But, I Really Want to..

"Huh ?? So.. you're not gonna watch ?? aaggh!!" Er Hua exclaimed in disappointment. Xiao Ping could only weakly shrugged and said, "What can I say." Er Hua potted. "It would be no fun to watch the concert alone," she said before sat and supported her chin with arm. "Aaaghh, you really have messed the plan," she then continued sulking. Xiao Ping could only stand beside her. The truth was, Xiao Ping was even more disappointed than Er Hua, but what else she could do..

Xiao Ping turns her body to face the right side. She then takes her favorite booster and holds it close as she continues recalling what has happened today.

"Forgive me, Yu Jin," Xiao ping stated her regret with bent deeply in front of Yu Jin. The guy was speechless to see her act. "Eh, what are you doing ?" he cluelessly asked then quickly reached Xiao Ping's shoulder and coerced her to stand straight. "Why did you ask for my forgiveness ?" He still had no idea.

Xiao Ping, with head lowly bowed, explained, "Forgive me. You must be disappointed to me. You have fussed over to treat me lunch for these months. But it was all fruitless. I still can't watch Takeshi's concert."

Hearing that, Yu Jin barely could hold his burst of laughter. "Disappoint ? Why would I be disappointed ?" he said it with a wide smile. "I actually feel very proud," he added. Xiao Ping raised her head and stared him with puzzled head.

"I'm serious," Yu Jin confirmed yet still with a big smile on his face. "I mean, your brother is saved and your parents are avoided from trouble because of that money. For me, it is way more important than watching a concert."

Understanding his reasoning, Xiao Ping couldn't help to smile. Yu Jin gently stroked her hair. "That's more like it. Beside you can always saving money again and watch Takeshi's next concert. I promise I will buy you lunch again."

Xiao Ping gazes to the big poster on the sidewall door. Her eyes starts to become moist. "But, I really want to watch it now.. I really want it..," she says with throaty voice as she tries to hold a cry. She suppresses the booster onto her mouth to muffle her sob. "I really really want to see Takeshi," she mumbles before she turns her body backing off the poster. Then she tightens up her hold into the booster. Her tears has damped her pillow while she bites her lips trying not to let a sob.


Slowly the bedroom door is opened. Mr. Yuan comes into the room silently followed by Mrs. Yuan. "She's sleeping," he whispers to her. Mrs. Yuan nodes then approaching Xiao Ping who has fallen a sleep. Mrs. Yuan sits on the edge of the bed. She softly strokes Xiao ping's hair then gives her a kiss on her forehead. "She cried," she sighs to her self. Mr. Yuan approaches and hugs her from behind, following his wife's trail to observe his daughter peaceful face.

"Poor, Xiao Ping," Mr. Yuan bitterly sighs. "If only.. If only I.." Mr. Yuan stops what he was about to say and instead letting go a long sigh. Mrs. Yuan hugs his wrist and pats it dearly. "Forgive your dad, dear," Mr. Yuan bitterly says. The 45 years old man then tidies Xiao Ping's hair and kisses her forehead. He guides her wife to come out of the room.

This morning Xiao Ping suddenly stood beside Mr Yuan and handed over an envelope with some money in it. "What is it ?" Mr. Yuan asked while swiftly looked at the envelope and his daughter. "It's my saving," she explained shortly. Mr. Yuan knew her well. His daughter had rarely used a long words to explain anything. Mr. Yuan smiled at her. "You better keep it," he refused. Xiao Ping sat beside her father and put the envelope on the table.

"I know you are in financial trouble to cover Xiao Lan's fee. I hope this is enough to cover so you don't need to loan to anyone," she pursued. Mrs. Yuan who overheard their conversation then also spoke up as she came out from the kitchen. "You have collect it surely because you have something in mind," she gently said to her daughter.

Xiao Ping shook her head. "It is not that important," she then replied as brought the envelope to her father's hand. "I mean it. Use this, Dad." Mr. Yuan fondly stared at her and kissed her hand, "Thank you, dear."

Xiao Ping gave him a sweet smile. Not long after she said good bye. Mrs. Yuan hugged her husband. "We have a really kind-hearted daughter. We have raised her well, my love," she said. Mr. Yuan could only nod to response as he still in deeply touched.

In the noon, Mr. Yuan was overwhelmed when he finally could figure what was the money actually for. When he just entered the rest room he overheard some young ladies talked about Takeshi Hasegawa that were going to hold a concert in few more days. He was familiar to that name as he saw it often on posters in Xiao Ping's room.