Chapter 1212: A Heinous Woman (part four)

Ooh, I'm so scared. You think you're better than me? Do you know who my husband is? You'll regret ever laying eyes on me," said the woman furiously, teeth clenched. After failing to lay a hand on Leena after two tries, she was done. She realized that Leena was not the girl to mess with.

"It's none of my business who your husband is. I'm not into old men. You can keep him," taunted Leena. She figured the husband would be no better than his wife.

Worried now? It's not too late to apologize." The woman flashed a delighted toothy smile. As Leena was so young, the woman figured, she could lord it over this girl.

"Apologize? Are you high? I admitted my mistake, I apologized, and offered to pay you. And you responded to all that by insulting me and attacking me. You don't need an apology, you need a straitjacket!" Leena hated to be threatened by anybody in a self-righteous manner. But unfortunately, she kept running into those types. Louisa was one of them. And today, this insane woman. 'What? Does she think she's queen of the world?' Leena wondered. Those kinds of people ordered others around like they were masters and everyone else was their slave. They were arrogant and conceited, hating everyone, no matter what. They wouldn't even get to know the people they hated. It would be a mercy if those kinds of miserable people just naturally died off, but unfortunate that breed would probably live forever, just to spite the rest of us.

"You won't apologize? Well, watch out! You'll be run out of town before you know it! Let's see if you can still smile then." The woman folded her hands into fists. Oh how she wanted to tear Leena apart and pound that smug face into hamburger! But she couldn't even touch her. The woman was at least smart enough to understand that. So she fought down her fury, and just continued hurling insults.

Awesome," Leena replied, already bored. "Like that's gonna happen." Leena lifted her arm and cast a glance at her watch. She'd be late picking Kevin up at the army base. She didn't want to waste time with this insane woman any more. "Hmm! Stupid bitch! The only thing you're good at is seducing men away from their wives." The woman continued pouring out malicious words to save face. 'Just wait, bitch! I'll teach you a lesson tonight!' she thought.

"Wow, you must think I'm hot shit! Usually, the married men I know, including mine, are faithful to their wives. It would take a lot to make them stray, and it's probably impossible. Maybe you need to keep a better eye on your hubby!" Leena didn't get pissed at her. She just let those dirty words go into one ear and come out the other. She was done fighting with her. She just shook her head and gave her a contemptuous look. Then Leena raised her chin like a proud princess, turned toward her car, and walked toward it without paying any attention to the woman.

"Pah! Disgusting bitch!" The woman murmured and spat furiously at Leena's back. She still wanted to grab Leena and give her a heavy beating. Leena's beautiful face and proud air annoyed her to no end. She was proud, but with no reason. And she certainly wasn't beautiful. She wanted to see if Leena would still retain her beauty and peacock-like elegance if cuts and bruises covered her body.

The woman parked her car in front of Leena's. A Porsche, nice. No wonder the woman was so arrogant and aggressive. Her sense of superiority must come from her money. But Leena wasn't impressed. They were still terrible people. That curious expression midway between a sneer and a smile spread across Leena's face. Then she slipped into her car, and backed the car out to get round the woman's Porsche. She had no intention to ask the woman to move her car sideways. And why should she? All it would do is invite more abuse from this hateful woman, and she probably still wouldn't move her car.

Leena drove her car out of the parking lot at a low speed. A playful smile emerged on her lips. She wondered what kind of a lesson that insane shrew would teach her. To be frank, she was even anticipating that event.

This didn't ruin Leena's bright mood, however. She felt full of joy and excited all the way to the army base. She got a little frustrated, though, when she arrived at the entrance of the army base and saw the sentries on both sides of the gate. As there was no way she could get in, she had to wait for her husband outside. So she got out of the car and leaned against the door of it in a leisurely posture, eyes fixed on the solemn gate of the army base.

But Leena managed to confuse the sentries. They had no idea who this beautiful woman was waiting for. Although Leena parked her car near the entrance, she wasn't blocking traffic. So the sentries had no reason to ask Leena to leave. As Leena didn't tear her gaze away from the entrance for a single minute, both soldiers blushed under Leena's gaze. Anyone would have the same reaction if a beautiful girl kept staring at you!