Ling was totally taken aback by what just happened. There were no words that could help him climb up the shock that he just received. Standing in the room made him look like a fool who dug a pit for himself. He didn't want to spend another minute here.

He left the the room without a word. He wanted to pay her back for what she did.

As she pushed open the door of her cabin she was welcomed with another uninvited superior.

As she walked towards her chair, she questioned, "Chyou, seems like appointments hold no value when it comes to position and status. Don't you think Mr. Su?"

"Meilin, I am sorry for coming in without letting you know. I just wanted to talk to you." said Lin as he hoped that she would not turn him down again.

"Mr.Su Lin, I don't think we are close enough for you to address me in such a way. Also, I would prefer to keep all our conversations formal and work-related. If it is something beyond my requirements lets leave it here."

He wanted to say something but the words doesn't seem to exist at this very moment. He stood up and walked towards the door and paused before saying," I hope you could give me one chance to explain. It wouldn't hurt right?" he always carried hope when it was about her.

She didn't bother to look as she grabbed the work papers and said,"Time heals but it doesn't disperse your memory."

He took a last look at her, who was busying herself with work, before leaving her cabin.


Meanwhile in a noisy garden the shouts and laughter gave a warm and cozy atmosphere. A man had his niece on his shoulder while the nephew was chasing him. The scene contained the comfy feeling of a family.

With his parents watching him from the balcony of the villa with all smiles seeing the scene, his grandparents enjoyed the morning while having their coffee in the garden.

"Uncle Hui, don't run, I can't catch up." complained the little boy as he tried hard to catch up.

"That is why I am running." teased Hai Hui.

"Seems like you will never grow up." complained his brother as he joined the fun. His smile grew wider hearing his brothers comment.

They all gathered in the garden as they all sat down to have a simple morning coffee talk.

The topic revolved around from anything to everything.

"Where did Mey go again? Is she still under her blankets?" inquired Bo Chenguang, his grandmother.

"For sure she might be having her beauty nap to stay eternally beautiful." mocked Hai Guowei, his brother.

Everyone laughed hearing the comment.

"Why do you always tease your sister?" questioned their mother Gho Hee.

"'Cause she truly deserves the praise." Hua Hui backed his brother.

"Then why do I feel like it was not a praise with good intentions?" questioned Mey as she made her way out of her house. Her loosened hair flowed along with the wind. Her white dress compared with her simple beige slippers gave off a pure and innocent feeling.

"It's 'cause you seriously need to clean your ears. I have a good recommendation of doctors you could-", before Hui could finish Mey interrupted.

"Save it for yourself."

"What?" asked Hui.

"You see, I just told you." exclaimed Mey.

Everyone burst out laughing as they saw him loosing against his own sister.

The warm sun combined with the perfect family ambiance gave a positive vibe to anyone and everyone around there.


The designing department Blue Chaos.

"Please schedule the meeting again for tomorrow. Chyou, also, avoid these incidents occurring again in the future. Also, lag any appointments coming from the Management department. I really don't want to see their faces to ruin a day."

"Yes mam, but your schedule is full-"

"Make time. Also push any long distance travel for the next two-days."

"Yes mam."

As Chyou turned to exit she was hold up by Meilin as she asked, "Any update about what I asked you to look up?"