Chapter 1116 :Relief (part one)

"Okay, I'll talk to you tonight." Leena bit her lip. Her face was pale. She thought the world of Kevin and was afraid to lose him. It was unnerving to see him swing round and just walk off. She couldn't imagine her life without him.

"Okay. Take care. I have to go." Kevin tucked the escaped tendrils of Leena's hair behind her ear, wearing an affable smile. Leena's insides warmed.

"Bye." Leena reluctantly let go of Kevin's hand and watched his tall and handsome figure get inside the military Hummer. Lee was in the driver seat. She didn't turn her gaze until she saw the car vanish in the heavy traffic.

"Miss Leng, are you all right?" Summer, who had followed them outside the coffee shop, asked in a concerned tone. He detected a trace of sadness on Leena's expression.

"Oh, yes. I'm fine. Nice of you to ask." Leena composed herself and dragged her attention back to Summer. A small smile graced her lips, making her appear even more beautiful.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were married." Summer felt a sense of deep loss. He had been attracted to Leena at the very first sight and wanted to pursue her passionately. But to his intense disappointment, this beauty was already married.

"I should have told you earlier. Now you know why I didn't give you a chance." Leena did not like to trifle with other men's affections. She was used to nipping their adoration in the bud before they got out of hand.

"I hate to be blunt, but I don't understand. Why did you marry a military officer? You're beautiful, vivacious and charming. You would find it hard to adapt to the lonely life," Summer couldn't resist asking, although he knew it was uncalled for.

"Sorry, but I don't think it's any of your business." Displeasure wrinkled Leena's forehead. She didn't like others prying into her private matters. This was the first time that she had met Summer. She couldn't open her heart to a man she barely knew.

You're right. I ought not to have asked you such a thing. I'm sorry for going too far. Don't be mad at me. I think we can still be friends, even though you are married," Upon seeing how Leena's face had darkened, Summer immediately apologized to her. He realized he shouldn't have asked her the stupid question. It was an invasion of her privacy.

"We'll see about that. Thank you for buying me the cup of coffee. I have to go home now. Goodbye!" Leena was in no mood to chat with Summer anymore. She needed to come up with something soon to clear the air with Kevin.

"Bye! I hope we can meet again," Summer bid her goodbye reluctantly. Leena, who was so sweet and charming, was an absolute stunner. More importantly, she wasn't big-headed or arrogant. She could be a little wicked, but she was kind at heart.

Leena opened and shut her mouth slowly, withholding her words. She glanced back at Summer and walked over to her car in haste. They had met each other in passing and talked for a brief moment of time. He wouldn't have any impact on her life. So why should she care about him?

On his way back to the army base, Kevin remained silent. He held his fist to his mouth while his other hand cupped his chin. Trailing a long index finger across his lips, he gazed blankly at the scenery that whirled past him from outside the window, taking no notice of its beauty. Kevin replayed the scene he saw at the coffee shop in his mind. Leena let out unbridled smiles.

So that's what she looks like when she's happy,' he mused, 'That's the grin I never get to see when she's with me.' Kevin felt a sudden pang of jealousy. 'Maybe I don't care enough about Leena. Maybe I don't make her feel secure and protected, so she doesn't laugh freely when she's with me,' he thought. Truthfully, he didn't think Summer posed a threat to him. Leena was a sensible woman. She wouldn't give up a mature and steady husband, only to choose a young and puerile man instead. Kevin set his mind at rest. He knew that Leena felt immeasurable love towards him. However, that didn't mean Kevin could squander that love as he pleased. He needed to figure out what to do about this situation.

Through the rear-view mirror, Lee looked at Kevin with worry in his eyes. Kevin was behaving strangely. He usually talked a lot, but right now he was just mute. He had the habit of getting lost in thought but Lee had never seen him look as sad as he did just now. His sorrow made Lee uneasy.

Kevin was still staring into the distance when the car came to a stop. He didn't snap back until Lee reminded him that they were at their destination. Then Kevin picked up his briefcase, got out of the car abruptly, and bolted to the office building.

Hey! Major General Gu, why are you in such a hurry?" Daisy frowned at Kevin as he bumped into her. The documents in her hands went flying to the ground. 'What happened to Kevin? He has a reputation for being calm and cool-headed. Why is he in such a hurry?' Daisy thought with a look of mild confusion on her face.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't notice." Kevin bent down and frantically helped Daisy scoop up the documents. The papers he picked up scattered to the ground once again since his hands were already full.

"Look, I get you're trying to help, but you're just making it worse. Forget it. Let me pick them up myself. The Commander is waiting for you. Go see him. You're very late," Daisy urged Kevin while squatting down to pick up the documents. 'My God,' she sighed inwardly. 'This is a mess. It'll take me a few minutes to rearrange these again.'

Okay. Sorry again, Daisy. I'll talk to you later." Realizing that there was no time to lose, Kevin stood up and strode to the Commander's office.

"Senior Colonel Ouyang, let me help you." Lee, who had followed Kevin, bent down to pick up Daisy's papers.

"Thank you, Lee. What happened to Kevin? He seems a little absent-minded. It's not like how he usually is," Daisy asked him, still frowning at what happened.

Err… I have no idea. Maybe it's because of his wife." Lee stood up and handed over the documents to Daisy. He didn't intend to tell Daisy what he had seen at the coffee shop.

"Leena? Didn't you go out on business? How is this related to her?" Daisy's expression was puzzled. Although Leena sometimes acted like a willful child, she was also intelligent and sensible. She didn't make trouble.

Well, it's a long story. You'd better ask Major General Gu for details. I'm not privy to this matter, so I should keep quiet," Lee said in embarrassment and touched his forehead.

"Okay, I see. You can go now." Daisy turned around and walked into her office. There was no point in forcing Lee to spill the beans. As Kevin's guard, he wouldn't tell her about Kevin's personal affairs. He couldn't break his trust with his Major General. It was a strict code of practice that he had to adhere to.