Busy.. Busy..

"Cutt !!" the director shouts with a toa. Takeshi puts the gun down then approaches him. "Can it be wrapped ?" he asks in hope after handing his toy gun to a crew. The director is not responding, still observing the filming result through a small monitor. Takeshi also observing, but with impatient while once in a while glancing his watch.

"Okay. We can wrap it," the director finally decides.. Takeshi is relieved. "Then my part is done today, right ?" Takeshi asks to make sure. The director nods. "I'm leaving," Takeshi says good bye then walks toward Hiroshi who has waited since some times ago.

"Come on, we're gonna be late," Hiroshi hugs his shoulder then together they walk out.

"Hey, Takeshi.. aren't you going to have your lunch first ?" a crew calls. "I'll take it with me," Takeshi says,

"You can't. Today we have a buffet," the crew explains. Takeshi smiles. "Then you should have mine," he then says and pats the crew's shoulder and leaves him. "We'll have a take away on the way there," Hiroshi says.

Hiroshi then sighs to see there are some reporters waiting in front of the door. "Don't they know we're late already ?" He turns to Takeshi. "Just give no response. We have no time," he orders. Takeshi nods in agreement. "Get ready," Hiroshi whispers when there are only a couple of steps from the reporters.

"Takeshi … Takeshi … "

"Tell me about the new dorama..."

"Having to shoot two movies at the same time, aren't you …"

"How about the gossip with …"

Those questions are buzzing like bees having their hives attacked. Even though he has his sunglass on, Takeshi still dazzles due to the blitzes. With the help of Hiroshi and a security, Takeshi struggles to pass through. He can only keep smiling while Hiroshi keeps saying, "Excuse us.. sorry.. may be next time. We are already late. Let us through."

After they are safe inside the car, Takeshi can only breathe in relieved. Hiroshi waves his hand around his arms. "Those reporters is really.." he grumbles then opens his sun glasses and making order to the driver."Drive, please. When you passed a drive through make a stop." Takeshi takes another script from his bag then starts seriously reading.


"Takeshi.. Takeshi.. wake up," a crew wakes him up with moving Takeshi's arm. Behind a script that covers Takeshi's handsome look is heard a snuffle. After that Takeshi's hand moves to take the pile of paper. Takeshi's eyes blink a few times to adapt with the light. "It's your turn," the crew says before leaving him.

Takeshi wakes and sits. He twists his waist and neck to loose his stiff muscles. Then he walks to the make up tent, approaching an actress who is having a touch up.

"Scene 24th, right ?" Takeshi asks her. She only gives a nod then stands and leaves him. Turns out, her boyfriend comes. Takeshi waves his hand to the boyfriend whom also an actor while a make up crew has handled his face.

"Cut.. cut!!" the director shouts in annoyance. Both Takeshi and the actress' heads turn toward the director. Their body are still facing each other with barely space in between.

"Miyu, can't you be more romantic ?" the director asks from a far. "Forgive me, I will work on it," Miyu answers and bends her body.

"Relax," Takeshi encourages her by patting Miyu's shoulder. Miyu moves his hand off her shoulder by pretending to lose his neck and shoulder.

Takeshi just smiles. Miyu actually wants his role in the movie is played by her boyfriend. But the director and the movie producers disagreed.

"Let's retake !" the director shouts through his toa. Some crews take position to set the lighting and microphones..


Takeshi looks down and sighing. He then hits the script roll he has hold to his other hand. While the director and crews busy taking a shot, he must wait alone in a corner. It should be his scene, but his opponent actor hasn't come up until now.

Takeshi watches his watch chuckles in annoyance. In the next hour, He has to be in a charity event held by his fans club.

When director shouts 'cut', Takeshi approaches him. "Director-san, what will it be like ?" Takeshi asks for his decision. "Wait for a few minutes, will you. Some one has called him, and he is on his way now."

"But.." It is cut by the director's exclamation, "See.. He comes! Finally!" Takeshi turns to the director's point of view. A tall man is entering the set in leisure while smoking. "Good afternoon, everyone," Ichiba Sato says then approaching the director. "Forgive me, Sir. I had an important thing to be taken care," he says then opens his sun glasses and gives the director his deadly smile.

"Can't you be more on time," Takeshi snaps, "We have our own schedules, how can you expect us to wait for you all day." Ichiba has known as 'the late man' in their circle. Ichiba feels annoyed. "I said sorry already," he protests.

"Alright.. alright.. Ichi, get ready quick!" the director intercedes. Ichiba obeys though still grumbling, "He's acting like he's a Hollywood star already." Takeshi guides his leave with a dagger stare then he turns to the director. "Sir, I have to go soon."

"What?!" the director turns to him in shock. "I have to attend an event," Takeshi explains.

"Do you HAVE TO be there ?" the director asks, emphasizing the word 'have to'.

Takeshi lets a heavy breath. "Well, I don't have to.. but if I don't come, many will be disappointed," he says in heavy heart. He knows his argument is not strong enough.

The director sighs. "I know it's Ichi's fault. You have awaited all day. But.. If this schedule is uncomplish, the production cost has to be expanded. This location is not cheap," the director explains.

Takeshi looks down to cover his disappointment. He then forces a smile on his face. "I know," he says. The director pats his shoulder. "Let's hope everything will go smooth so it won't take long," he says to boost spirit.