Chapter 1182: Are You Happy (part three)

It is my pleasure to see you here." Anna leaped with joy as soon as she saw Leena stepped in. She extended her arms and greeted her warmly.

"The pleasure is all mine! I heard the good news about your new relationship. Congratulations to you!" Leena smiled warmly and said. Actually, she was quite surprised to know about her new date. It never occurred to her that Anna would date that guy.

"Thank you very much, Leena. Actually, I need some help right now. Would you mind coming in first, please? I badly need help in calming down the president. He is really in a foul mood today and he has scolded several senior managers. It is getting tough here." Anna knew how fond of Leena her boss was and she sincerely wished for her arrival to calm him down. Seeing Leena coming in earlier, flooded her both in so much hope and relief.

"What happened? How come? Was Daisy giving him a hard time again?" Leena's eyebrows slightly furrowed. In her mind, the only person who could possibly cross Mr. Mu was his dear wife, Daisy.

"I am not quite sure about that. He has been in a bad mood since this morning. I don't know what is really going on with him." Anna could not draw a conclusion as she had no idea about the exact cause of Edward being mad. It would be wrong for her to give a false guess.

"Don't worry about it! Just leave it to me." With a reassuring smile on her pretty face, Leena walked straight to the president's office.

Usually, she would walk straight into the office without knocking. She was a bold girl in front of Edward and would not really care about those polite manners. However, today was a bit different. She raised her hand and earnestly knocked on the closed door. With her lips curled up, Leena thought of a great idea.

Come in." A deep male voice sounded behind the door. Leena sensed the irritation and impatience in his voice straight away. It indeed confirmed that someone was really mad today!

Nonetheless, what she heard just made Leena's smile bigger. She deliberately knocked on the door more rather than stepped in. She wanted to see what Edward would do next.

"Are you deaf? I said come in! If you don't understand what I said, you might just as well be fired!" Edward was now shouting behind the door as Leena successfully pushed him over the edge with her bold moves. He sounded really angry and dangerous. Anna's heart was almost in her throat as she thought, 'Geez, what is wrong with Leena? Why is she irritating Edward like that? Is she trying to pour more oil to the fire?'

As if she could read her mind, Leena turned around and smiled at Anna. She had the most naughty twinkly eyes Anna had ever seen. She was really worried that Edward might dash out the room like a bullet if Leena kept annoying him.

Behind the door, Edward's eyes were glaring with anger as he could not believe what was going on at this point. Someone had dared to test his limits and it was indeed a very bad timing. He was growing more and more impatient as he waited for the person to come inside his lair. However, almost one minute had passed and the door was still closed tightly. It was clear that someone was joking around him on purpose. Edward was furious! He couldn't stand this farce anymore. Thus, he stood up quickly behind the desk and dashed towards the door. He was fuming when he forcefully pulled the door wide open and someone delicate fell right into his arms. Goodness! His world automatically stopped.

Ouch, Edward! Can't you open the door gently?" Leena touched her cute nose and pouted her mouth. She bumped him right on the chest and now her poor nose hurt. She was about to open the door anyway, it was just that he did it first. Therefore, she lost her balance and fell straight ahead.

"Leena, it is you! Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Edward raised his eyebrows in shock. All his anger disappeared the moment he realized who was standing in front of him. He couldn't help but worry about her upon seeing her face twisting in pain. Gently helping her stand straight, he bent down and carefully examined her face to see if her nose was bleeding. To his great relief, nothing major happened. As Leena did not fall down to the ground, she was alright. However, it still made Edward worried to see Leena frowning. He could see that her nose was a little reddish due to the bump.

"Well, you almost broke my nose there. See? It is now all red!" With her hand rubbing her nose, Leena deliberately gave Edward a cold glare. She would not have joked earlier if she knew this would happen. Leena sighed silently and thought sarcastically, 'That's your fault, Leena! Congratulations for hurting your own nose!' Now she couldn't help but worry if her pretty nose was still firm! She was quite proud of her nose to start with.

"Let me see. It seems alright. If it is actually broken, however, I think we should put a piggie bone there instead. What do you think?" Edward sniggered. He fondly moved her hand away and took another close look at her nose. He was no longer in a bad mood since Leena's arrival had lightened up his day. He was delighted to see her and her unexpected visit turned out to a big sweet surprise for him. No one could resist the charm of the adorable Leena.

"What piggie bone? Are you implying that I have a piggie nose? Edward, this is not cool. You are hurting my feelings! I am going home!" With her mouth pouting in distress, Leena stomped her feet and whirled around. However, her arm was caught by Edward. He stopped her and said with a grin,"Hold on now, We are not done yet! Why were you knocking the door without coming in just now?" Edward had to know the answer to that question. Leena was such a playful girl full of interesting ideas. He was greatly amused by her thoughts from time to time. He was wondering what kind of tricks she was pulling just now.