some things to know

This world is where if you are lucky, you will have some friends, or you will be stabbed in the back eventually by those who used to be your minion...

As anyone can fall really fast no matter how strong you are and as time goes on things just get harder and harder as the so-called creator is using those below him as entertainment, and gets bored easily so whoever entertains him the most gets the benefits. At the same time, those that don't well there won't even be a story to be told about them, thus the povs are the things that we will see through his eyes as his "toys" try to reach the top.

9 skills gained upon crossing past it

99 unknown yet, and is it the limit? Hmmm?

exp distribution majority goes to the killer, but the rest spreads to others that are near the location, meaning that while you may be getting stronger, but your possible enemies get some too, from plants to humans, everything gets a single skill, so expect desperate humans, mind-blowing plants, scheming animals, and some rather quirky, lucky, downright bizarre villains of all shapes and sizes hell some aren't *ahem* whoops nearly dropped a spoiler there but regardless as there are no rule or laws anymore...

so what is stopping them when everyone wants to show off something...

Anyone that dies naturally becomes a zombie with the person's skill regardless of the race unless their skill changes that, but still, imagine a level 76 person dying then turning into a zombie. That's how quickly things can get dangerous for the ones they tried to protect...

three things affect the skill you can gain

First is obviously your deepest desire. I mean, hell, the will that strives you to become stronger no matter what decides the skill tree, meaning how/where to focus when using it to make it stronger.

Using a skill a certain way can either strengthen it or weaken it, so good luck to the foolish ones.

Second is trauma to prevent you from stopping and to always go higher and higher even at the cost of something, and it decides your cost per use of the skill gained. The greater the cost, the more roads it can take to grow the user, summons, or overall skill.

Third, the mindset at the time decides what the skill shall be at the start, but the higher the cost well there is a chance that it will change into something better example, basic strengthening if the person followed their deepest desire, it can change into something else entirely from strengthening others or summoning something to "fuse" with you temporarily or permanently which is not always a good thing...

For basic enhancement to controlling a floating city with this in mind, if you were in this world, what kind of skill would you get?

As for some sneak peeks into hiei, let us see, he was starved of food, love, family, then beaten almost daily since the change as well as being mutilated, revenge was his main thing until he finally succeeded, that last thing he wanted so desperately was to restore his body not his looks...

With this in mind, how do you think his skill will grow or change?

Juggernaut, another person with the somewhat same circumstances as he was almost beaten to death while starving as for how old he is now, this man is only 20 years old. His mindset and greatest desire are obvious from his skill and what he loves doing the most...

As for rain, hers heh is a surprise.