Chapter 1142: The Scheme Failed (part one)

"No, you are interested, Kevin. You are just scared to see it." Louisa smiled seductively as a surge of satisfaction came to her. This was exactly what she wanted, to make the man before her fear.

"Scared? I don't even remember the last time I was scared," Kevin sneered and cocked his head. "It's useless to irritate me. It's not working." He knew that whatever Louisa was trying to show him wasn't good. Nonetheless, he wouldn't let her get what she wanted.

That's what I thought," Louisa said as her smile went more mysterious. She put her purse on the desk and carefully took her laptop out. She had prepared everything! She had even brought her own laptop here to show Kevin her files.

"Goodness, Louisa. I can't believe that you have done a hell lot of work just for this moment. Impressive," said Kevin sarcastically. He watched her turn her laptop on. "What exactly are you trying to show me?" Well, whatever it was, he just hoped for this whole thing to be over. He seriously didn't even want anything to do with her in the future.

"You will know once you see what's on it. Be advised, though, that I didn't make this up, okay? This is all real." She inserted the USB flash drive into the slot and opened a document. Soon enough and reports written in French came into Kevin's view.

He might not know how to read or speak French but he at least knew his wife. Leena, who was dressed sexily in that picture was next to the headline.

"Are you shocked? She has been lying to you about the so-called friendship she has with Gerard. She hooked up with him a long time ago and everybody in Paris' upper-class knows about it," said Louisa in a triumphant tone. She liked how Kevin's face turned sour upon hearing her acidic words. What beautiful vengeance! The entire evening she spent with her friend was worth it.

"Watch your language! Do you have to be so mean? These are just some pictures. They don't mean anything. If you think that I'll be changing my perception of Leena just because of these pictures..." Kevin intentionally hung his sentence and then shot Louisa an uninterested look.

"You are so wrong!" Leena had already told him about her past with Gerard the night before. What Louisa was showing him right now didn't even surprise a single fiber inside him. Did Louisa really think that he would change his judgment just because of petty things?

"You've gotta be kidding me. These pictures prove something, right? Don't you see how close they are? For Pete's sake! The journalists call them a perfect match! Let me repeat, a perfect match! They all think that they are getting married! What's wrong with you, Kevin? How can you be so blind?" In reality, Louisa didn't know French either. Everything she said was just based on how her friend translated the report. She really didn't give a damn what the report was about. Her only focus was to nail Leena for being a slut!

"How many of these entertainment reports do you think are telling the truth? I trust Leena and that's all that matters. She is faithful to me." Kevin averted his stare both from the lady and her laptop. He would have fallen for Louisa's scheme if he hadn't had that heartfelt conversation with Leena.

"The proof is already in front of you and you still choose to believe that woman instead of me?" Louisa's disappointment was seething. She couldn't believe how all her efforts were suddenly wasted.

I do. What you're saying means nothing to me. Just give up, will you? We are never going to happen." Kevin smirked and then closed the laptop. God knew how much he wanted to just throw her out of his office.

"I don't believe it! Your wife carried on with another man! How come you don't even care?" Louisa shook her head. Things weren't going on with her plan. Kevin's reaction was totally unexpected.

"You are lucky that your father is the Commander. Otherwise, I would have thrown you out of the door by now. Your potty mouth is a disgrace to you and your dad!" The sound of Kevin's hand as he slapped the table echoed inside the room. He had been trying to suppress his anger and he was at the verge of failing it.

"I was just telling you the truth. I didn't do anything wrong. What? Do you wanna kill me? Do you want to slap me?" Louisa provoked him further. She might be frightened but she also knew that Kevin would not dare to lay a finger on her. They were at the army base and her father's office wasn't far away.

"Leena already told me about her past with Gerard. Your scheme has failed. Give up. You won't be able to break us up. At least, not with this type of cheap evidence that you just showed me." The man closed his eyes tightly and tried to calm himself. He couldn't understand why the Commander was allowing her to enter the army base. She was a civilian and that was against the rules.

"I don't believe you. I don't think that she has the face to tell you something like this! You must be lying! Why? Is your wife's deed embarrassing you too?" Anger was all over Louisa's face as she bit her lips. She didn't believe that Leena would confess her sluttiness to Kevin.