Deserted for the second time

Seraph panted, hands on her knees.

"I didn't know you guys were in trouble with the law!"

She glared at Eo and Reya. Reya was the only one looking confused. Eo just looked away.

Reya looked at Eo for an explanation.

"That soldier said 'him'. Are you a criminal or something?"

"No… not exactly…"

"What do you mean by that?"

Seraph huffed angrily.

"Well now that I know you guys are enemies of the military, I can't help you anymore."

"Oh come on, why not? We're just outlaws!" Eo asked.

"I used to be part of the military myself. Interacting with you guys is an extremely illegal thing to do. In fact, I should tie you up right now and send you to prison."

"But you don't even know what I did…"

"What did you do?!" Reya glared at Eo.

"I didn't commit any crimes."

Seraph picked up her bag. "I'm going. Good luck surviving here."

Eo got up and dusted himself. "Where are we?"

"Zone B." Seraph turned and zapped away.

Reya got up slowly. She was slightly shaking.

"Zone… B?"

Eo looked around.

"We should look for shelter first. Monsters could appear at any moment."

"What do you mean, we? I'm not going to be fighting alongside some criminal."

Reya walked away.

Eo called after her.


Eo's voice slowly faltered. He paused for a moment, wondering whether or not he should go after her. Then he decided to just find shelter first.

Eo wandered around for some time before stumbling upon an old factory near the outskirts of another abandoned town. He opened the rusty gates and stepped in.

"Welcome, me. This is my new home I guess."

Eo walked inside. Above the gate was a faded sign that read Essence Experimentation and Research Facilities.