Chapter 1191: Getting Together (part one)

Of course. We both signed the marriage license and made it official. It's all there and black and white. Little late to deny it now!" Kevin said in a joking tone. Leena was getting serious, and he didn't like it much. So he cracked a joke and tried to lighten the mood.

"Well… that's not what I mean," Leena replied, feeling a bit embarrassed by Kevin's teasing. "Let's just drop it for now," she continued. "We can talk after you get back. Could you get off early today?" Leena finally brought it up. That question was burning in her brain, but she didn't want to call and interrupt him in the middle of training. Now that he called her, she seized the chance and asked him.

Hold on. Let me check my schedule and see if there's anything I can put off," Kevin answered, leafing through the calendar on his desk. Lee had assembled it, and put it there.

"Here's the thing. Edward suggested that we get together tonight. Daisy hasn't told you?" Leena said, confused. It had been some time since she and Edward discussed it in the CEO's office. Someone should have told Kevin by now.

I just finished training for the day, and haven't seen her so far," Kevin said. He kept thumbing through his calendar till he finally found the current day. He then stopped and leaned forward, examining every line to make sure he wasn't missing a thing.

Oh, no wonder you haven't heard anything about it," said Leena, a light bulb turning on in her brain. She suddenly realized that she missed an important point. Both he and Daisy were busy bees. Did they really have much time to socialize on base? It might be unrealistic to think that they could talk to each other at anytime and share the information at once.

Nothing's going on that I can't put off till tomorrow. I think I can get back early. Shall we meet at the restaurant, or shall I swing by and pick you up?" Kevin asked, closing the calendar and leaning back in the chair.

"No rush. Claire and I will wait for you at home." Leena did it for Claire's sake. Poor girl seemed worn out today, she could have more time to rest if they waited for Kevin to pick them up. Maybe she'd recover and enjoy the gathering more.

"No problem. I'll be home soon. Wait for me, babe," There was profound tenderness in Kevin's tone, especially when he told Leena to wait for him. His voice held a subtle charm when he said that.

"Okay. See you later," Leena responded shyly. She blushed, thanks to his tone. You could see stars in her eyes, and she couldn't be any happier.

Unlike in summer, when the rosy clouds stood out against the sky, winter's nightfall was dark and gloomy, with gunmetal clouds hiding the sky. A perfect time to take a stroll down memory lane.

As he promised, Kevin got home an hour earlier than usual. The sound of the door woke Leena up. She meant to go back to her work room and catch up on the latest fashion news, but somehow felt tired and surrendered to sleep when she hit the bed. It could be seasonal affective disorder, the malaise that people felt during the winter, but she apparently needed the sleep.

"Oh my gosh! What time is it?" When Kevin pushed the bedroom door open, Leena leapt up with a scream. But instead of talking to him, Leena started scrambling for her cellphone on the bedside table, opening the drawer and feeling around for it, her hands a flurry of movement. It wasn't there. She turned to rummage around the bed without a second thought, and finally found it in the quilt. There were several missed calls. Maybe the ringtone was muffled by the quilt, or maybe she slept so soundly she couldn't hear the phone.

"Not too late. Just after six o'clock," Kevin said, trying to keep from laughing. He found Leena's panic quite amusing. She was so cute when getting out of bed. Did he miss this kind of thing all the time? He didn't know, since he had to leave for the army base every morning when Leena was still asleep. This would be worth staying home for.

Thank god! That scared the pee out of me! You're home early," Leena said, breathing a sigh of relief. Fixing her hair and adjusting her clothes, Leena was trying to look her best for her man.

"Didn't you ask me to come home early today? So here I am. I live to serve," said Kevin playfully, unfastening his clothes. He was just changing out of his hot, sweaty uniform to get more casual clothes, but Leena wasn't so sure. She stepped back, wary of what he might do.

"I DIDN'T ask you to come back early, I was only asking whether you could make it or not. One is a command, the other is a question," Leena argued with a grimace, thinking that Kevin had misunderstood her yet again.

"But it makes no difference to me. See, when my wife wants something done, I do it. A command given by my wife is even more important than in the military," Kevin said. Leena watched him take off his coat, toss it onto a nearby stool, and start to unbutton his shirt. As he did this, he moved closer and closer to Leena, who became increasingly alarmed. She shuddered? What was he going to do?

What…what are you doing?" Leena asked nervously, retreating a couple more steps. With every move he made, a look of panic and horror marred her normally cute face.

"I'm going to take a bath, of course. "They really put us through the wringer today. I'm all hot and sweaty. I'm not going out like this. What? Do you shower in your clothes?" Kevin replied, raising his eyebrows curiously. He knew what she was thinking, but he still thought it was funny to tease her. This was the most fun he'd had all day.