into the woods

............TIME LAPES...........

It has been 5 months since I killed my friends, there deaths where not in vane. 2 months ago, I have recruited about 10 people. I injected them with Katie's blood. I told them that is the vaccine that my friends and I have developed.

I have written their names down.

List of names that I have saved so far. 1. Jamie wade Walker. He is 18 years of age. 2. Haden foxx. He is 24 years of age. 3. Sofia she is 25 years of age. 4. Katrina boyden. She is 30 years of age, she said she use to be a dr. I will keep her safe. 5. Lance Armsome

He is 40 years of age. He said he use to be in the army. I will have him fight with me.

6. John Allen Lewis. He is 35 years of age. I will have him on kitchen duty, along with Sofia. They both will be the cooks on my boat. 7. Tristan lane Loise. He is 34 years of age. I will put him on cleaning duty, a long with Jamie. 8. Elisha Alden. He is 19 years old. He said his old man tought him how to shoot guns. He said his old was in the army. I will make a training session for the young people to learn how to use guns. I will put them with Lance, Lance will be our gun and safety trainer. 9. Rick Perry Scott. He is 40 years of age. I will put him with Tristan.

10. Adien Rosenberg. He is 18 years of age.

This is the people I have saved with Katie's blood. I found most of them hiding out in a rundown hotel. The other 5, I found was Creepers, so I gave them the vaccine and it worked. Thanks to Katie. My dream of saving the human race is coming true Emily. I thought to my self.

Now our next step is to head to Japan, but first we need to fuel, lucky we have not Hawaii yet.

I will take the older men with me and leave the women and the kids here. Everyone has their part to play.

Listen up everyone, I have assigned everyone to a post that they have to hold. If you dont like your post, then the door is right there. If you leave through that door, you will be considered a threat to my group, and you will be shot dead. Do I myself clear. I said sternly.

They all nodded their heads. I cant stand people when they do that. I grabbed my gun from my hoster and pointed towards them. I said do I myself clear. I said shooting into the air. Lucky we where out side. They all said yes sir.

Okay here is yalls post. I said putting my gun away and grabbing the papers and reading it out to them. Jamie and Tristan you both will be on cleaning duty, that means you clean the floors, the bathrooms and the rooms, and you will wash the clothes as well. You will work for 6 days straight and have 1 day off from cleaning. If it is not spotless, then you will go out with food and water for 3 days and still have to clean. Do I make my self clear. I said giving them the cleaning supplies. Jamie/ yes sir I understand. I said taking the cleaning supplies from his hand. Tristan followed me back to the line and we sat as he called out the others names and post.

Katrina, you said you use to be a dr. Right? I asked her.

Katrina/ yes sir I was. Looking up at him.

Marcus/ great, you will be posted at the lab, all the stuff you need is in there. You will be giving check ups to everyone. Everyday. I said handing her the keys. I have a spare key just for me as well.

Katrina/ thank you sir. I said walking back to the group, I sat beside Tristan. He looks like he gonna shit his pants in a matter of time. I thought to myself.

John and Sofia you both will be our be cooks, if you dont know how to cook. You better learn quickly. I told them both.

Sofia and John/ yes sir we will.

Lance, Haden, and Elisha,Rick, Adien yall 5 will be with Lance, he was in the army. He will teach you how to hold a gun properly and the safety of the gun. He will also take you into the field, to show you how to shoot and stab a Creeper. I said looking at the 5 of them.

I will also hold a session on how to shoot guns and use the proper technique of knifes. It will be every other day. Yall all have you're parts to play. If one falls we all fall. So get your shit and get to work. Lance you come with me, I need to talk to you. I said walking from my group.

Lance/ what can I do Marcus? I said looking deep into his blue eyes.

Marcus/ how fast can you have those boys ready to fight? I need to fuel up the boat, we wont have enough fuel to get to Japan. I said.

Lance/ possibly in a day or 2. But they wont be fully prepared to kill a Creeper running towards them. I said looking at Markus.

Marcus/ then get them ready I need you and the boys out there with me. I am gonna pull the boat up to the docks, I am counting on you. Oh one more thing Lance, if you ever try to over throw me. I will know. So get that thought out of your head. I said pushing past him.

Lance/ how did he know? I thought to myself.

Haden and Adien go grab the other two boys and bring them out onto the deck. I said.

Marcus/ I watched as Lance trained the boys how to fight and stay alive. Lance is a good teacher. I will keep him around. I need those boys to be trained within two days I yelled to Lance.

Lance/ no problem Marcus, they will be. I said yelling back to him. You heard the man, boys let's keeping pushing ourselves to the limit I said smiling at them.

Sofia/ hey Marcus, dinner is almost ready. I told him.

Marcus/ good good, call everyone into the cabin, and go set up the table. Put me at the end of the table and Lance at the other end. I said giving her a light smile.

Sofia/ yes sir, will do. I said calling the others in to eat.