CHAPTER 7: It Always Comes In!

"Stop don't hurt her!" Ashley said to a random man with a familiar mask.  

The man with the familiar mask went running towards Liza and stabbed her straight into the head, and blood went gushing out.

"No Liza!"  Tiffany said screaming and crying.

The man then ran towards Elizabeth and grabbed her head and slammed it on a brick wall causing her skull to smash open and gush out blood.

Neil ran to Tiffany and quickly put her on his back and started running with ease.  But soon enough they were trapped in a corner of an ally. The masked man came slowly walking up to the two teens with Ashley's decapitated head in his right hand.  Then out of nowhere Tanner and Andrew jumped down the brick wall and onto the masked man, but it was a bad idea. As soon as Tanner landed on the masked man the knife he was holding jabbed right into Tanners heart and instantly killed him.  Andrew then backed up to catch his breath, but he was too slow to catch his breath. Before he could realize what was happening the masked man had slit Andrews throat causing him to lose too much blood and not able to breathe right.

Tiffany and Neil then grabbed each other's hands and started to run away from the masked man.  Except when they started to run they went in what seemed like slow motion. They tried and tried to get as far as they possibly could.  When what seemed like two hundred years, they made it to the end of an alley, which is the opposite what they wanted. Neil grabbed Tiffany hands and started to cry, "I'm so sorry that I led you to the end of the alley, but before he starts to catch up I just wanted to say, thank you.  Thank you for being there for me when I really wanted it."

When Neil finished what he was saying they could see the masked man walking up very slowly in the distance from the fog, getting closer every two steps he took.  Then the in no time the masked man was about ten steps away from the two teenagers.

"What do you want from me!"  Tiffany screamed. The masked man then jumped straight for Tiffany's head to bash it but instead Neil had blocked it with his head for a sacrifice.  "No, Neil! Come on breath, stay with me!" Tiffany cried.

"I'm sorry I couldn't give you the life you wanted," as Neil took his last breath and died.

Tiffany got off her knees with blood all over her and ran straight toward the masked man and he was also doing the same.  The masked man pulled out one of his larger knives and it went into Tiffany's heart, and instead made her die a slow and painful death.

"When you wake up from this dream you will always have a pain in your heart no matter what.  Some days it might be worse and some days they might be faint. But you'll be slowly dying." the masked man said right before Tiffany woke up.

It was two o'clock in the morning when Tiffany woke up crying, screaming, and sweating.  She could still feel the horrible pain going through her whole body of being stabbed. Her mom came running into her room to see her in the corner of her room crying, screaming, and her hands on her head mumbling "it was just a dream, just a dream."

"Hey sweetie are you okay?" her worried mom said.

"Mom?!"  When Tiffany heard her mom's voice she quickly got up off the floor and ran into her arms and cried, "my dream, my dream it was so scary.  I can't bear any more of these dreams. They are killing me slowly. I can still feel the pain of when he stabbed me in the heart!"

"Oh, sweetie you have never told me of the scary dream problem you have been having.  You need to tell me what's been going on." her mom said in a gentle tone.

"But if I told you about me dreams even you would get scared and dream about them. And I don't want that happening to you."  Tiffany said crying.

"It's okay just tell me what your dreams are about." her mom asked.

"Okay you asked for it."  Tiffany then went into full detail of her two newest dreams, which was the one with her having kids and the one she just had, and it even scared her mother a bit.  After Tiffany told her mother about the dreams she had been having she started bawling and screaming in pain. "It's happening again! It's just like the masked man said I'm going to die a slow and painful death.  I'm dying! I'm really dying"

Tiffany's dad then came running into the bedroom.

Tiffany's mother replied, "she had a horrible nightmare, and she's even been having them for a while now."

"It's always coming into my dreams!" Tiffany cried

"It's okay.  How about you come in mine and your father's bed to sleep for the rest of the night."  her mother insisted.

"Okay." Tiffany said calming down.

After that night it was time to get ready for school, so that's what Tiffany did.  She made sure to wake up even earlier to take a nice hot bath. When she got to school she was greeted by all her friends and they spoke to each other all the way to their first period, then some of them split up to go to their different classes.

