Chapter 1087: Running Into Rain (part four)

"You can take only one trip and carry all of them at once if you want to save yourself the trouble. It's all up to you." Claire smiled gloatingly. 'Trying to trick me, huh? I can make sure that retribution will come soon enough.' Claire thought to herself.

Don't you see that there are so many of them. I can't take them all unless I'm a superwoman." Leena grew worried and anxious. She never thought of Claire to be as vengeful as this. She admitted that she herself also liked to settle scores but it was obvious that Claire was keener about it.

"I'm sorry, but this doesn't concern me since it is not my fault." Claire continued with her excuses. She was now taking pleasure in Leena's trouble and would not stop getting Leena off her high horse.

Leena? How come you are here? I heard that you had gone to the capital city." Just then, a deep male voice suddenly came from behind them. Leena turned and caught sight of a tall and handsome figure. She recognized him immediately. It was Rain.

"Rain! So you have come back!" Leena exclaimed. She couldn't help but put all the bags aside the moment she saw him. She hurriedly dashed to him and flung herself into his arms excitedly.

"Yes, I came back a few days ago. I meant to invite you for dinner upon arrival but they said that you had gone to the capital city with Kevin. So I thought I had better not disturb you. I wasn't expecting to see you here. What a surprise!" Rain said with a wicked smile. It could have been an emotional moment but then Rain was a natural rascal thus, he couldn't help but act as one. It might have been a long time since the last time they met but Rain's flamboyant manner didn't even change a bit.

"We happen to come back from the capital city yesterday. I missed you so so much, Rain," Leena said in delight as she remained to wrap her arms around Rain's waist. Rain had a bad habit of teasing her like a scoundrel whenever they were together, thus, they couldn't stay together often. Nonetheless, she would start to miss him dearly if they hadn't seen each other for a long time. This was also the very same way she felt about that mischievous Justin.

"Seriously? Did you really miss me or are you just saying nice words to please me?" Rain affectionately pinched her nose. He also missed her sweet and bright smile, which seemed to have the magic to comfort him. There was just something about Leena's cheerful face that could brighten up his day regardless of how depressed he was.

"I really did! By the way, what brings you here at this time?" Leena looked up at him questioningly. It was only after the initial excitement wore off that she realized that it was still office hours. He should not be hanging around! Moreover, she couldn't imagine Edward to allow him.

"Now you get the point. I can't be angrier about this! It is all Edward's fault. That ruthless capitalist has assigned loads of work to me shortly after I came back from abroad. So I have to trudge into work without having a single moment of rest. I'm doing some market research today. What a coincidence to meet you here." Rain gnashed his teeth upon mentioning Edward's name. He thought that he could take some days off after his exhausting business trip. However, his boss's inhumanity was beyond his imagination. Where was his conscience? How could he even take the fact that he had given tons of works to an already overworked man?

"You are doomed, Rain. How dare you speak ill of Edward behind his back! Mind your words or I'm going to let him know!" Leena said playfully as she pretended to threaten him. In fact, she knew that he was only complaining and wasn't truly blaming Edward. He would do this once in a while and Leena had long ago gotten used to it.

"Go ahead. That's exactly what I want. You help start a war and I can step in and confront him." Rain smiled slyly. He was not even a bit worried that Leena would tattle on him for he had been looking for an excuse to bicker with Edward and complain.

They chatted merrily and were too happy to remember Claire's existence. She faked a cough to draw their attention before saying, "Good for you two. But please don't forget that I'm still here." Claire was instantly fascinated by Rain the first time she laid eyes on him. She had stood there and just stared at the charming young man the whole time. His look was far from the traditional gentleman as he was more on the bad boy type. Nonetheless, his aura exuded elegance despite being a rouge. It was the first time that Claire saw a man who could turn wickedness into a charm. She was so captivated by him that his handsome face was the only thing she could see that moment. It took her a while to recover from her trance and Alas! Guess what she realized as soon as her wits were back? The two were literally hugging each other right before her face! It could have been okay if one of them wasn't her brother's wife! Was it even appropriate for Leena to talk intimately with another man right before her sister-in-law?

"Who is she, Leena?" Rain asked as he shot Claire a meaningful look. He wasn't really aware that there was a third person present at that time. He looked in Claire's direction and found a strange girl standing there, stone-faced. It made him look back to Leena and raise one of his eyebrows questioningly.

Oh! She's my sister-in-law, and her name is Claire Gu, just call her Claire." Leena had also forgotten about Claire's existence until she spoke. She hastened to introduce her but there was no guilt or embarrassment shown on her face. Clearly, she found nothing wrong with how she and Rain were treating each other.