Touching the veil of unknown!

[evolution path:

1. Elder goblin, more charisma, and luck

2. Warrior Hobgoblin, higher strength, and constitution

3. Archer Hobgoblin, higher dexterity, constitution, and luck

4. Mage Hobgoblin, higher intelligence, and wisdom]

John analyzed: "The system seems to show more information as the monster gains a better footing amongst dungeon hierarchy. I would have been able to push the vessel myself, but that would have raised alarms. The choice seems quite elementary"

"Since this is only a temporary lodging, there is no need to focus on irrelevant attributes, luck and charisma are useless, discarding elder goblin. Intelligence and wisdom will act against my future interest, reducing my control over this vessel, this fact removes mage as an option. Strength is not a primary focus of a goblin, they are fundamentally weaker than many other monsters, making the warrior path obsolete. Archer is the only remaining option; it will be a good experience to witness the evolution of a more developed monster to a higher tire. I can shape more paths with my powers, but this would not be the proper time, the working of the soul is still a mystery to be unlocked. Avoiding any rash move is the best choice at the moment, later I will have more power to control" he assessed.

John commanded: "System I chose Archer hobgoblin"

Sounds of bones breaking filled the cave, yet no screams of pain followed suit. A cocoon of blue sapphire could be seen on the ground, upon closer inspection a shaking goblin was at the center.

After some time, the blue hue disappeared, leaving a body behind. A goblin surprisingly taller and sturdier than before, covered with grey skin rather than green. A moment later two cold eyes flashed open, investigating the surroundings for any dangers.

"My transformation has not attracted any monsters; I used my skills to trap the mana within a sapphire. It should have helped with hiding; it also vastly improved my ending results. As previously observed, the mana imprint is not being efficient in this process. I was able to use a small sum of energy to fill up my health, mana and stamina points. The monsters with a higher level should be the ones receiving premium treatment and are under strict limits. I should scan the body and ask the system to see if there is a window to pry on matters of the soul" John deduced.

[Name: Kala

Race: Hobgoblin

Class: Archer

Level: 1

HP (Health Point): 72/72 (CON*8+8)

MP (Mana Point): 41/41 (INT*12+5)

SP (Stamina Point): 85/85(CON*10+DEX/2)


Strength – 7

Dexterity – 10

Constitution – 8

Intelligence – 3

Wisdom –4

Charisma – 5

Luck – 3

Skills: Lead (Basic): higher chance of success in rallying troops

Good shot (Basic): higher chance of success in shooting a target

Condition: Healthy, unstable cells (unable to go under further modification until stabilization)

Mana imprint: 20% connection to the soul

XP (Experience Point): 0/130]

He then relayed to the system: "System show my status window"

[Name: Kala

Race: Hobgoblin

Class: Archer

Level: 1

HP (Health Point): 72/72 (CON*8+8)

MP (Mana Point): 41/41 (INT*12+5)

SP (Stamina Point): 85/85(CON*10+DEX/2)


Strength – 7

Dexterity – 10

Constitution – 8

Intelligence – 3

Wisdom –4

Charisma – 5

Luck – 3

Skills: Lead (Basic): higher chance of success in rallying troops

Good shot (Basic): higher chance of success in shooting a target

Condition: Healthy

XP (Experience Point): 0/130]

"I seem to have received a boost on race bases, the skill of good shot has also been added, from the workings of it I can see close ties to luck. It seems luck is in some manner connected to the soul, with intelligence and wisdom supporting it from behind. However, they are not true representatives of the soul, rather they use this connection to show their effects. The imprint is now sharing a 20% connection with the soul, for this race, I believe it will not become more than 40%. It is a shame since the more connected they are, the stronger the soul will be, it would present a rather nice guinea pig.

The soul is fascinating, there may be a need to inflict strong pain to a specimen, recording the changes to the soul. A manipulation is also a good approach in this experiment, putting them in a coma would be an optimal circumstance. But these methods will carry many risks, the results may also be affected. I must use a mixture of all to observe multiple souls at the same time, for best results humans would be best lab rats! My access is limited at the moment, monsters should give me a proper direction, once humans are available, they will be used to boost my research"

John arrived at conclusions that would make the hair on any who heard it stand. Soul has always been regarded as sacred, untouchable and pure. However, for a true man of science like John it was simply a subject to be studied!

Some time was used to adjust to new body and skills, then he simply sat down on the ground cross-legged, similar to a cultivator. John was trying to communicate with the dormant original soul of this body, reading any signs radiated from it. When he had occupied this vessel, he had used strong means, forcing the poor initial resident to go into a deep slumber. This act preserved Kala's soul for future uses; if Kala knew of his fate, he would have simply killed his soul, as this was a fate worse than death. John used the connection between symbol and soul to gain access, relaying simple information. As he needed this bridge to be able to gain entry to the inside of the soul, for communication. Pressuring a soul and corresponding with one was vastly different, the latter needed a link to be achieved; the former only required power and control. John had done so on Kala's soul, disconnecting it from the body completely, so it could not experience anything!

Kala had many wishes, wealth, power, women and glory; yet none had been granted. Now he did not know where he was, all was back with nothing in sight. Not knowing the outcome of the mutiny, his village and most importantly his sword. Angry and heartbroken, he cursed himself, his ancestors, Jiji and everything he could find. Suddenly another world enveloped him, he saw a petite plant with vines, it gave a strange aura. Kala was at a loss on how he should approach this strange plant, so he simply tried the crudest method, pulling it out! Before he could act on such an idea, a charming voice transmitted a message to him: "What is your wish?"

Kala thought of this voice as his savior, he speculated: "Finally my time is here, but what should I say? Which one comes first? Wealth, power, glory or women? This is so hard to decide; can I do two? Wait it did not tell me to only chose one, I want all of them. But what if it doesn't do any after it gets mad? What would I do then? Hah, I finally found it, I found the best answer"

The greedy goblin responded: "I want EVERYTHING"

The voice said: "What are you willing to pay with?"

Kala had not been a stupid one, yet the question threw him off. Thinking: "Was I not supposed to get everything for free, how can I pay when I don't have anything, wait that's it! I found the answer again; I really feel wise today!"

Kala said with scorn in his heart: "I will pay with ANYTHING", thinking he had nothing to give!

Suddenly the plant grew very tall, with long vines and a giant flower the shape of a mouth. The enormous flower opened, showing small razor-sharp teeth inside, then it swallowed the poor goblin within a second. The act had happened with such speed, that Kala was unable to even understand what had transpired. Before he could celebrate the arrival of his new life of joy, he had been swallowed whole by a strange plant.

Then came pain, so strong that he wanted to die many times over. Kala deeply regretted his choice in dealing with the voice, but it had been too late!