Chapter 5: Tiffany's Nightmare

Tiffany opened her eyes and found herself in a hospital bed and in horrible pain. She couldn't feel her shoulder or her ankle. She looked down at her legs and saw tubes going into her legs with fluid going through them and screamed.

Three nurses came running in and tried calming her down, but it wouldn't work. After five minutes of trying to calm her down she finally settled down because they gave her food. An hour passed, and Tiffany had finally settled down completely. She was about to fall asleep until her family walked into the room with bushels of flowers and food.

"You are finally awake" her sister Ellie cried. "How's your shoulder and ankle?"

"Now that you think of it feels great. It feels completely normal." Tiffany said relived. "Hey doctor do you think you could take off my bandages? I feel much better."

"Um sure I guess you just want to see a torn-up shoulder." The doctor chuckled. He then started slowly unraveling the bandages and gasped. "Well I'll be damned; all of your wounds are gone just scars. I've never seen this before." The he started taking all the tubes out of her skin and said. "Well I guess you can go since your wounds are healed."

"Really?!" Tiffany said relieved.

"Of course. We will just have to run a couple more test on you, and get you checked out. Then you can leave this place." The doctor said nicely.

"Cool!" Tiffany shouted. The doctors ran a few more test on her in a time period of thirty minutes, then she got herself checked out.

The next day Tiffany woke up, and for some reason didn't have a bad dream but she was fine with that. She ran down stairs and got cake thrown at her face.

"Happy birthday Tiffany!" Her family yelled.

"Oh, darn it! Now I have to take a freaking shower!" Then Tiffany immediately ran back upstairs and took a shower and got ready.

By the time she got ready the mall had already opened, and she wanted to get there early to get the stuff first. Tiffany really wanted to treat herself for living through a school shooting and it's her birthday. Because of the shooting the whole school had a day off to relax.

Once Tiffany got to the mall, to her surprise it was completely empty with only a couple of people. She started walking around when she spotted several people she knew. And tried to avoid them and went into the nearest store near her, which was a nice shoe store. The kids she knew hadn't spotted her just yet and walked right into the shoe store she was in.

"Omg is that you Tiffany! You remember me, right? It's me Ashley!" she said while hugging her.

"I thought you died or still would have been in the hospital at least for how many times you got shot yesterday." Andrew said sarcastically.

"Hey, Tiff, how are you feeling?" Neil said while walking up to the group of strange teens.

"Yeah i've never felt better and my wounds are already somehow healed. I just have a really bad scar." Tiffany said while pulling down half of her sleeve revealing a huge scar on her shoulder. "I also have one on my ankle but gladly it's not as bad as my shoulder."

"Wow!" while they were staring into the strange looking scar.

After hours and hours of spending time together, shopping, and being complete morons, they said their "goodbyes" and "see you later" and went their separate ways to their home. After Tiffany got home she went straight to bed so she could wake up bright and early to get ready for her second day of school.

"Mommy wake up and make me breakfast!" a strange voice said. Tiffany opened her eyes to see two small children jumping on the bed she was laying in and shouting. One of the children was a boy and the other one was a girl. The boy had the name color of hair Tiffany had but the girl had a more pinky-brownish color.

"Mom, Coal isn't listening to me!" The little girl said crying.

"No Ivy isn't listening to me!" The little boy said crying.

"Babe can you make Coal and Ivy be quiet they won't listen to me." A man with pinkish-brownish hair said.

"This is probably the weirdest nightmare I have ever had in my whole life and i have had a lot of weird nightmares." Tiffany said chuckling.

"What do you mean?" The unfamiliar people said. Then out of nowhere the scene changed and the man, Tiffany, Coal, and Ivy were in a very dark room tied up on a chair with cuts and bruises all over them. And a man with a mask came into the room with a chainsaw and started pointing it toward Ivy and Coal and ran toward them at full speed about to cut their heads off.

"Ahh!" Tiffany woke up in her normal bed and started crying. Ellie walked into her bedroom to try and tried comfort her, and eventually it worked, and Tiffany then got ready for school. She walked out the door of her house, to the bus stop, and then to school.

A lot of people walked up to her to say thank you for kind of saving their lives two days ago, and to hopefully to get better from getting shot. Soon enough most of the school's population new her name and how she saved most of the kid's life's, and what she has gone through to do it.

Once everyone had left her alone she was finally able to go to her locker. Again, she couldn't open it for a very long time. But when she did nobody was in her locker; which made her to jump up and down in happiness. When she was doing this, she got a lot of weird stares coming toward her and a small little group had also spotted her. She noticed that a certain group of people were walking straight toward her, so she decided to quickly grab her things and booked-it to avoid the people.

After many minutes of wandering around the school AGAIN she was able to find her very first class. She thought to herself "I was never able to go to any of my classes two days ago because of that stupid school shooting." She walked into class and there were only a couple of teens in the class and they were all surrounding a person sitting in a desk. When she got a bit closer to the little crowd the noticed that they were crowding around Neil, and when she saw him she quickly sat down in her chair and drew a couple of doodles in her extra notebook.

"Guys can you move out of my way?" Neil asked the people who were surrounding him, "i'm pretty sure I just saw someone I know." The people moved out of his way and he then saw Tiffany with her head facing down at her notebook and pen she was using. "Hey Tiff! I didn't know you were here." He said smiling and walking toward her.

"What do you want, Neil?" Tiffany said rudely.

"Well I saw you, and I wanted to talk to you." Neil replied.

"Okay fine I will let you speak to me if you really want to." Tiffany said sarcastically.

Tiffany and Neil talked to each other the rest of time before class started. Once the bell rang Neil went back to his seat and the teacher came into the class.

"Everyone we have three new students joining us today, you three can come up if you need to." The teacher ordered the three new girls. Tiffany and two other girls went up to the front of the class.

"Hello, my name is Liza Floral Wong and I hope to be your friend. My favorite food is spicy chicken wings, and I am from Tokyo, Japan." the smaller girl announced

Then the other girl went. "Hi, my name is Elizabeth Dream Garshia, and i hope to be your friend. My favorite food is salad with A LOT of croutons, and I am from New York City."

Then Tiffany went, "Hey, my name is Tiffany Ivy Garshia and I hope to be your friend. My favorite food is sushi, and I am from the United Kingdom."

"Wow you girls kind of look alike, you could be related." The teacher said.

"Uh, no not really." The three girls said, then walked to their desks and sat down.

After about three more periods it was time for lunch, and of course Tiffany, Elizabeth, and Liza were in the same classes and had to do the whole introduction thing again. After the three girls got their lunch they went to the same table to talk to each other.

"I really like your eyes Liza." Tiffany and Elizabeth said at the same time.

"Wow thanks. You guys are really pretty too." Liza said complimenting them.