Chapter 1255: Leena In The Water (part three)

"Call Tom immediately and ask him to send for an ambulance. And if he's at the hospital right now, then he needs to come along, too." After he finished, Edward laid Leena on a clean blanket that the venue staff brought them. He then started taking first aid measures. The more severe the situation was, the more his calmness and steadiness showed. Edward also kept telling himself that nothing would happen to Leena, otherwise he would never forgive himself. After all, it was under his watch that the girl got into this accident, which meant that it was because of his negligence that she got caught in such a humiliating incident.

Meanwhile at the army base, a shiver suddenly ran through Kevin's hand holding a hot cup of tea. Unavoidably, the spilled hot water burned him a little, so he instinctively let the cup go. The crisp cracking of the cup ensued when it hit the ground, shattering into pieces.

"Major General, are you alright?" Lee asked hurriedly, thinking that the man might have been too tired to even hold a hot cup of tea.

It's OK, Lee. Why don't you drive me back tonight?" Kevin sighed gently and pinched the top of his nose bridge that was already in a bit of pain. He hadn't had a good rest for two days, so to avoid falling asleep at the wheel, he thought Lee would be better-suited to drive.

"Yes, Major General." In fact, even if Kevin hadn't brought this up, Lee was planning on taking the wheel anyway, so he agreed without hesitation.

When their car just exited the gate of the army base, Kevin's phone suddenly rang. He lightened up a little, subconsciously assuming that it was Leena who was calling. Did this mean that she had forgiven him? But when he took out his phone, it was his troublemaker of a sister, so he felt somewhat disappointed. But he still tapped the answer button quickly.

"Claire, what's up?" As he answered, Kevin was looking out of the window. It was pitch dark outside, but he could still see the icy frost on the trees. It was still visible even in the dark of night. Since this was the suburbs, it was not strange for frost to form at night. It also meant that the temperature would be especially low.

"Kevin, it's bad. Leena fell into the water. She's now being treated for possible trauma at Doctor Qin's hospital. She almost drowned. They're saying that her life's in danger." Claire kept choking up as she rushed out the words in between sobs. She was also fearfully watching Edward and his people and didn't dare come forward to them.

"What is this, Claire? That joke is not funny at all. Let's talk about something else, okay?" Kevin knew that Leena could swim, so he didn't believe his sister for one second, thinking that she must be pulling his leg. Or he reacted this way because deep down he couldn't accept such a thing happening.

"I'm not joking. You can turn on the TV if you don't believe me. Perhaps every channel is reporting on this right now." Claire sniffed her nose. Her sister-in-law's accident took place in front of the media and reporters, so she dared say that many news outlets were sure to report it. They might even add one thing or another to sensationalize the incident.

"I'm not around a TV right now. Wait for me there. I'll arrive soon. If anything comes up, call me." A sharp pang stabbed through Kevin's heart. His hand holding the phone began to tremble. His face turned ashen.

"Major General, are you alright?" Lee just realized that he had been asking this a lot lately. So apparently Kevin was not in a good shape these days, otherwise Lee wouldn't need to worry so much.

"Go, speed up, we're heading to Renxin Hospital." Kevin's voice was shaking. Because of Claire's words that "her life's in danger," his entire body felt weak.

"Yes, Major General." Lee didn't know what just happened, but he knew immediately that it was a life-and-death situation since they were going to rush to the hospital. So he stepped on the gas and sped towards the hospital.

Outside of the emergency room at the hospital, Edward was still completely drenched. He covered himself with a thick blanket that Luke brought him. Luke had been telling him to change his clothes, but Edward insisted on hearing the results first.

"Edward, you should go change! Don't you get sick by the time that Leena turns out OK. Don't forget the fact that you had a bullet wound before. You can't be careless with these things." Only at such a time that the mature and calm Rain emerged out of his usual playful personality. He seemed totally different, sharp and impregnable.

Yeah! Mr. Mu, please change into dry clothes first! Leena will feel upset when she hears about this." Luke joined in persuading Edward and brought up Leena in the hopes that she could motivate him.

"Hand me the clothes. I'll be out in five." Edward was always obsessed with cleanliness. Every time before he changed the clothes that came in contact with his skin, he would take a shower first. But he didn't care so much today. Edward snatched the clothes that Luke brought and quickly walked towards the hospital toilet. Luke followed him closely.

Right after Edward left, a discordant set of high-heel steps approached. Soon people saw Belinda staggering towards them. It was obvious how shocking the news was to her. Most importantly, Duke was not in S City at the moment. He said he was returning today, but he was probably still on his flight since he only boarded this afternoon. She wouldn't know how strongly he would react after learning something as serious as this. She didn't even dare picture the scene.