The Sly Takeshi

Takeshi walks in wide steps towards a room that fills with some personal computers and servers. He is circling his gaze to find someone and once he found the person he smiles happily.

"Azuka," he calls and approaches the guy. Azuka turns to and greets him back. "I need your help of a matter," Takeshi straightaway tells why he looks for him.

"Of what matter ?" Azuka asks while fixing his glass' position. Takeshi wanders his sight. There is only the two of them in the room.

"But please don't tell anyone about it.. especially boss and Hiroshi," Takeshi files a term. Azuka grins. "You're going to do something naughty, aren't you ?" he guesses.

Takeshi slyly smiles. "Just a litttttleee bit," he says. His index finger in parallel with his thumb to show how little it is.

"As long as it won't hurt my job," Azuka files his own term. "It won't," Takeshi assures. Azuka laughs and nods making Takeshi smiles in content. Then Takeshi moves his head closers to Azuka's ear and whispers something. Azuka smiles and nods understand.

Takeshi takes out an envelope from his bag. "This is the money you need," he says while hands it over. Azuka accepts it. "I'm going to have a shot at Nagoya for a few days. You can leave them to the apartment security," Takeshi explains. "Thank you. Sorry to bother you," he then bows his head then leaves.


A white SUV slows down and gives a sign to turn right. But a group of teenage girls are crowding in front of apartment building's gate, blocking the way in. The apartment security tells them to step aside so the car can get through. Takeshi looks at them behind a 100% film-coated car window. He is a bit sad to see how the security treated the girls.

When the car is on the lobby, Takeshi steps out and heading straight to the lobby door. He is trying not to be noticed by the girls. Of course, a true fan will recognize their idol even from a thousand miles. A girl suddenly shouts his name, like a signal for other to hysterically scream and run through. Takeshi is still in shocked. Fortunately a security quickly pulls him inside the lobby then locks the lobby door. A front line girl shouts, "Takeshi!! We are from Korea!!"

That shout stops Takeshi. He then turns around. The girl knocks on the glass door. "Takeshi !!" she shouts followed by her friends. Takeshi feels pity to see their face. He asks the security to open the door then goes out to meet them. In instant, 8 girls surround him.

"Please, calm down!" he asks in English, waving his hands telling them to be quiet. The girl who shouted immediately hisses telling her friends to calm down in Korean. Then with a dusty and tired yet very happy face she turns to Takeshi.

"We are your fans from Korea. We come to japan just want to meet you," she says in a quite harsh English. "Really ?" asks Takeshi in surprise. The girls nod in synchronous. "And you have waited here all day long ?"

"Actually, it's been 3 days. This is our last night here at Japan," the girl answers. Takeshi widens his eyes in disbelief. "Three days ? and you've done only wait for me here ?" Takeshi asks to followed by another nod.

Takeshi is touched. He was at Nagoya for almost a week, and he just goes home to his apartment today. It takes him to a surprise to know these girls have been patiently waiting for him to go home. Takeshi glares to his watch and be more surprise to see how late it is.

"It's almost midnight. It's very danger for girls like you still on street this late," he says to express his worry. "But we want to meet you," the girl replies. She seems to be the only girl who can speak English, while the other girls continually taking pictures of him.

Takeshi sighs before he sweetly smile. "Okay, how about this. I'll give you all my signatures, we can take picture together as many as we can … then you will go home. Take a rest, I need it too, you know," he makes an offer. The girl translates his words to her friends. They all enthusiastically agree and moves forward.

"Okay … Okay … one person at a time," Takeshi asks them not to scramble. Eventually they are understand then queuing around Takeshi who has sat on a stair. Patiently he signs all things the girls are asked, also accepts many gifts they bring. After that they take group pictures with the help of the security.

"ありがとうございました !! (Arigatōgozaimashita !! Thank you !!)" the girls happily shout and bend over and over. Takeshi laughs.

"고맙습니다 (Gomabseubnida - thank you)," he replies in Korean. The girls' eyes are widened, surprised to know their idol knows some Korean.

Seeing the girls have no intention to go, Takeshi initiates by standing from his sit. "Okay, it's been a pleasant to meet you all. But you must go back to your hotel. I really worry about your safety. You're away from your parents here, don't make them worry either," He asks in gentle. The girl who understands English nods then asking her friends to go. Some still hesitate, staring at Takeshi who has walked to the lobby door. Takeshi turns around.

"Please, go home," he asks once again. "안녕히 주무세요 (annyeonghi jumuseyo - good night) … have a nice sleep," he says then waves his hand before disappears through the lobby door.

Inside the lobby, Takeshi watches the girls finally move away though with a heavy heart. Takeshi smiles in relieved then turns to the securities. "Thank you for your help. Sorry to bother you," he says with a smile on his face.

"Hasegawa-san," a security calls when he is about to walk to the elevator. "There is a package for you. From.. Nanami-san, Nanami Azuka," the man hands him a package. Though his hands are already full with the girls' gifts, fortunately he still able to manage carrying the package. Once again he thanks the man, and goes into the elevator.

Inside his apartment, Takeshi puts the package on the table then sits in front of it. He eagerly opens it and has a wide smile on his face when he grabs out a 10-inches light notebook.


Xiao Ping frowns her eyebrows when her inbox is opened. She has one new email from an unknown address. "lostboy2000 ?" Xiao Ping asks to her self reading the sender's username.

Full of curious, she clicks the email. A few seconds later her eyes is wide-shot open along with her mouth which she quickly covers with her hands.

"Hi, Xiao Ping. It's me … Takeshi Hasegawa"