouted angrily. However, she was even more curious about FX International Group.

No, we aren't. There are too many things to explain when it comes to FX International so you have to figure it out yourself. That way, we'll not need to answer your questions one by one." Leena frowned. She really didn't want to explain more on this.

"Fine. I'll find the answer myself. I won't bother to ask you!" Claire replied in a huff. She dismissively turned to look at the heavy traffic on the street. The moment turned awkward.

Kevin looked at Leena and smiled helplessly. He could do nothing to his sister. Leena stuck out her tongue at him, telling him that she seemed to provoke Claire again.

"It's still early. We can go have fun somewhere." Leena suggested after a while as Claire pulled a long face.

"Good idea! How about going to the bar? I'll invite Louisa to join us." Claire immediately got excited. But then she thought sadly, 'Alas. I was bored as hell in the capital city as my parents didn't allow me to go out. It sucks.'

"Maybe another time. I'm tired. I have to report for duty at the army base early tomorrow morning." Kevin agreed with Leena at the beginning but changed his mind after hearing Louisa's name. It was needless to say that he didn't like that annoying woman.

"In this case, let's go back now. We can go some other day when we're free." Leena didn't like Louisa either, so she chimed in with her words.

"Come on! You brought up the idea. How come you don't want to go now? You are liars." Claire pouted as she glared at the two with burning, reproachful eyes.

"Kevin just had a cold. If he says he is tired, he means it. Do you really want to go to the bar? Let's see if we can make it tomorrow night." To disappoint Claire wasn't really Leena's idea right now. Nonetheless, she didn't want to be with Louisa. It would be the worst night of her life if she had to.

"Since you don't want to go, I'll invite Louisa to go with me. I'll call her now." Claire took her phone out and called Louisa.

Leena was relieved. She shrugged helplessly to Kevin to silently tell him that he had to deal with his sister himself.

"Hello, Claire. Did you eat dinner? What's up?" Louisa was leaning against the sofa and painting her fingers with nail polish. She was looking cozy and lazy at the same time.