WHEN I LOOKED BACK IT WAS TO LATE! I saw a man who just shot Sofia in the head. Hear body hits the ground like a pile of bricks. I ran towards her lifeless body, but I was to late. I looked up to see who has just shot one of my group members. But I could not see, it was to dark. I heard Lance yelling and cursing the person who shot her. I saw his body changing into something I cannot explain with words. He ran towards the gun fire, I saw Lance threw down a man off the high beams where he was hiding. I ran towards the man but Lance pushed me outta the way. He looked at me, and told me to get the others out of here now. He said yelling in a deep voice.
I grabbed Katrina, Elisha and Rick, we head towards the doors. But when we moved the metal pipes out of the way. Their where Creepers at the door, we tried to close the doors back. But it was no use at all. They pushed the doors wide open, Katrina, Elisha, Rick and I fell to the ground. I heard Lance yelling in pain. I looked back at him but saw the man standing over him with his rifle who shot Sofia in the head. He now has Lance pined to the ground, with his foot on Lance's chest. I heard the gun go off. I couldn't watch my best friend being killed. I looked away and motioned for the rest of the group and I to try to sneak away. But it did not work out, the man came running toward us. I closed my eyes and held Katrina in my arms waiting for the worst to happen. It never did, I opened my eyes to see Lance in front of us. He grabbed the man by his arms and ripped them off of his body. Lance jumped on top of his body tearing out his guts and throwing them into the air. Blood went everywhere on the group and I. Lance turned back around and walked towards us.
Lance/ are you all okay? I asked whipping the blood off my face, trying not to lick my fingers. For God knows I want to so badly. I saw about 12 or 13 Creepers walking into the building, I told the group to say here for a moment till I took care of them.
I grabbed the metal pipe, that held the doors closed. I ran towards them and one by one, I killed them all. I could see their memories of them being human before they where turned in this monster. They where still in there, but they cannot control their bodies. I thought to myself. I went back to Sofia's body and pick her up in my arms. I stood there crying for a good 20 minutes. I took her body out side and placed it into a deep whole I found. Sofia I am so sorry this happened to you, I should have told you that I loved you. I thought I would have had enough time to. But I guess I did not! I said crying into my sleeve. I got up and went back inside the building. I helped the rest of my group up off the ground. We need to keep moving. It is not safe here anymore. I explained to them.
John/ Lance we dont have a choice, we have to stay here for to night. I explained to him.
He looked so broken over Sofia's death. Hell I am too, i think all of us are. I thought to myself holding Katrina's hand.
Katrina/ you can let my hand go now. I said pushing his hand off of mine. When I looked at his hand, he was shaking so badly. I just grabbed his hand again and held it into mine. Trying to calm his nerves some. Lance I really do think we should stay here for tonight. I said looking at the half wet blood on his face.
Lance/ no we need to keep moving. You all saw what happened to Sofia, I dont want that to happen again. We dont know if that man had any friends that where with him, and if did had friends with him. We dont want to be here when they get back. I said getting aggravated with her and John.
Rick/ I agree with Lance on this one guys, just think about it. What they have more guns and more people than us? We all could be killed in a matter of seconds! I said rasing my voice.
Lance/ okay it is settled then, let's keep on the dirt path and hopefully we will find something to sleep in tonight. I said walking away from them trying to hid my tears from my group. I dont want them to see their leader being weak. I thought to myself.
The sun is almost down and it starting to get dark, so let's pick up the pace some and go.
Katrina/ hey Lance I need to ask you something about the Creepers you killed back at the building. I said trying to catch up to him.
Lance/ yeah what is up?
Katrina/ you saw something, you saw something that made you hesitated from killing them didn't you? I asked him
Lance/ yes I did, I saw their memories of them before they changed into a Creeper. It was like they where still in there, but not in control of their bodies. I said looking up at the night sky.