why now?

The time is now 300 pm, I'm documenting this all down on paper and my voice recorder, for the progress. And hoping someone some day will continue my work when I am gone. It has been 3 hours since I have injected the Creeper with Imovax a form of rabie vaccine. The subject shows no signs of of human activity. Subject only shows anger and hostility towards the living still.

Still no progress to the Trials

What am I supposed to do now? I see no point of continuing this program!

H-help M-me. I heard from the Creeper.

Subject has spoken some words to me, she asked me to help her. It is working! I cant believe it is working!! I yelled into my recorder.

What is your name? I asked

Sasha. The Creeper said with a light whisper coming from her lips.

Sasha my name is Markus J. Williams, I am trying to find a cure for you. I said smiling.

AHHHHHH! The Creeper yells and screams.

Calm down Sasha, you need to try to calm your self. I said moving closer to the lab table. In order to hear her better. That was a bad move on my end.

Sasha has lost her humanity once again. She breaks loose from the restraints. She grabs my arm. Trying to bite me. I tried to pull away. But the grip that holds so much power, crushers my bones. In my arm. I yell in pain, trying to reach for my gun. But it was no use in trying. The Creeper, hops off the lab table. And jumps on top of me.

AHHHHHHH, the Creeper yells once again. It seems like she is resisting the urge to kill me. She pulls away from me. Grabbing my gun off the table. And shoots herself in the head. I tried to stop her. But I was too late. Once again. I failed to save yet another life from ending. Once again, I am just a piece of dog shit, on the bottom of a shoe. I couldn't help her. I cant help anyone! I yelled

Danny came running into the lab seeing me laying on the floor. He picks me and locks the lab door.

Danny/ what the hell happened in there? I asked in concern.

I gave Danny the recorder for him to listen to. The look on his face was amusing.

Danny/ so it work? But she killed herself in order not to kill you huh? I asked. Feeling sadden for the girl.

Marcus/ yes, yes she did. I was so close Danny. I was fucking close. Only If I did not loosen the straps in order to hear her a little better. I said crying.

Danny looked down at my arm, and saw blood pouring my arm.

Danny/ did she bite you? I asked ready to kill him.

Marcus/ no she did not, she crushed my arm, breaking a couple of bones in my arm. I ask looking at him. While holding my blade in my other hand.

Danny/ you are gonna have to let me take care of that for ya. It looks pretty fucking bad. I said pulling out my blade, and pouring wine over it. Making sure it is clean.

Marcus/ yeah I know, just make it quick. I said. Pulling my belt out and biting onto it. Hoping and praying it will end soon.

Danny dug his blade deep within my flesh. I could hear the bones in my arm being cracked by the knife. I grabbed his hand trying make him stop, trying to make the pain stop. But he tied my hand to the rail, so I wont interrupt his sawing beneath my arm. I howled in pain. Katie came running into the room that we where in. She tried to help take my mind off the pain. But it did not work. Danny finally broke through the bone in my arm. He tossed my arm from my body to the side, and ran to grab a blowtorch. Katie is putting pressure on my numb, trying to make the blood flow lessen some. Danny ran back into the room, he puts the hot flames to my arm, or what use to be my arm. I screamed in agonizing pain. Then everything went black...

Danny/ help me carry Marcus to his room. I yelled to my sister. While placing my hands underneath his arms.

Katie grabs his feet, and we shuffled to his room. We placed him on his bed, I ran to the bathroom to grab some wet towels. I cleaned his body and is numb. Hoping that death does not come and take him away. Hoping and praying that he comes out of it alive and well.

Come on Katie, let's get out of here and let him get some rest. I said while walking away.

Katie/ I'm coming Danny I said to him. I leaned off the bed and place a small but yet passionate kiss on his lips, hoping he had felt it. Hope is all we have left in this world.

I walked out of the room, and closed the door.

Danny/ why did you kiss him? I asked her.

Katie/ is it a crime to love someone I said walking into my and locking the door behind. I went into the bathroom. I took off my clothes, and got into the nice hot water. Thinking about Marcus. Thinking about him nude. His tan skin, his baby blue eyes. His black long hair. How sexy he was to me. I know the age difference is only a few years apart. But who cares anymore. I want to have relations with him. I want him I thought.

My hands flowed over my curves, around my breast. Down my stomach. Pleasing my erge of wanting it to be within me. Wanting him to feel every part of of my body. Wanting him to love me. As I have loved him. I moved my hand down between my legs and my other hand on my breast. Thinking about how big he is. Wanting him made me feel even hotter, I came to the every thought of him. His wonderful abs and his sexy ass. Oh how i could be with him. I thought.
