Come To The Party

As days passed by, Alex and Catherine developed a liking for each other. They met at the library on a daily basis. They had some small random-topic talks, which made them even more closer.

Alex was looking at the mission brief, that he just received from his senior official. He completed his previous missions with ease. His senior official, Mr. George Carthwaite considered Alex as one of his best men. He was just 1 year away from retirement, but his brains doesn't seem so. Hacking at its best! That's what people say, when they speak of him. Alex learned a lot of lessons and morals of hacking from his senior. He's a maestro in observation too. "You look, but I see" that's what he says when he points out the details that his juniors missed.

"Hey Alex bruh! That man's callin you", Kevin says as his face reveals the disgust he has, for his senior. Kevin was the only junior who hated George. He never did his works on time and always found lame excuses to throw at George. "Yeah, ok. I'll get going right away ", Alex said as he took his eyes away from his laptop to look at Kevin.

"Hi, George. May I... ", Alex asked, putting himself in through the gap he created with the door. "Oh, Hi Alex. Come on, come in here", George responds. Alex pushes the door more widely and walks to him. George looks over to watch the door shutting itself, silently. "You saw the door, didn't you? ", he asked Alex, in a serious tone. "Yeah, I did", Alex replied, a bit confused. "Well, that's how we must do our works too. Just like the door. You would've seen how quietly the door shut itself. Just like that, nobody should notice us opening and closing their doors, till everything's done. ", George said. Alex looked impressed and he nodded. "I analysed your last mission report. Very neatly and cleverly executed", George said, showing the happiness all over his face. Alex bowed a bit to say "Thank you, George". "Well, I called you here for a reason. I received an appreciation mail from our client, officer James Terry. He was very happy and satisfied with your work, that he called us in for a party at Leyro's Club today evening. And guess what, we received an additional 25000 dollars bonus for the mission. You were the perfect silent assassin. As I said, just like the door", George explains. "Thank you George, I appreciatie it. But, I... " Alex didn't complete as George interrupts "Come on Alex! Don't throw excuses at me again. Today is your day! I know you're not good with girls and dance, but don't get too hard on yourself. Take a break! You need one badly, I can see it in your eyes". "Yeah, I know. But...", Alex gets interrupted again "No more excuses dear. Get ready for the party. You're coming ", George holds it there with a real stern look. "Ok. I'll be there", Alex accepts, without anymore refusal.