•Alex's POV•
After what happened with Brandon at the coffee shop, I planned on staying home for a while. However, that plan was foiled when Grant told me to "Get my lazy ass out of bed because we are going to the store."
"Why can't I just stay home?" I whined.
"Because you're a baby." He said mocking me.
I groaned and went inside my bathroom. I decided that I would take all the time I needed because I am a petty bitch. After taking a nice long shower, I dried off slowly. I put on some leggings and an oversized hoodie. I carefully put my hair into a perfect French braid. I picked out my white high top converses and slipped them on.
When I was finally finished. I checked my phone. It had taken me two and a half hours to get ready. I smiled knowing this should teach the boys not to make me go places with them. I walked downstairs only to be met with glares by the boys.
"Took you fucking long enough." Kade said harshly.
I smirked and innocently asked, "Whatever do you mean, Stepbrother?"
He tried to lunge at me but was held back by Grant. The boys started walking towards the garage, but I stopped them.
"I haven't had breakfast yet." I said smiling.
Grant groaned, but Liam threw me over his shoulder.
"Hey! Put me down!" I yelled.
Liam ignored me and walked to the car. He shoved me into the back seat and slammed the door.
Wow rude much. He got in the drivers seat and drove off. I crossed my arms and sighed loudly every other minute. When we finally arrived, I tried to open the door, but Liam locked it.
"Unlock the door." I said firmly.
"Only if you stop pouting." He remarked.
I rolled my eyes, and he unlocked the doors. I trailed behind them because I didn't really care about what they were buying. When we went to check out, I noticed they had two grocery carts full of chips and sodas. I wondered why there was so much stuff, but I really didn't care.
After we got home, I saw Brandon's car in the driveway. I avoided him and went to the kitchen to get a snack. I sat at the kitchen island and ate as I watched the boys bring in all the groceries. I saw Brandon come inside carrying many boxes. He opened the boxes and pulled out kegs. Beer kegs.
My eyes widened and I screeched. "Why do you have beer!?"
Liam walked in and sighed out of annoyance.
"Dude I told you not to let her see the kegs!" Liam yelled.
Brandon shrugged not really caring. Liam sighed and explained that he was throwing a party. Why was he having a party now!? Our parents come home in two days! Also, I hated parties. I decided that I would get Liam back for being rude to me this morning, so I'd ruin his party.
"I'm calling Greg." I said smiling.
"Uh no the fuck you're not." Liam said.
"You can't stop me." I said smirking as I pulled out my phone.
Liam walked over to me and grabbed me back of my hoodie. He dragged me upstairs to his room and shut the door. He dropped me and grabbed my collar.
"Let me go, asshole." I yelled.
I don't know why I was acting so brave today. Liam slammed me on his wall and I groaned.
"You're not going to snitch." He said angrily.
"I'm not scared of you." I said smirking.
I was lying, but I wasn't going to let him know that. Liam laughed, and I gave him a confused look.
"You may not be scared of me, but I know you're scared of Brandon." He said smirking.
My eyes widened, and I started squirming. Liam yelled for Brandon.
"Stop!" I yelled trying to get out of his grip.
Brandon entered Liam's bedroom, and Liam dropped me to the ground. I tried to get up and run, but Liam put his foot on my chest and pushed me down. Brandon laughed and asked why he was called up here.
"Well, Alex wants to snitch about the party, and I can't convince her. Can you?" Liam asked.
Brandon nodded and smirked. Liam walked out of his room shutting and locking the door. I looked up at Brandon and gulped. He cracked his knuckles and slowly walked towards me. I knew he was trying to scare me, and it was working. I kept scooting backwards until I felt my back hit the wall.
"So, you wanna snitch?" Brandon asked in a deep voice.
"No..Yes..I." I said stuttering stupidly.
Brandon yanked my arm up and spun me around. Before I could react, he grabbed my underwear and pulled them high. I screamed as he pulled higher.
"Brandon stop!" I yelled.
"Give me your phone." He said ignoring my begging.
"What!? You can't take my phone!" I said trying to reason.
"Give it!" He said with a tug.
"Ow! Okay!" I said bursting into tears.
I took my phone out of my hoodie pocket and handed it to him. He snatched it and tugged my underwear higher. I let out another scream.
"Now. Always listen to your stepbrothers. Got it?" He asked harshly.
"Y..e..s!" I said between sobs.
He let go of my underwear and shoved me to the ground. I curled into a ball and kept crying. Brandon unlocked the door and left. I stayed there crying for a few more minutes before Grant walked in. He rushed towards me and helped me up.
"Alex! I'm sorry that happened to you! I heard you screaming and tried to help, but Liam held me back. I-"
"It's okay. I brought this upon myself." I said while wiping off my tears.
Grant walked me to my room and told me to go change. After I changed, he smiled and told me to get some sleep. I nodded and laid down.
"Night, Grant." I said softly as he shut my door.