riding the waves of life


Fuck what was that I said yelling at Danny who was behind me.

Danny/ there is a big ass Creeper that jumped onto the platform that leads to the ship. Its running extremely fast towards us as we speak he said yelling back.

Markus/ Run, Run as fast as you can. I said yelling back to him, trying to keep Katie on my back.

We are almost their I said, we have to jump over the gap, or we will not live to see another day in this hell! I yelled to him.

Danny/ Yeah man I know. I said yelling back to Markus.

Markus/ okay Danny get ready to jump in 3, 2, 1, jump now I said. I and Katie rolled and slammed into the door of my boat. Danny landed onto of me, taking my breath from me. Causing Katie to cry from being slammed into.

Get inside. I said yelling, holding the door open for them. I looked behind me, and saw the Creeper jumping over as well. I shut the door behind them and making sure to lock it from the outside, so they could not open it. Until I have taken care of the Creeper. I grabbed my blade. But I was to late, the Creeper slammed me against the metal door that lends inside the cabin. He tried to bite me. But I moved just in time. I rolled across the ground and grabbed my blade once again. I slammed the blade down hard into the Creepers skull. It went down like a pile of bricks.

I jumped up and unlocked the cabin door that lends into the motor room to control how the boat moves or goes.

Danny/ Damnit man I could have helped you. I said yelling at Markus.

Markus/ You have a little sister to look after. I said yelling back. Now let's get going. We need to leave here now. I said pointing out the cabin window. Creeapers where trying to jump over but kept falling into the ocean.

I started the boats engine and pulled us out from the decks..

Katie/ Um Markus I am very hungry she said spinning her thumbs in a circle.

Markus/ Hey Danny take her to the kitchen. Open up the door in front of you. And take a left. Their is enough food to last 2 or 3 years I said.

Danny/ Dont we need to check the boat to see if their is any Creepers on here? I asked Markus.

Markus/ No I have motion sensors and cameras all around the boat. I said smiling.

Finally made it to the boat Emily, I wish you where here with me and the people who are with me as well. You would have liked Katie. She reminds me of you a whole lot. I wish, I wish I could have saved you. But I was not fast enough. Emily I am gonna give you to the ocean now, I threw the pink necklace that she gave me when she was 5 years old. I threw it into the ocean. You are now riding the waves of life little sister.

I hope your soul is at peace Emily. I love you so much.

Danny/ So you lost your sister huh? I asked him

Markus/ Yeah she was only 14 years old, I tried to save her but I was to late. I- I tried to save her. Man I tried so hard, but my, my mother dude. I was only 17 years old when it happened. I said to Danny. Looking at the ocean.

Danny/ It was not your fault man, you tried to save her. It will be okay. I placed my hand on Marcus's shoulder. Trying give him comfort.

Markus/ Thank you Danny, but I am gonna go to bed. Yalls room is beside my room. On the right, their is supplies and other things you might need in the bathroom I said walking down the hall and turned left.

I walked into my bedroom and locked my door, I walked to the bathroom, and turned on the shower. It was nice and hot. I have not felt hot water in a very long time. I took a shower and I trimmed my beard.

I dried my hair with my blue towel. I wiped the hot steam off the mirror. I took a long look at myself. Seeing all the scars on my chest, trying to survive and not die. I looked into my blue eyes threw the mirror, thinking of how much I have seen in the past five years. Knowing I could never unseen what I have saw. So many deaths and so Creepers tearing my life apart. Knowing I killed my mother, knowing I did not save my sister. Knowing I killed a little girl, just so I could survive. I have done so many bad things, since the XY VIRUS broke out. I am going to find a cure. I am going to save the rest of humanity. Even if it kills me. I'm doing this for Emily, for James, for Danny, for Katie and for myself as well. I will save this world from burning to the ground. I will no longer be afraid of dying. I will no longer let those monsters hold me back. We have to go to Washington DC, to get the items that I need. I will have to recruit more living people, I need loyalty people and I will train those loyal people to fight with me. I will be their leader, I will save them all! I said to myself.

I walked out of the bathroom and laid onto my bed, this is the best feeling I have ever felt in a long time. I am glad my mother was a scientist. I am thankful for that, she build this boat with the help of

shipwrights. It took them almost a year to build it. It was finally done in the year of 2012. Three years before the out break.

*Knock* *knock* hey man its Danny, come on I made breakfast. You should eat. I said to Markus through the door, that was between us.

Markus/ Yeah I am coming give me moment. I said.

Good morning Katie, i said patting her blonde hair.

Hey Danny, we where in California. But we are heading to Washington DC, I need to get some supplies from my mother's office. I am gonna try to make a cure. I am gonna try to save the rest of humanity. I said while cutting into my pancakes.

Danny/ That will be pretty risky you know that right? I asked him.

Marcus/ Yeah I know, but I need it. I need to find more people and a bigger boat. I said

Danny/ dude this is not a boat this is a freaking ship. I said laughing.

Marcus/ I guess you could say it is a ship. I said shoving pancakes into my mouth. The taste of the surgery goodness was like heaven to me.

This is really really good Danny. Who thought you how to cook? I asked

Danny/ my father did. I said holding back my tears. So I wont upset my little sister.

Katie/ hey bro?

Danny/ yes Katie?

Katie/ where is daddy anyways? And when is gonna met up with us? I asked my older brother. Wanting to know the truth.

Danny/ he wont be Katie, he is no longer with us. He is in heaven now. I said smiling at her bright green eyes.

Marcus/ I'm gonna go set the GPS to Washington DC, I know it is over 40 hours. So try not tear anything up will ya. I said jokingly.

I placed my plate into the dish washer. Oh Danny, one more thing. We can only take a shower every 3 or 4 days. The water is from the ocean, which is placed into the broiler to sanitize the water that we drink and use in every day things. I said walking to the cabin to set our course to Washington.