the last of humanity

My world use to be so beautiful, it was amazing how such beauty could disappear in a year. But now that has all changed. Nothing is the same and nothing will ever be the same again. Some ass hat thought it would be a great idea to bring the dead back to life. Professor Jon Stewart, the creator of the XY virus. He told us it will bring back our loved ones. But he never imagined that it will go A-Wall. Professor Jon, did the trils on his son. But it all changed after that. This happened back in the year of 2015, it is now the year of 2020. For 5 years the rest of the humanity has had to kill to Survive this hell. I'm writing this all down, hoping someone some day will find this when I die. My name is Markus J. Williams. I was born in 1996. I was 17 years old when the XY virus broke out. I had to kill my family, or they would have killed me. ........FLASHBACK........

My little sister Emily was only 14 years old. My mom walked into the family room. Emily and I were watching her favorite tv show, the little Einstien's. She loved it so much. The Look on her face when my mother bit her, I tried to stop my mother. But she had this un-human strength that I could not explain. I ran to the kitchen to grab a knife, but when I got back to Emily, it was to late. My mother had devoured most of Emily's body. This thing I once called my mother, was now a Creeper! I called out to my mother hoping she would come to reason. But it never happened. The Creeper looked at me with big black eyes showing no remorse of killing what was once was her daughter. The Creeper came running towards me with unspeakable speed, I held the knife up. Hoping to stab some part of its body. But I was knocked down to the ground. The Creeper was on top of me. Trying to devour me like it did to Emily. My poor sister was all I could think at that moment in time. I reached for the knife, that was beside my arm. I lunched it deep with in my mother's head. She fell towards the ground. I stood up and walked over to Emily's lifeless body. The only part of Emily was left, was her head. I picked up her head and cried. It felt like hours but. I am so so very sorry Emily, my dear baby sister. I love you so much. I wish that was me and not you. I told her. After that I stood up and pack some food and water for the road. I grabbed my mother's keys and hoped into her car. I drove till I ran out of gas.

......END OF FLASHBACK........

Someone please help me! I have not been bitten, someone please help. I'm stuck, I dont wanna die.

I heard a young voice call out near where I was resting my eyes on top of my jet black backpack.

I walked towards where I heard the voice.

Keep your voice down, or they will hear I said barley whispering.

Oh thank God, can you please help me. Please the young girl cried. Can not be more than 18 years of age by the looks of her.

What's your name I asked?

My name is Jenny Walters. She said with tears pouring out of her bright green eyes.

I saw her leg. Her leg was trapped between some heavy rubble, that I can not even move my self. I looked at Jenny, her eyes pleading for me not to leave her here to die.

Jenny I am sorry, I cannot move this, I can Amputate your leg, and hope for the best I told her.

Oh God! oh God! She cried loudly.

Jenny you have to try to be silent, or they will come. I told her sternly. I took of my belt and told Jenny to bite down hard on it. So she wouldn't cry so loud. It will help muzzle her cries. I took out my sharp blade and the rest of my alcohol I stole from some drunk. I poured the alcohol on the blade and Jenny's leg. I sliced into Jenny's leg, blood splattered on my face and my blade, i kept cutting till I reached the bone. I looked back to Jenny, her eyes were black as night. I was so confused? How did she turn into a Creeper. I looked closely at Jenny or what was once Jenny. I moved her hair from her neck. And saw a bite mark on her neck. I closed my eyes and stabbed the blade deep into the Creepers skull.

Hoping that Jenny's soul would be at peace in heaven. That is what I thought..

I walked away from the corpse.

I walked for a good hour or so, or it felt like I did anyways. I walked upon a river, a good flowing river. I got out my container and put it into the flowing water, watching the water flow into it. Thinking how many people I have killed, because I dont know if they have been bitten or not. I once killed a 5 year old little girl. She had the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. Crying for her mommy. But her mommy was gone dead, no longer amongst the living. I took her mother's life. Because she turned into a Creeper. I carried the little girl with me. I was so hungry and she was the only thing I saw as food. I didn't think like a normal person anymore. How could any one think normally anymore after the XY virus went A-WALL! I told her to close her eyes, it will all be over soon. I said crying. I took her life just so I could eat. I cut her throat, she cried and spat up blood, grabbing her little neck. Looking at me for help. I did nothing, nothing to help save her life! I just sat there. While she crawled towards me. Those little hands reaching out for help, I saw the life disappearing in her eyes. After a few minutes. I killed the brain. Making sure she did not come back as a Creeper.

I skinned the little girl and gutted her as well. I digged a hole to place her remains into. I ate for a good 2 or 3 days because of her. I have that little girl to thank. I am worse than the Creepers who kill the living. They kill because they are not in control of their bodies anymore. I kill to Survive. This world has made me into a killer! I wanted to be a Dr. I never wanted this life. I have met a few people out here in this hell hole that once was our home. We banned together for a few nights to just talk and laugh for a while. Until one of them turned into a Creeper. The Creeper bit and tore through half of us. Their was 20 of us, but after that cold bloodly night. Their was only I and James left. We went our separate ways. He was a young boy, only had to be 15 or 16 years old. I felt so bad for him. His father Luke died that night. He was turned into a Creeper. Trying to save his sons life. I offered James to come with me. But he declined my offer. He said he was gonna head west and try to find his older brother Danny. I gave him the address I was gonna be.

I told him to be there in 3 days. My mother was a rich women. She had a huge boat. That could fit about 30 or 40 people. My mother had it stocked with food and clothes. I knew it was still their. Because we had it locked up so tight, that no one could get into it unless they knew the code. It was voice active and finger print DNA as well. It is now day 2. I have another 8 hours of walking to do. I should be there in the after noon before the sun goes down.

I need to get some rest, so I can think straight. The time is now 740 pm. Once you, you use the sun as a clock, it gets so much easier to do.