The Superstar

The apartment's door is opened. Takeshi enters the room and lights up the lamps. In a flash the brights of the light capture him, emphasizes the tiredness on his face. Takeshi sits on the leather sofa in the living room, rests his head on the seat back, and releases a relieved sigh. "It has finally done," he says to Hiroshi the assistant who just comes into the apartment.

Hiroshi grins to see Takeshi's tired yet happy face. He then puts a big suitcase beside the sofa, also some flower bouquets and dolls on the coffee table. "Hhhh.. the tour was really tiring," Hiroshi hails complaining with his sissy style. Takeshi grins. "It's true. But it's also so much fun," Takeshi adds then turns to Hiroshi asking for agreement. Hiroshi shrugs. "Well, if you say so," he says.

With his elbow on the armrest, Takeshi touches his smiling lips with his index finger. His mind is busy to remember as much as he can what had happened in the world-tour concert that just ended. It is true that traveling around the world for six months straight was very tiring. But, to see the enthusiasm of the audiences and the joyful faces of his fans, it is a well pay off. The last concert to close the world-tour series just held at Tokyo Dome tonight.

"I'm leaving now so you can get rest," Hiroshi distracts his daydream with a pat on Takeshi's thigh. Hiroshi stands and walks pass by Takeshi. "Hiroshi," Takeshi calls. Hiroshi turns to him. "Thank you so much for your hard work," Takeshi says with a big smile. Hiroshi shakes his hand, signing for no need to be thank you.

"I'll pick you up at 10 tomorrow," Hiroshi reminds him. Takeshi nods. "Don't forget to bring all the letters on emails print, please," Takeshi also reminds him. "Sure.. sure," Hiroshi responds before closing the door. Takeshi chuckles to see the sissy act of his assistant. He then takes off his shoes and walks toward the bathroom to clean himself.


Takeshi sits on the back seat of a sedan that brings him back home. The trip from Tokyo to Osaka by plane and then to Kyoto by car he took impatiently. He misses his mother so much. For six month he can only hear her voice. Way before the concert ends, Takeshi asked a permission to the company to take a week off so he can see his mother. Fortunately the company understand and agree, even though there are some works that should be done. Takeshi takes a small box out of his bag. The box has a small neatly tight ribbon above it. Takeshi imagines how happy his mother's face when she receives the box.

He widens up his smile to see his home. The car stops. Takeshi immediately opens its door then while carrying his bag pack on his shoulder he runs in to the house. He lets Hiroshi and the driver to handle his other belongings.

"お母さん (Okasan - Mom)," Takeshi calls while looks around inside the house. He smells a delicious fragrant out from the kitchen and in hurry walks to there. He finds his mother backing up on him, cooking. "お母さん (Okasan - Mom)," Once again he gently calls. His mother turns to him and happily smiles while her eyes starting to tear up.

"Takeshi..," Takeshi approaches his mother and gives her a deep hug. "Are you alright, son? You seems to lose weight," After a while Takeshi's mother breaks the hug to observe her son's appearance.

Takeshi happily smiles. "I am perfectly fine, How about you ?" he asks in return. His mom only nods and hugs him back. She knows her son is telling the truth.

"Aunty..," Hiroshi kittenish calls. Takeshi's mom breaks the hug and turns her head to the kitchen's door where Hiroshi is standing now. "How are you, aunty ?" Hiroshi asks while walks closer and giving her a cheek-by-cheek kiss.

"I keep my promise. I return him in whole," Hiroshi says then naughtily winks. "Thank you," Takeshi's mother says then pats his cheek. Hiroshi looks around the kitchen then smiles. "Alright. I'm leaving now," he says then turns to Takeshi. "All your belongings are in the living room."

"Let's eat first," Takeshi's mom offers Hiroshi. The man shakes his head. "I'm on a diet, aunty," he rejects and touches his belly. Takeshi laughs and slaps that belly. "His diet is getting starving for the whole day, but then eating two portions of ramen as supper," Takeshi's jokingly says to his mother. Hiroshi pouts an turns to the woman. "He will never understand the suffer of a diet person," he murmurs but then smiles. "Well.. I'm off.. Bye.." he says goodbye and goes out of the room.

After Hiroshi has gone, Takeshi's mother looks closely to her son with eyes full of longing. Takeshi returns the look and softly smiles. "I bring a gift for you," Takeshi says while handing the small box he has held ever since in the car. "What is it ?" Takeshi's mother asks. "Just open it," Takeshi replies. Takeshi's mother loosens the ribbons and opens the box. Her eyes is widened. "Takeshi.. you don;t have to," she softly says. Takeshi smiles and makes a few steps closer.

"I have never seen you wearing jewelry since I was young, not even a ring. I really want to see you look as a queen with those jewelries," Takeshi says in gentle. His mother looks at the box that has a set of gold and diamonds jewelries. "But it is too expensive. You better save your money," she tries to reject but being answered by Takeshi's head shake.

"Nothing is too expensive for you," he says with a smile. "Don't you worry. I have been saving all along. Once my saving is enough, I will buy you a bigger house," he adds and hugs his mother from behind. The woman touches his arms dearly. "You better use it for your self and your future. I'm happy enough to live here," she says.

"No," Takeshi rejects the idea. "I work hard for you. Only for you." The woman turns her head to his son and kisses him on the forehead.