Chapter 2: Tiffany Ivy Garshia

"Ahh!" Tiffany then jumped out of her bed. "Another bad dream huh? Thanks a lot, you stupid dream gods, even if there are any."

"Are you talking to yourself again? Tiffany freaking answer me!" Ellie yelled.

"Sure why?" Tiffany replied. "What's wrong with talking to yourself?"

"Everything!" Ellie yelled back. "So, shut up! I trying to sleep!"

"Fine" Tiffany said rolling her eyes.

"Why do I keep on seeing those darn people in my dreams. This is so annoying; I'm hungry." Tiffany thought to herself. Tiffany got off of the floor and skipped all the way to the kitchen and saw what she thought was a pancake, but it was a banana, but she still ate it.

"Hey Tiff." Said her dad. "Can't you just wait for tomorrow?! You are finally turning 16 years old! You are getting to old, stop growing." He said hugging her so tightly she couldn't breath.

"Yeah, so what. It's just a number" Tiffany said in a sassy tone.

"Fine be like that and get ready for school." Her dad said.

Before he could even finish his sentence, Tiffany was already in her bedroom getting ready. "You speak to slowly old man!" Tiffany said rudely.

"I can't wait for your grandchildren to say that to you one day!" Her dad said yelling up the stairs.

After Tiffany got ready she said her "see you later" and ran to the bus stop, and of course made it on time. Tiffany just transferred to a new school, so she was a bit scared and nervous.

When she got to the new school she quickly put she earbuds on and her hoodie on her head and looked at her new schedule. She had never been to a public school, she was always homeschooled, so she had no idea what to do. After five minutes of walking around the school trying to find her locker she tried opening it but just couldn't. After another five minutes of trying to open her new locker she did. When she opened her locker she a got a big surprise, a boy who was asleep in HER new locker was taking up all the space.

She quickly grabbed his hair and threw him out of the locker and put her backpack away and started to put her notebooks away.

"Hey why the heck did you do that girl, I was trying to skip class!" The boy yelled while drawing attention to him and Tiffany.

"I did it because I need to out my stuff away you jerk." She said very calmly. "And why in the world were you even in my locker?"

"Because it was nobody's locker before you came, so I claimed it. Do you have a problem with that little girl?!" The boy yelled

"No not really. But if you go into my locker again then I will have a problem with it." She said while she grabbed her notebook. She shut the locker and locked it. "Now stay out of my locker or go into your own" she said giving him the death stare and walking away.

The boys friend walked up to him laughing and said, "bahaha! You just got thrown by a girl and yelled at by a girl, you really do suck!"

"Yeah so what. So, shut up!" The boy said while stomping to his class.

The girl was walking to her class when a little blond girl walked up to her and started talking to her about her life problems.

"So yeah that is why my mom and dad hate me. Thanks for letting me talk to you." The blond girl said.

Tiffany didn't respond just stopped and stared at the wall. She grabbed the blond girls hand and ran to the girls bathroom and put her hand over the girls mouth. Then Tiffany shut the lights off.

"Shush, don't say anything. I won't hurt you." Tiffany said whispering.

The intercom went on" everyone go into the closest room and secure room. We are going into a hard lockdown. Whatever room you go into shut the lights off and get down on the floor, be very quiet. I promise this is not a drill. I repeat this is not is drill." As soon as the children heard that intercom they all started panicking, trying to call their parents or the police, screaming, and crying.

The little blond girl started crying "I'm so scared, and how in the world did you know a bad person was here?

"I don't know I just felt like it. Shush!" Tiffany said whispering. She grabbed the girl and went into the largest stall and sat on the floor with her.