the battle begans

Marcus/ I know you are hiding so come one out. I yelled getting annoyed with this game of cat and mouse. I bent down onto the ground to get a better look in the water. Oh their you are! I said smiling. I pulled him by his hair, and dragged him out of the shallow waters. Creepers are now forming around us.

You know this could have been so much different. I said stabbing a Creeper that was trying to bite him. I wanted to be the one who kills him.

Lance/ Marcus stabs a Creeper that was running towards me. I stood onto my feet, grabbing my blade, I aimed for his arm. But I missed. Marcus pushes me down onto the ground. He slams his blade into my arm, that he killed the Creeper with. Damn I am infected with the blood of a Creeper. I thought

Marcus/ looks like you are now infected sunny boy. I said trying to stab him again. But missed. Damn this man is fast. I thought.

I ran towards Lance, trying to get a good clean stab. But I kept missing.

Will you stop fucking running and fight like a damn man. I yelled.

Lance/ I'm not gonna stay still and let you kill. I'm not a damn deer. I said yelling.

I put my blade in front of me, Marcus runs towards me. He pushes me to the ground, I felt something warm on my shirt. I looked to where my blade went. I made a clean stab into Marcus's chest. I killed the man that killed my sister and my brother. I thought to myself. I pushed Marcus off me. He was spitting up blood hold his chest. Trying to stop the blood from flowing out of him. But it was no use. It was good stab to his heart.

Marcus/ y-you know I-I never wanted this Lance. I just wanted to help others in the world. I wanted to save those who where in need. Because I couldn't save my sister Emily. I said with my breathe.

Lance/ I do believe you Marcus. But some where along the way of trying to save others you lost your way. You lost yourself, you killed innocent people. You killed my little brother and my little sister. I said stabbing my blade deep into his skull. I carried his lifeless body back onto the ship. I called the group to come to the deck.

They all came in one by one, with their mouths open. Most of the group was shock to see their leader dead. The other half was smiling. Because they dont have to live in fear anymore.

Sofia/ you really did it? I cant believe Marcus is dead. That means we are free right? I asked lance.

John/ so who is gonna lead us now? Who are we gonna look to lead us into the right path.

I asked lance.

Lance/ I will be yalls leader, if yall are willing to let me lead yall. I said smiling.

John/ you look a little pale Lance? Are you feeling alright? I asked Lance.

Lance/ I was stabbed by Marcus, who killed a Creeper before stabbing me. I just need the vaccine, I dont have the keys to lab and Marcus finger print DNA wont work because he is dead. I said kneeling on the ground. Trying to catch my breath.

Katrina/ I have a set of keys Lance. Come on I'll give you a vaccine shot. John help me carry Lance to the lab. I said as John and I grabbing his arms.

Lay him onto the table. I told John. Lance I have to inject the vaccine into your brain stem, because if I inject it into your arm. We dont know if it will work or not?. Since we dont know long ago Marcus stabbed you. I said

Lance/ that is fine with me, just hurry please. I said taking off my shirt and laying on my stomach. Katrina came over to me. She dabbed a wet cloth onto my neck, trying to make sure the spot she was aiming for was clean enough. I felt a sharp pain went through my body. My vision went black. My body felt so cold, I couldn't move! All I heard was yelling. They said yelling that I was turning, hold him down. I heard Katrina yell. John got on top of me, trying to hold my me down. I couldn't control my body movements. It felt like someone else was telling me what to do. I felt Katrina place the needle into my skin. I growled in pain. I tried to stop but all that came out was a growl?