School went by like a lighting flash in a storm, extremely fast.  And that is how the rest of the week went by. Except for Friday, that was the slowest day of her life.  Probably because she was anxious for after school because that is when her party was.

When school finally finished she rushed home as fast as she could to get her little sister to her friend's house just, so she wouldn't have to deal with her.  Tiffany finally dropped her off she went home to decorate the house but luckily her doorbell rang.

Tiffany went to open the door but instead the tall figure just burst through the door with confetti yelling "its finally time to party!"

Tiffany looked confused, "why are you here Neil?  You didn't have to come until 6:00 p.m., and its 4:00 p.m.

"Well, I felt like helping a great friend decorate, because knowing you, you would probably give up after trying to hang up the stuff on the ceilings."  Neil said sarcastically.

"I never asked for your help, but okay, you can help."  Tiffany said handing him a very large box full of streamers and party decorations.  "Now I need you to go put these somewhere but do it neatly!"

About an hour later they had finally finished decorating the house and right on time the doorbell rang.

"Hey Tiff!" Elizabeth and Liza said.

"Omg I'm so glad you were able to make it to the party.  You guys look so cute in your swimsuits." Tiffany said.

Everyone had finally arrived in swimsuits and gathered around the living room and watched some funny kids do a strange, yet funny, dance.  Tiffany walked up to the very large group of teenagers and said, "okay guys, I hope you have had a nice time so far, but I would like to say something really quick.  I would like to thank Neil for helping make the invitations and decorate. Now that is out of the way I would like to say there are snacks on the counter if you get hungry and pizza should be arriving shortly.  If you are wondering, "just why did I bring a swimming suit if I'm not swimming right now," well the pool is up stairs if you would like to go swim."

Everyone then started to get up, "but wait!  Please be carful in the pool, I don't have a life guard on duty, and the pool goes deep, up to eight feet.  I don't want to get sued by any of your parents of you drown. Not only is the pool not that safe the stairs are not safe, if you are coming out of the pool and your feet are sopping wet be carful to not slip down them.  You just might break your head open. Okay now you can go!"

In less than two minutes every single kid had made it into the pool and started to play.  "Jeez, I'm a bit thirsty, are you Andrew?" Tiffany said.


"Hey, don't worry, I can go get you guys some." Tiffany said starting to get out of the pool.

"Okay then, you didn't really have to get us some water, but okay."  Elizabeth exclaimed.

Tiffany went downstairs to the kitchen and got a glass of water and tried to go back to the swimming pool. When she got to the top of the stairs she accidentally dropped one of the glass cups of water.  She put all the other drink and food on the tray on the floor and started picking up the glass. When she moved forward she stubbed her toe on the side stair and stepped on a piece of glass. She started jumping up and down on one foot and holding the one that was hurt.

"Ahh!"  Tiffany then tumbled right back down the stairs and hit her head on the edge of her polished marble stairs.  But right before she blacked out she saw a man. But, it wasn't just any man, it was the masked man from her dreams pointing and laughing at her with a gun in his hand.

"Hey, I'm going to check up on Tiffany, she went to go get a drink and hasn't come back for about five minutes.  I'll be right back." Liza said to Elizabeth.

"Ok bye." Elizabeth said.

Liza left the swimming pool room and turned the corner and saw something bloody. "Ahh! Somebody call 911! Tiffany is hurt."  Liza said crying and running into the pool room.

"What is this, a prank?  This better not be a prank!" Tanner said.

"It's not a prank I didn't bring a phone.  Just call freaking 911!" Liza said crying and yelling.

"Fine I will go check." Ashley said.  She walked out of the pool room with many of her friends following behind and saw Tiffany bleeding very much out from her head.  She ran down the stairs and grabbed the bloody girl and cried.

"Omg! I'll call 911." Neil said.  He called 911 and the ambulance showed up and took her to the hospital.  They asked many of the crying kids to go home except for her closest friends which were Elizabeth, Liza, Ashley, Neil, Andrew, and Tanner.

After two days her parents came back and went straight to the hospital.  They found out, that, they were, too late. Tiffany had already died because of losing to much blood.  After a week her friends had found out and were devastated. But the person who was the saddest was her little sister, Ellie.