
Okay remember the plan? I asked them both.

Yeah we got it down. Kaite and Danny both said at the same time.

Well I am gonna say it one more time. We are gonna get the shit that we need at the army base, and then find Alinna. I said looking at them. But why not find Alinna first. Katie asked me.

Because if find Alinna first and if we try to go back to the base and is over powered by Creepers than we are fuck again. That means we will have to use our guns and ammunition once again. We cant afford to waste it. I said getting aggravated with her.

Danny Katie and myself, hoped off the boat. Danny Katie are behind me, we army crawled through the tall grass. I can see the fence. I whispered yelled to them.

We got off the ground, and ran as fast as we could, shooting and stabbing Creepers that was in our way.

I grabbed the wire cutters out of Danny's pack. I cut threw the metal fence. We are almost to the base that could lead to our despair or lead us to our victory.

We crawled through the broken fence, and ran to the base. I got out the blowtorch and torch the doorknob, I kick the knob in making fall inside, the door opens. Come on I said looking behind me. Danny Have your gun ready. I told him. Katie get your blade out and point it out towards your chest. I told her.

It is really dark in here, kaite said grabbing ahold of my shirt. Katie let go and go stand beside your brother. I told her getting aggravated with Katie.

We passed through alot of doors and hall ways. We finally made it to the kitchen. Danny Katie and myself. Grabbed as much food and water as we could I went to go find some clothes for us. I pushed the clothes deep within our bags. Wait did you hear that? I heard Katie whispered yelled from the kichten.

Katie just focuse on your damn job. I told her from the room I was in. Looking around the room that I was where in.



I ran back into the kitchen that Katie and Danny where in. Trying to see what has ahold Danny.

Katie/ Danny its Alinna. Alinna grabbing ahold of Katie's hand.

Marcus/ Katie dont! I yelled to her. But it was to late. Alinna grabbed hold of Katie. Alinna pulls Katie to the ground. Alinna bit into Katie's arm.

Ahh she cried in pain. Looking at me and Danny for help.

Danny grabs Katie from the Creeper who once was their sister.

Danny throws Katie to me. I caught Katie, and ran towards the door. But more Creepers flowed into the kitchen. Like wolves run when they see fresh meet. Shit we are blocked in I said yelling to Danny who just killed his older sister. I see tears flowing out of his eyes. Danny now is not the time to cry I said yelling to him, while trying to hold Katie up. It is harder than you think. A man with one arm trying carry a girl. It is pretty hard I thought to myself.

I placed Katie onto the ground underneath a table. Hoping she wont turn into a Creeper just yet. There is about 10 Creepers in the room with us. Danny and I both shot and stabbed them. I dont know how in the hell we made it out alive I thought to myself. Danny picked up his sister, and threw her over his shoulder. We ran back to the boat with our bags in hand. I unlocked the lab and place Katie onto the table. I grabbed the iv and placed it into her arm, I gave a heavy dose of Imovax. She yelled in pain, asking me to end her life. Begging and pleading me. I strapped her down, trying to make sure her movements where limited. Katie this might or might not work I told her.

Katie yells in pain. Her body went limp. I placed my ear onto her chest trying to here for a heart beat. I heard a very faint beat. But She is still alive I told Danny. All we can do now is just wait I said.