Su Lin never expected Mei to quit. 'Mei I can't let you go that easily. All the effort that I put in, I don't want it to end like this.'

He was pulled out from his trail of thoughts as he heard a knock behind him.

"Come in." he said.

An Cheng entered and walked in to the front of the table. Su Lin turned around to face An Cheng.

"The files regarding Hu Meilin's resignation." An Cheng said after placing the folders on the table.

He glanced at the folders on the table and said,"An Cheng call Shadow. Tell him to meet me in our usual place." He picked up his jacket and headed to the door.

"Are you sure? Have you thought about the aftermath?" asked An Cheng with concern.

"An Cheng, I delayed it way too long and my benign manners only ruined my calculations. This time I am going to do it my way." He replied with a firm tone before heading out, leaving An Cheng staring at the closed door.


Hui listened to Liliang as she narrated the entire incident.

"I wish if I could see that sister again." said Liliang.


"I liked it when she stayed with me when I was scared. "

Hui smiled listening her reply.

As he entered in he saw his brother, Hai Guowei and wife, Lan Biyu coming down the stairs. Liling climbed down from Hui's arms and ran towards them.

"Dad! Mom!" shouted Liling.

Guowei lifted her up from the ground.

"This time where did you run away?" questioned Guowei.

"I... am sorry" responded Liling looking guiltily.

"Lili make sure you don't do the same again." warned Biyu and took Lili from Guowei's embrace.

"Hui Make sure to have something before you sit down with your brother." said Biyue sternly.

"Yes, I will." replied Hui with a smile.

"I will ask the maids to bring the food or else you will repeat the same." She said before heading upstairs with Lili.

Hui turned around to look at his brother.

"Brother this time Lili didn't just simply run away. Someone tried to take her away."

"What do you mean?" asked Guowei.

"She was targeted. Lili was telling that she was surrounded by a group of men who made moves to take her away. A lady helped her to safety before those men could lay hands on her."

"A lady...?"

"Hmm. A lady. I don't know how she came in the right time."

"Did you meet her?"

"Not really, I just saw her from afar and she had her face covered. Except for her eyes."

"What do you think?"

"I will have to look into this."


The full moon glow above lit up the shady land and the slowly flowing river. Su Lin stood near the river staring at the view ahead him.

The slowly approaching footsteps took his attention. He slowly tilted his head listening to the footsteps.

"The night seems perfect for a drink. What do you say Lin?" said the person as he slowly stood beside Su Lin.

"Its late."

"You fixed the time."

"I will make it short. I need your help to bring Mei to Blackmedows." said Su Lin.

"What do you mean? You know Mei, above that you should know what my answer is-"

"Bohai!" Su Lin called out turning to Bohai

"So you haven't forgotten my name despite my alias."

"Mei resigned from her position and left the company."

"She did hold on for a long time. She must have had it really hard with you around this time."

"I know this shouldn't be hard for you."

"Lin, haven't you hurt her enough. Why can't you just let her be. We are the ones to be responsible for what she is in."

"I can't turn back time. I am sorry for making it hard for you but I can only trust you when it comes to her. I will wait for her in the front. Let me know at the right time."

Bohai looked at Lin helplessly. He sighed deeply and turned around looking away from Lin.

'It's been while since I called him Bohai.' Lin gave a final glance at Bohai before leaving.

The wait seemed long but he was patient. He just needs to prepare for her arrival.