Chapter 1166: Teach Them A Good Lesson (part four)

"Dad, look at my arm, is it really broken?" Mr. Wang's son cried with his face twisted with pain and horror.

"That would be best. Let's see whether you dare to make troubles like this in the future. Come on, do as the Major General says. You know what to expect. We will get your arm fixed first then send you to the detention center. Is that clear?" Mr. Wang spoke sharply. He didn't have the nerve to defy Kevin. If Kevin had laid the sanction unto the mayor's son, then it would be stupid to think that his own son could escape the punishment.

"Take them back to the police station and make a good record of their confessions. Then put them into the detention center according to the procedures." Mr. Yi gestured his subordinates to go. What troubled him most now was how he should tell the mayor about what had happened. It was just difficult to explain why he would get his son arrested without irritating him.

"I will take my son to the hospital first. Don't worry, I have called my men to clean up the scene and they will be here soon," Mr. Wang said as he shook his head helplessly. Apart from his son, there was a high repair cost to worry about. The more expensive the car was, the higher the repair fee was for it. Good Lord! They had to pay for a Ferrari!

"Go ahead. As for the repair fee, please tell me how much it is later so that we can split the bill. After all, my son is also to blame, and I should shoulder the responsibility too." Mr. Yi suggested. He was now feeling quite embarrassed after his nervousness wore off. How he cringed before Kevin was shameful as all his subordinates were there. This undoubtedly impaired his dignity.

"Don't worry about the cost. I'll go now. Please take charge of the operation once my men arrive." Mr. Wang said and was about to leave with his son. Although he reproached his son by saying that he wished his arm was broken, he was actually very worried about him. So after arranging all the work, he couldn't wait to take him to the doctor and get him examined.

No problem. You can trust me. We have known each other for years, so please don't be too polite." Mr. Yi replied.

"Of course I trust you. Who else do you think can I count on? My son? Save it. I could only wish that he would not cause any trouble from now on." Mr. Wang answered as he allowed himself a wry smile. He had always known his son to be a troublemaker. It was just that he never expected him to be worse, he became a lawbreaker. He couldn't imagine what terrible things he would do next if he was left undisciplined. Kevin's way of handling the matter was like a loud wake-up call for him. Though sending his own son to the police station was a humiliation, he had learned the importance of parental discipline for children.

"I couldn't agree more. But we deserve it, for we haven't been good fathers all these years, have we?" Mr. Yi also sighed. Had they realized their mistakes earlier, things like this might never have happened. However, it was better late than never. As long as they started to pay more attention to educating their children, there was still hope that those guys could start again with a clean slate.

On the other hand, Kevin drove to the hospital instead of heading home. And it was the realization that they were heading in a different direction that threw Leena into an instant panic. "Aren't we going home?" she asked nervously.

"No, we are not. We are going to the hospital and get you checked out. I need to make sure that you are safe and sound before going back," answered Kevin. He knew that Leena was afraid of hospitals but he was so worried about her that he must take no chances.

"No, I'm not going. It was just a punch, I bet we can deal with the wound back home. If there is any, we will just need to apply some medicine to it. Simple!" Leena exclaimed, bit her lip, and then looked at Kevin in terror. She had harbored an irrational fear of the hospital and shuddered at the idea of seeing a doctor.

No, absolutely not. What if there's an internal injury? What if one of your bones or organs got hurt? That kind of injuries may not be evident, but they could be serious. Do you think you can treat this kind of injury by applying some medicine?" Kevin said with a frown. There was a determined look on his face, which showed that his decision was not open to negotiation.

"But that's the last place I want to go! Can we go home, Kevin? I'm willing to go anywhere except the hospital," Leena begged with imploring eyes. One could tell just how frightened she became by the fear on her face.

If so, tell me how can we make sure that you are completely unscathed, both inside and out, other than going to the hospital?" Kevin asked a bit irritably while slowing down the car. Besides worrying about Leena, he was a bit upset now. There was something that had been troubling him. The accident happened when he wasn't even driving far ahead of her. She could have telephoned him for help at once but she didn't. Why? Was it because she didn't need him at all? Did he ever have a place in her heart? He came to feel dispensable and unwanted as a husband.