It's.. Her

Hiroshi opens the hotel room's door where prepared by the product company. He shakes his head to see how serious Takeshi is reading his fans' letters while eating a row of sushi. Hiroshi silently tip toes, sneaking in intention of surprising Takeshi.

"Ouuch !!" Hiroshi falls down on the carpet. Takeshi turns to him and chuckles. In sullen, Hiroshi rubs his knees, then kicks the bag pack that made him tripped. It only moves slightly, but Hiroshi feels an increasing pain on his foot.

"Does your bag have bomb in it?" Hiroshi asks in sulk. Takeshi laughs. Hiroshi stands up and sits beside Takeshi who drags the bag closer to him.

"What's in it ?"Again Hiroshi asks, this time in curious. Takeshi opens it. He grabs a pile of letters from his fans in random and drops it on Hiroshi's lap.

"For King's sake!! You take them all with you ?" Hiroshi asks in shocks. Takeshi nods. "I haven't finished read them. So I just brought them. Who knows I have a chance to read them in my spare time," Takeshi explains making Hiroshi shakes his head. Takeshi sips the drink he has and goes back reading. Hiroshi kills time by finishing Takeshi's sushis.

"Poor girl," suddenly Takeshi sighs. Hiroshi turns on him, waits for him to continue. "Her brother had an accident. She couldn't watch my concert because she gave the money for his brother's health fee." Takeshi turns to Hiroshi. "If only I knew it earlier, we could ask Taiwanese's committee to send her a ticket."

Hiroshi grins to hear the idea. "If you did it, then there would be a lot of emails telling the similar stories. Then you would give them all free tickets. Eventually the company will become bankrupt because of you," Hiroshi mocks.

Takeshi who has back reading just smiles. "No way. The company would not be bankrupt because of some free tickets," he argues. "Besides.." he turns his head back to Hiroshi, "I don't know why i feel familiar with this girl."

Hiroshi frowns, "Do you know her ? Takeshi shakes his head. "But she writes me email almost everyday," Takeshi answers as he hands the email he was talking to Hiroshi. Hiroshi takes the paper and quickly read it.

"Oh, this is the one that Azuka has told before," Hiroshi reminds Takeshi, "Azuka said 'there is an email that continually writing to you. What interesting is, on the first email, the sender asked whether it was really your email. If it is, then you didn't need to reply. So naive." Takeshi nods.

"It's her really. This girl considers me as her close friend, she has written her daily life. So different compares to others," Takeshi confirms before continues to read another letter.

Hiroshi is getting interested to read the letters. He starts read a pile on his lap. He seems to enjoy it as well as sometimes he chuckles to responds the writing.

Suddenly Hiroshi straightens up his back and stares a sheet on his hand seriously. "Takeshi, you won't believe this," he says while turning to reply Takeshi's wonder stare. "She is the girl that you helped at the Taipei Airport back then," Hiroshi excitedly explains. Takeshi knits his forehead. But as he remembers, his face turns to bright and he quickly takes the paper on Hiroshi's hand.

"Dear Takeshi-kun. It's me again, Xiao Ping. These couple of days are the most beautiful moment for me. Finally I can see you, attended to your concert. I hope you also had wonderful time in here, and don't mind to visit Taiwan again someday. Hmm … I also like to make an apology, about what happened at the airport yesterday. I'm really sorry to bother you. From the airport security, I know that I made quite a mesh there, making everything uncontrolled and almost get you in trouble. I'm so sorry … believe me I didn't mean it. Please forgive me (v_v) "

Takeshi blankly stares at the paper. It reminds him of an accident that happened a month ago at Taipei's airport. He was just about to depart from Taiwan to Hong Kong. Since the car stopped, he had felt that something wasn't right. The enthusiasm was too overwhelmed. Thus he quickly walked in the small alley, formed by posse of some bodyguards. He purposely ignored the fans screams. The condition was forced him not to stop or greets them because the alley became even narrower as the fans pushed forward.

He suddenly heard a scream near him. It was more like a painful scream than a hysterical one. Takeshi turned to the voice source, when he saw a body pushed right in front of him, through the posse. In reflex, Takeshi caught the body. It was a small girl. The girl opened her eyes and whispered his name then passed out.

It was increasingly chaotic after that. Knowing the posse is broken, the fans ran after him. In a quick thought, Takeshi carried her and ran through the departure entry door which immediately locked and guarded so no one could enter. It was when Hiroshi reminded him about the girl, Takeshi handed her over the security and told them to take good care of her.