not the right time


Lance/ after DTA killed two of our friends, we ran back to the ship. Elisha looked like he saw something so horrifying. He ran past us yelling. They are all dead! The guys and I followed him, but he slammed his door and locked it. We knocked but he yelled saying leave me alone you monster, you killed all my friends. But when we tried talking to him through the door, we heard ran into the bathroom and turned the water on. He was trying drown us out. I said to the men. Who looked scared for his well being. We knock down the door and ran to the bathroom, he was sitting beside the shower with his knees to his chest. Crying into his hands, he kept saying that they are all dead?

I tapped his arm trying to get his attention, he pulled a blade on me. His eyes where big puffy and red, from all the crying has done. I took a step back some to give him his space. I sat in front of him. Lance/ what is the matter Elisha? I asked him.

Elisha/ how did you escape from the shack Lance? I asked him in amazement to see him.

He looked at me like I was crazy, like I was losing my shit. Like I was to far gone. Maybe I am losing my shit, maybe I am crazy and maybe I am to far gone. I said to myself.

I looked behind to see Rick and John, they are alive? But how, how or the better question is, what is happening? I said alot out.

......End of flashback..........

Lance/ hey elisha, how are you doing buddy? I asked him

Elisha/ you tied me to a fucking bed, how do you think I am doing?

Lance/ I'm sorry but you where losing your damn mind. I told him.

Elisha/ Its not my fault man, it's not my fault that DTAs men stabbed me with a needle that had some type of drug in it. I said looking at him.

Lance/ well at least you are fine now. I said walking out of the room that he was tied down in.

John and Rick, you need to keep an eye on Elisha. What ever DTA shot him up with is fucking his body over and his mind as well. So please keep an eye out! I said walking away from them.

I went to my room thinking about how much I have lost, thinking how much they have lost. John and Rick lost their families, Elisha had a connection with Katrina. After Katrina died he lost his mind. He started to shout at DTA, but that was the wrong move to make. DTA knocked us down and one of his men shot something into Elisha's arm. He yelled like he was in pain. I saw Katrina on the ground, she was holding her chest. I ran towards her hoping I could save her life but I didn't make it in time to aid her.

I ran towards DTA and slugged him in his face, his men stopped me and forced me back. I ran back to Elisha and the others, I picked up Elisha because he was out cold. We ran have way to the ship. That was when Elisha woke up, I sat him down for a moment to get his bearings. He started running away from us, we ran with him he ran back to the ship and John and Rick followed in suite. I had to fight of the dozen Creepers that followed us back to our ship. I honestly have to say, I miss Marcus maybe I should have given him a second chance? I thought to myself laying on my bed. He could have helped out with the Creepers that was chasing us down.

Something happened to me today, I feel like the vaccine finally worked all the way, that was a good thing. But the bad thing is, I wont be any use to my group anymore. I wont be able to sneak in and out of run down shit holes. But I really need to start looking for Marcus's journal, so I can read what he had planned. I'm thinking he might have been allies with DTA, and if that is the case we are fucked. I need to find more people and more supplies for us. I need more fighters, I will make Elisha and John my second hand men, and Rick my trainer for others who comes aboard my ship. I will not make the same mistakes as Marcus did, he got caught and that is what had gotten him killed. But me on the other hand, I will not make any mistakes what so ever.

I will not be so cruel to others, but I know when to stand my ground and help others as well, I will be a just humanbeing.

I will call our 4 man group THE RED DEATH. That will stand for something, it will scare people into thinking we are evil and make them join me.

That is how I will not get caught, that is how I will kill anyone who stands in my way. That is how I will kill DTA for killing my family.

.......TO BE CONTINUED........