Chapter 1205: I Won't Give Up (part two)

"Claire, you mad at me? Come on! We're friends." It was not the right time to fall out with Claire, so Louisa decided to pacify her. She still needed her.

"No," Claire answered in a cold voice. A note of discord sounded between Claire and Louisa. Claire couldn't understand why Louisa turned so stubborn and mean.

"I know you're mad at me. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. We've got the whole day together. I don't want you to be mad the whole day. Last time when we went out shopping, you had your eyes set on a dress. How about this? I'll buy the dress for you," Louisa said as she gave Claire a sweet smile. If Leena bought her off, maybe Louisa could buy her back.

"No need for that. I'm not angry. Hey, is that your friend? Why is she waiting for us outside?" Claire asked in confusion as she saw Louisa's friend zipping back and forth in front of a building.

I don't know either. Is it because we are too late?" Louisa pulled over and was about to get out, but her friend rushed to them immediately.

"What are we gonna do, Louisa? We borrowed a room to practice in, but the company we borrowed it from refuses to let us in. We have no place to practice. What can we do?" The woman was breathless, and the words spilled out in a jumble. She was obviously distraught. She looked like she was about 20 years old. Her features were soft and delicate, skin flawless, with a gorgeous s-line.

"No way! How can they just break their promise like that? They promised to lend us the room! Why do this? A company like this will go broke sooner or later!" Louisa yelled angrily, feeling both upset and enraged.

Well, actually it has nothing to do with the company. One of my friends works there, and she took advantage of her position to lend me the space. But now, they need the room themselves. I can't blame her for that." It seemed that Louisa's friend was a sensible girl, unlike Louisa herself.

"What are we gonna do now? Go back home?" Louisa got really frustrated. She had thought she would become famous this time. This was her chance to shine.

"You have a lot of friends, right, Louisa? Can't you call your friends and ask one of them to lend us the space?" The girl looked at Louisa with a hopeful expression. Louisa was her last hope. But her hopes were about to be dashed.

"I have only a few friends here, and they aren't rich or powerful. I don't think they can help." Louisa didn't want to do that. Though Louisa did have rich friends, she had always been too proud to ask for help. She thought it made her look weak.

Really? We're screwed. The show's in just a few days. I've been preparing for it for six months now." Louisa's friend lowered her head, feeling sad and dejected. She suffered a double whammy. First, the models broke their contracts; and now, they lost their practice space. She was afraid that her bad luck would continue.

"Well, like the saying goes, 'the road to success is always under construction.' Why not call your friends to see if we can borrow something?" Louisa said with a bitter smile. She knew even if she swallowed her pride to ask her friends for help, they wouldn't help her, for she had offended too many of them in the past. They really hated her now, and would just laugh if they knew she needed something.

"I called everyone I know. The rooms they have are too small, and larger ones cost too much." Annoyed and perplexed, Louisa's friend was almost in tears. She was so upset that she was like an ant on a hot pan.

"What do we do now?" Louisa murmured. All of a sudden, an idea struck her as she turned to Claire and fixed her eyes upon her. Startled, Claire jerked a bit.

"Don't look at me. My family's in the capital city, and I don't know anyone here. Sorry, I can't help." Claire blinked her innocent eyes at Louisa, not knowing why she was gazing at her like this. It was starting to get annoying.

"I remember you said Leena's brother owns Leng Group, right? Then she must have a lot of houses. Why don't you ask her to lend us one?" Louisa asked in a cheerful voice as she held Claire's hands. Claire was dumbfounded at her suggestion. 'But you hate Leena. Now you're in trouble, and you ask her for help? Are you insane?' Claire thought.

"I don't think that's such a hot idea. What do I tell her? You swore me to secrecy." Louisa had put Claire in an awkward situation. Claire had no idea whether Leena had any other houses or not, for Leena never said anything like that. Not only that, was she in any position to ask?

Ok, dumb question, Claire. You can just tell her that you've been in a bad mood recently and you want to live alone." Louisa cast a scornful glance at Claire as she thought Claire was rather stupid. And Claire felt that way, all of a sudden.

"What if she asks me why I've been in a bad mood? What am I supposed to tell her? After all, everything's been great." Claire was a little annoyed by Louisa's request and seemed like it would create more drama. Claire didn't know how to ask for Leena's help.

"Well... I remember..." Louisa moved around Claire, switching from her right to her left side. "You have a thing for Rain of FX International Group, but he didn't pay even the slightest amount of attention to you. That's a good reason. You can tell Leena you have a broken heart because of him." Louisa rolled her eyes and thought to herself, 'Why don't you look in a mirror? No one will ever fall for someone like you!'

Dammn it, Louisa! It was a secret! Why did you just blurt it out in front of everyone? Claire complained, her face blushing with embarrassment. She stole a glance at Louisa's friend and felt humiliated. She couldn't even look at anyone now.

I apologize, okay? But it is a good excuse. Please call Leena for me. Please! Louisa bit her lower lip and pleaded. She would never humble herself like this, but she needed the favor. She cursed Claire and Leena both. It it weren't for them...

Okay, I'll try, but no promises." Claire sighed with profound resignation and took out her cell phone reluctantly. Her fingers hovered over the keys, but she hesitated.

"Alright. We won't blame you if it doesn't work out." Louisa was thrilled when Claire was willing to help.

"How about we not practice today? I think I need to talk to Leena face to face. I don't think this will work, though. She and Kevin are my legal guardians. That doesn't cover living alone." Claire hesitated when she was about to dial the number. Though Leena might already know Claire had a thing for Rain, Claire got the sense that Leena wanted to talk to her about it.

"What do you think of her suggestion, Pola?" Louisa turned to her friend. She thought Claire's words made perfect sense. Even if Leena agreed to lend her the house, Claire had to go home to fetch the keys.

"All right. Let's take a break for today. We'll see each other after we get the space." Pola had no other choice but to agree with them. She bid them goodbye and turned to leave.

"What? We're going back now? But I just told Kevin that we were hanging out today." Claire widened her eyes in disbelief. If she came home now, Kevin would realize that she had lied to him. This plan of theirs just dug a deeper and deeper hole, and Claire was afraid she might not be able to climb out.