Scary Night

Just like a confuse person, Xiao Ping goes to the west exit door, hoping Er Hua is waiting for her there. But it is in vain. The door has even been locked down. Xiao Ping bites her lips. In this condition she really hopes she has a cellular. With unsteady steps she walks to the parking area. As walking down each car that still there, Xiao Ping tries to remember the brand of Er Hua's car.

Xiao Ping sluggishly walk down sidewalk in front of the concert building. The big road is quiet as the night is already so old. Xiao Ping's face looks so tired, because she was too excited at the concert and also is frightened at the moment. Xiao Ping tightens up her jacket. She remembers seeing a public phone box when she crossed the street this afternoon.

From the opposite direction, Xiao Ping sees a man is staggering and raving. Xiao Ping tries to avoid making contact with that man, she walks so closely to the wall, rubbing her shoulder on to it, while deeply drops down her head. Fortunately the man just walks pass her. She fastens up her steps until she finds the phone box. She enters it then closes the door tight. In hurry she opens her tiny bag and takes a small address book. Then she takes her wallet and puts out a telephone card, puts it in the card hole on the phone and dials some numbers. A calling sound is heard.

"Hello," a voice on the other side is heard. "Er Hua, it's me," Xiao Ping replies. "Xiao Ping!! Where have you been ? Why were you suddenly disappeared ?" Er Ha snaps in worry. "We were separated back then. Now I'm still on the road near the concert building," Xiao Ping explains, trying to sound tough.

"Oh, God!" Er Hua muffs. "Are you okay ?" she asks again. "I'm okay. Er Hua, I'm going to your home by taxi, but please open the door for me later on," Xiao Ping hears Er Hua gaps in surprise. "I'm so sorry, Xiao Ping. I'm not home. I'm at the hotel where Takeshi has stayed. I met few friends at the concert and we decided to rent a room. I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to tell you," Er Hua explains in regret. "Or.. why don't you join us sharing the room ? We can have an extra bed," Er Hua invites her.

Xiao Ping is stunned. Rent a hotel room ? Where will I get the money from ? "No.. no need. I.. I prefer to go home," Xiao Ping weakly rejects. Her eyes are already wet now.

"Oh.. I'm so sorry, Xiao Ping. I just sent A Li off. I thought you have already home by yourself," Er Hua regrets her early decision. Xiao Ping nods a few times while trying hard to smile. "That's okay. I understand. I hang up the phone now." She tries to put a cheerful voice even her tears has fallen to her cheeks.

After ending a call to Er Hua, Xiao Ping is confused. She bites her lower lip, letting her tears stream along. This morning she had asked her parent a permission to stay over at Er Hua's home. If they know their lovingly daughter is abandoned like this, her parents, especially her father, will be very up set. He might forbid her to be friends with Er Hua, which she really does not want it. But she has no more choice.

Eventually, Xiao Ping comes out of the phone box and waits for a taxi on the side of the road. Five minutes. Ten minutes. Thirty minutes has passed. There is not a single taxi passes. Desperately, Xiao Ping goes back to the phone book. She is about to call her father. But, before she dials his numbers, Xiao Ping remembers something that makes her quickly opens her address book.


The computer monitor on top of the table is still on. Its white blueish light shines on a figure who leans back with a lifted up head and a slightly opened-mouth. Next to the monitor is a cellular which is now moving. A second later it starts to ring with a loud voice. Yu Jin is waken up. Sleepy he takes the phone after checking the number.

"Hello," he mumbles. "Yu Jin ...," a voice calls is ended with sobs. Suddenly his sleepiness goes off. "Xiao Ping ? What's a matter ? Why are you calling this late ?" he asks in worry. "Sorry to wake you up," Xiao Ping apologizes. "Huh ? No.. I'm not," Yu Jin lies through his teeth, "What's a matter? Where do you call me from ?" he continues.

"I.. I'm.. in a phone box close to the concert building," Xiao Ping stammering answers. "Whaat?!" Yu Jin shouts in surprised. He glances at the bottom right of his monitor. "It's pass midnight, Isn't the concert finished at half past ten ?" Yu Jin becomes more worry. "I.. was separated from Er Hua," Xiao Ping answers through her sobbing.

"Ssshh.. don't cry. I'll be right there. Don't go anywhere, okay ? Just stay inside the box. Do you understand ?" Yu Jin firmly orders. His hands are busy grabbing his pant and wears it while he holds the cellular in between chin and shoulder. Xiao Ping says understand before closing the call.


Xiao Ping sits right under the telephone. She bents her knees tightly toward her chest and hugs them. The road is getting even quieter and so is the sidewalk. It is actually merely 10 minutes since Xiao Ping put the phone down, but it feels like hours.

A man walks across the phone box. Regarding to the way he walks, Xiao Ping can guess that he is drunk. Suddenly the man stops and turns to the box phone. Then in stagger, he turns around approaching the phone box. Xiao Ping is surprised. When his face shows in front of her, tightly glued on the glass of the box, Xiao Ping screams. Then she stands and holds on to the door handle with all of her strength.

The man pulls the glass door, Xiao Ping holds it even stronger. Xiao Ping cries in fear. She drops down her head, not wanting to see his face while her hands still hold up the door for not to be opened. "Go away!!Go!!" she screams in panic.

The man knocks the door hard. He is also pointing at her and says unheard sentences. Xiao Ping cries even harder. Once again, the man tries to open the door. But suddenly someone grabs his shoulder and pushes him away until he falls down.

"Yu Jin !!" Xiao Ping exclaims full of relief to see the young man in front of him. Xiao Ping immediately goes out and hugs her friend. Yu Jin releases her hug and pulls Xiao Ping to hide behind him. The drunken man stands from his fall heavily.

"What do you want ?!" Yu Jin angrily shouts at him. The man takes his hat then stares at Yu Jin in confused. "I didn't mean anything. I just wanted to call my wife at home, but this girl was inside. I was about to ask her to go out for a minute so i could make a call, but she held on to door and hysterically cried. I was so panicking I was afraid might be wronged to have a bad intention," the man explains still in confused. Xiao Ping and Yu Jin are stunned.

"We're sorry," They both say in the same time. The man shakes his hand then gets into the phone box. Yu Jin turns around to Xiao Ping then pats her head while starting to smile. "You really make people worry," he says it lightly.

Xiao Ping shyly smiles. Her face is dirty caused by dust and tear tracks. Yu Jin guides her to his motorcycle and hands over a helmet. Xiao Ping wears it while Yu Jin rides on the motorcycle and starts the engine.