Chapter 1174: Louisa Lost Her Composure (part one)

"Okay. All right, it's all my fault," Kevin said as he took the chance and slowly circled his arms around her. A smug smile spread across his face as she settled in. It seemed that his little trick had worked.

"Of course it's all your fault." As a couple, they had done the intimate things that couples did, but Leena still felt very shy. She buried her head in his arms and avoided meeting his eyes. "Okay, I admit it. So how do you want to punish me?" Kevin's mouth twitched. He enjoyed her endearing act.

"How would I punish you? I can't defeat you in a hand-to-hand fighting; you're a soldier. Are you intentionally saying this to embarrass me?" Leena pouted. She would not do anything that would bring humiliation to herself.

"Come on, beat me as you like. I guarantee that I won't hit you back." Kevin found that he quite enjoyed arguing with her. It was an intriguing thing. He hadn't experienced this before with anyone else.

"No, you are tough and you have muscles. My hands might hurt if I hit you." They had been spending a lot of time together recently, so Leena wasn't as reserved as she used to be with him. She was becoming more like herself around him.

"Oh, then we have no other choice." Kevin laughed helplessly and planted a gentle kiss on her hair. He gazed at her, his eyes brimming with affection.

Whispers between lovers were the most beautiful melodies in this world. The couple grew closer to each other in the intimate atmosphere.

The next morning, Claire was woken up by an early call from Louisa, who was asking her for a favor. Louisa refused to tell her what it was until they met. Frustrated, Claire had no choice but to leave the warm bed and go out to meet her. Some unpleasantness had occurred between the two of them the other day, but they were still friends. Claire felt obliged to carry out her request.

"Claire, I'm here." Louisa parked the car outside the Grand Apartment. Kevin had warned her before not to come to his place, so Louisa didn't dare to come up to his apartment. It would be reckless. She might run into him and she didn't have any interest in being humiliated by him again.

"Louisa, what's up? It sounded very urgent on the phone," Claire asked, still panting. She had rushed to meet her. She bent by the waist and got into the car.

"Here is the thing. There is a fashion design contest in the city a few days later. My friend signed up for it, but her models suddenly turned back on their commitments. My friend didn't know what to do, so she came to me for help. I think we can do it. We are both tall and pretty," Louisa said as she glanced at Claire furtively. Although Claire's skin was not white like snow, she could still be counted as a beauty. Louisa was confident that she was qualified for the job.

"What? You mean me, doing catwalk for a fashion show? But I never learned how to do it. Are you sure that I can do this?" Claire was a little hesitant. It was true that she was arrogant and high-handed, but she also had a rigid upbringing. She had never participated in such activities before.

"Don't worry, you will know how to do it after some days of practice. Relax, just look at it as an opportunity to widen your horizons. You don't have any other things to do right now, do you?" No matter what Claire decided to do, Louisa wanted to go badly. She wondered if she could enter the fashion circle by doing this.

"But I am scared that Kevin would oppose it," Claire said after a pause. Besides, she was not very interested in runway shows. She worried that she might not do well. To be honest, she was more likely to screw it up, rather than help.

Don't be silly. You don't have to inform Kevin about it. You can do this behind his back." Louisa shot her a look. How was it so difficult for her to get this through Claire's thick skull?

"Yes, maybe you're right. But what if Kevin finds out? You know how perceptive my brother is." Claire was a little moved by Louisa's pitch, but she still had qualms about joining the show.

"Ah! Don't worry. If he asks you, you can tell him that you are having fun with me. That would be perfect!" Louisa continued to persuade her. The contest was approaching and it was tough to find girls with beauty and a good figure. She had no choice but to ask Claire. She wouldn't have been lucky to get this opportunity if it was not so urgent.

"Okay. But if I screw it up, don't blame me. I know nothing about fashion shows." Claire frowned. She had watched many runway shows, but she knew it wasn't as easy as it seemed. She was justified in her concerns.

"Don't worry, that won't happen. So are you in? If yes, we should go to the rehearsals now." Louisa was ecstatic that she had managed to bring Claire on board.

"You pushed me so hard, what else could I say except for yes?" Claire heaved a long sigh. She decided to throw caution to the wind.

Claire, I'm so glad. I love you so much!" In her excitement, Louisa grabbed Claire by her arms and planted a wet kiss on her cheek. She wasn't bothered that she had kissed away the makeup on Claire's face.