Chapter 1092: I Still Have A Chance (part three)

"Leena, please don't be so ungrateful. I have said nothing but the truth. Am I wrong?" said Rain. He shrugged his shoulders and leaned against the back of his chair leisurely. He seemed to like toying with Claire despite the fact that he wanted to get justice for Leena.

"Yes, you're terribly wrong. So, I suggest that you should eat like a horse and keep your mouth shut." She pretended to be mad at Rain. She then winked an eye at the man to gesture that he shouldn't be too harsh to Kevin's sister.

"As you wish, my princess." Rain shook his head in disbelief. He wondered why Leena attempted to save the face of her torturer. However, if Leena didn't intend to take revenge, Rain wouldn't act again as she wished. The last thing he wanted to do was put Leena in an awkward position.

However, Claire either misunderstood Leena or was just simply ungrateful. She thought that Leena was showing off her close relationship with this handsome gentleman. It made her hate Leena more as she stopped herself from yelling at her sister-in-law.

They weren't arguing anymore when they started eating. It could be because of the delicious Korean food or because they had silently made an agreement not to fight with each other anymore. However, Claire just detested how Rain seemed to be extremely nice to Leena. As far as she was concerned, Rain's fondness for Leena was abnormal. She was getting more and more suspicious of their relationship. Meanwhile, she was afraid that she might be getting them wrong too. How could Leena cheat on Kevin right before her sister-in-law, right?

They quickly paid their bill after their lunch and came out of the Korean Flavors Restaurant. Since Rain had an appointment in the coming hours, he had to go and left Leena and Claire behind. It was after they saw Rain's car moving away from them that Leena and Claire started walking back to their car.

Leena, er... Does Rain have a girlfriend?" asked Claire. Despite the unpleasant conversation they had during lunch, Claire still thought that she kind of liked Rain. That made her interested in his private life.

"Rain? None. Of course, none. But as far as I know, there's a girl he loves deeply," answered Leena reflectively. Leena might not be that close to Annie but she did have a little idea of what happened between Annie and Rain. What she told Claire was what she knew.

"Are you telling me that he has no girlfriend now?" Claire was instantly ecstatic. She finally heard of some good news and itched to get well acquainted with Rain.

"Yes, you're right, Claire. But why are you asking about Rain? Do you like him? Please don't tell me that you have already fallen in love with him because you may get more luck in winning a Nobel Prize than in winning over his heart." Leena replied in haste and in concern. Claire's obvious interest in Rain made Leena feel a bit panicky. Rain's character was too uncontrolled and unsteady which meant that Claire would surely break her heart provided that she fell for Rain.

"Leena, what do you mean by saying that? Are you telling me that I'm not qualified to be Rain's girlfriend?" Claire retorted irritatingly. She would never lay an eye on Rain if he didn't happen to be that handsome and the vice-president of FX International Group. It was weird to her that Leena looked panicking and nervous after what she said.

I'm terribly misunderstood. All his friends know that he's a lady killer. It's difficult to win his heart and make him stay loyal to you. On top of that, he has already got a girl he loves so much. How can he love somebody else easily?" It was her past experience that kept Leena talking to Claire about giving Rain up. Leena knew the difficulties and obstacles in pursuing a man who loved another girl. She had made every effort to please Kevin and yet she was still clueless if she would ever succeed or not. It was a gamble with no guarantee. She didn't actually think that Claire was not qualified for anything if she worked hard. It was just that pursuing Rain might be an exception. He was exactly the guy who would enjoy distressing a girl who seemed to be evil and strong despite her weak and fragile heart, just like Claire.

"But I still have a chance," said Claire with arrogance. None of the rich men she knew remained loyal to just one woman. She was confident that Rain would love her one way or another once she made up her mind and started working on it.

Claire, I'm being serious. Rain isn't a suitable husband for you. Don't invest too much in him. You'll just regret it. I know him too well, that's why I'm giving you this warning." Leena didn't expect that things could go this way. She had thought that the hostility between Rain and Claire during lunchtime was already the end of any possible relationship between the two. How could she be terribly wrong? How did this happen?

"I'm just joking. No need to get worried. I won't take your lover away from you," said Claire as she gave Leena a long hard stare. She wasn't joking at all, as she was actually calculating how to get closer to Rain.

Well, I hope you're telling the truth. Otherwise, you may scare me to death." Claire's remarks helped to relieve Leena's anxieties. It would be both unbelievable and unimaginable if her sister-in-law pursued her best friend. Moreover, Claire's impulsive actions might complicate everything.

"Of course I'm telling the truth. Rain's too awful to be a future husband, isn't he?" Claire lied. She shot an angry glance at Leena and decided that she must hide her true thoughts about Rain from the woman. It wouldn't be nice if Leena tried to ruin her plans. As long as Rain stayed unmarried, he would be good enough to be her husband.

"Claire, please don't lie to me. This isn't a joke. The consequences may be too severe for you to bear. Do you understand?" said Leena sternly. The way her sister-in-law looked back at her had blown her anxiety even bigger. She knew Rain's capability in charming girls. Women would flock around him foolishly and passionately like moths to fire despite the fact that Rain had tried to avoid courting any of those women. It was clear to Leena how much she needed to be precautious to save Claire from making a bigger fool out of herself.