Chapter 1107: A Heart-to-Heart Talk (part three)

"Well, since you think my happiness is more important, don't you think Louisa's behavior is destroying my happiness?" Kevin lazily sat on the couch and leaned on the backrest. He then turned his gaze on Claire.

"You mean Louisa? I knew that! She just bared her heart to you again, right? I don't understand, Kevin. Why don't you like her? I think she is a perfect match for you. Both of you are children of high-ranking cadres. It'll be a beautiful and amazing marriage, right?" Just the thought of it made Claire's eyes light up. She really hoped that they could get married.

"Claire, it's just a kind of mood to like someone. To love is a kind of feeling. I don't have that kind of feeling for her. It's useless no matter how much I like her. Like you, she is just my sister. I like both of you but it's not about love. I don't love her at all. She isn't the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. Do you understand what I say?" Kevin gave out a scornful smile. He couldn't believe that his sister really thought that it was best for him to marry the superficial Louisa instead of someone better.

You can fall in love with her gradually, right? You used to get along with each other. Isn't it easy to fall in love?" Claire cocked her head to one side. To be honest, she didn't fully understand what Kevin just said. She was even more confused now than ever.

"You'll know that after you lose your heart to someone. Although affinity can be developed, I have no feelings for Louisa from the very beginning. No matter how long I get along with her, we can only be friends. It is simply impossible for us to develop a romantic relationship. Plus, I've already married Leena and I love her passionately. I can't imagine myself falling in love with someone else." Kevin resignedly sighed. His confession to his sister made his chest hurt a bit. It was the reason why his words came out so impenetrably that Claire didn't understand what he just said.

"Do you mean that Louisa could marry you if you hadn't married Leena?" Claire's father was strict with her. She was stubborn but she had never been in love. She was plainly ignorant when it came to love to the point that she even lost her heart to Rain at first sight.

"Why don't you understand me, Claire? I mean, my relationship with Louisa isn't dependent on anyone. I just can't fall in love with her. To make it simpler, I can't love her, okay? I can't even if she is the last woman in the world." He face-palmed and then patted his forehead repeatedly. He was already running out of ways to explain things to Claire.

"But Louisa said you had feelings for her before. You even gave her a necklace as a gift, right? That was a limited edition necklace. You didn't even give it to your wife, right? You gave it to her, instead. Doesn't it mean that you like her?" Claire pouted her lips confusedly as she bombarded her helpless brother with even more questions.

"Come on. Is it because of the necklace again? It seems that the necklace is to blame. I wouldn't have given it to her if I had seen this happening. The situation is just getting worse." Kevin massaged between his eyebrows frustratingly. Was there an easier way to explain the necklace to Claire? He really didn't want to repeat things again and again.

"That's the truth, right? Louisa said that Leena also knew about it, and that is the reason why she doesn't like her." Claire frowned as she thought of how Louisa said those through one of their casual chats.

What? She told your sister-in-law about that? When? Before I came back?" Now that got Kevin panicking. He thought that it was just a birthday gift, so he didn't mention it to Leena. Goodness! Was Leena mistaking him for doing something wrong all along?

"She has known it back in the capital city. I don't know the details." Claire pouted. In fact, Louisa didn't tell her everything. She saw Louisa wear the necklace today and learned that it was a gift from her brother. She made detailed inquiries to her friend about it and it was when Louisa told her that she had a conversation with Leena back in the capital city. She just wanted to deflate Leena but it seemed that it didn't work at all. So Claire began to suspect that Leena married her brother not because of love.

How about Leena? How did she react?" Kevin closed his eyes. Damn! How could he be such a bastard? The thought that Leena knew about it but chose to just keep mum and hide everything she felt inside her was making him want to knock his head off.

"I don't know about that. I wasn't there at that time. Didn't you tell your wife that you gave Louisa a necklace as a gift? My God! You're toast! Louisa purposely showed off the necklace to Leena the whole afternoon before you came back." Kevin lost all his emotions after hearing the last things that Claire said. Goodness! What had he done?