Ch. 19

Ethan pov:

I was walking towards a store when I heard a crashing sound. I took my phone from my pocket and saw missed calls from Sophie. I panic and ran to the car accident. I was pushing other people and saw Sophie lying in the ground blood all over her. I quickly ran to her and held her in my arms. "Call an ambulance!!!" I called out. Soon an ambulance came and carried yn inside the car. "Are you related to her?" the nurse asked. "Yes, please save her." I said and took my phone from my pocket. I called Mia to get to the hospital right away. "Hello?" she answered the call. "Go to the Busan Hospital now!" I exclaim, "Ethan what happened?! You're freaking me out!" she got furious. "JUST GO!" I yelled.

I hung up and praying that Sophie will be safe… please hang on there, Sophie…

A few minutes later, we arrived at the hospital and the nurses carried Sophie to a bed and drag her towards the emergency room. I followed them but a nurse stopped me. "I'm sorry sir, but you're not allowed here inside." I nodded She said as she closed the door. I sat down with my heart pounding so hard. I'm afraid that I'll lose Sophie. I heard a heels tapping against the floor from the near nurse station. I looked up and saw Mia. She saw me and hurried towards me. "Where's Sophie?! What happened to her?!" she exclaimed, "She got into an accident." I said and she was walking back and forth. "Do her parents know about this?" she asked and I shook my head, "I don't know, but I feel like her parents did this to her. I guess we need to go back to Seoul as soon as Sophie can be discharge.

Sophie pov:

I felt a hand on my right hand. I opened my eyes and saw Ethan. How can't fall in this features? He looked like an angel. He suddenly moved and I was so shock. "Oh, you're awake." He said and smiled. "Sorry for disturbing your slumber." I said and he replied, "No, actually we were waiting for you to wake up. How are you?" he asked, "Ethan, I'm fine. No need to worry. Where's Mia?" I asked him, "She went out to buy food for us." I sighed and looked around, more like wondering why did I ended up here. "What happened?" I asked Ethan who is holding my hand. "You got into an accident." I see why I am here.

He nodded and we heard a sudden knock. The door sprung open and there I saw my Father. "What happened? Are you okay? Who did this to you?" I scoff. "DON'T COME NEAR ME! You're asking me who did this to me? You did this to me! I came back here to visit you because I'm expecting that someday you'll be nice to me but what happened? You guys just tortured me! I'm being nice, trying to control my anger but you just treated me like a slave! You don't treat me like a daughter! What kind of parents are you?!!! I rather die than to see you two. I don't want to see you! Get out!!! Acting like you care! Get out!!!" I ranted and burst into tears. "I'm sorry Sophie." he pleaded. "Sorry?! I never thought you have that word in your stupid dictionary in your crazy minds." I said, "How come you have the confidence to say that to me?" he said, "You? Do you ever treat me like your daughter?!" I yelled. Ethan came closer to me and held me tight. My tears were rolling down my eyes non-stop causing my shirt soaks wet.

"Sir I think you should go now. Sophie have to rest." Ethan said holding me back. "And who are you to defend my daughter? Are you his boyfriend?!" Father said as he held Ethan's collar and started punching him. "No!" I yelled. I stood up and came between them. My dad accidentally punched my stomach. I stumble down with a bleeding mouth. "Sophie!" Ethan called out. I saw Mia entered with cops. My eyes slowly closed and I black out.