Happy Birthday!

"Sir," Takeshi calls while approaching the director. "Sir," once againTakeshi calls when the director does not respond him

"Hmm..," the director just gives him a short growl.

"Sir, I want to talk about my dial..."

In snap, the director turns to him and gives him a dagger look that makes Takeshi halts his talk. "What kind of actor are you ? Consult this, consult that, can't you be more independent ? Do you actually know how to read a script ?" the director blasts with a high and loud voice then leaves the stunned Takeshi.



Everyone shout continued with the exclamation of the paper trumpet. Hundred pieces of paper bit showering Takeshi who just opened and entered a bar at the movie set. He is dumbfounded for a second, then a wide smile blossoms on his face.

"Thank you.. thank you," he says his gratitude with a happy smile and moved sight. His right hand is busy accepting hand shakes from crews and his opponent while his left hand tries to clean his hair and shirt from the paper bits.

From kitchen someone shows up. While singing Happy Birthday song with a false tone, he is pushing a cart with a huge cake on it. The cake is about half meter wide. Takeshi turns his head to the person and laughs.

"You must be the one who has planned this!" Takeshi says in joy and hugs Hiroshi who lets a loud laugh.

"How did it feel to be ignored by everyone three days in a row ?" Hiroshi asks, welcomed with laughters, even Takeshi's.

"You guys are really has nothing better to do," Takeshi shakes his head, amazed to know many people working on to prank him. Even the serious director was also taking part.

"Come.. blow the candle!" a crew shouts. Takeshi nods and ready to blow the candles. "Wait.. You have to make a wish first," Miyu Saeki reminds him. She stands near him with a smile. Everything is in good term now between two of them.

Takeshi closes his eyes. "I want to have a true happiness," he says with a soft voice but still can be heard by others.

"It shouldn't be heard by others, otherwise it won't come true," Miyu speaks her mind.

Takeshi turns to her. "That's okay, definitely will come true," he assures. He then blows all the 23 candles off and people claps their hands.

Miyu gives him a light kiss on his cheek. That moment is immediately captured by a crew. "Ehh.. make sure it doesn't go anywhere! Or else, I will be beaten up by Yamamura!" Takeshi exclaims though in joking way.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I wonder … will you have a perfect birthday without me by your side? Hehehe .. kidding. I'm sure you have a perfect birthday. And I'm wishing you to have a perfect life, a perfect carrier, a perfect health, and also a perfect future wife. Your friend, Shiawase v(^__^)v"

Takeshi widens his smile reading the e-card. The gif in the e-card shows two planets, one is earth while other is a planet with a cute green skin creatures in it. Both planet send signals in coincide. Once the signals are collided, they form a heart shape. The heart then breaks and forms the first two sentences he read.

He just opened the e-card today, which is three days after his birthday. But for some reason, he feels as today is his birthday and the e-card is the first greeting he received.

Takeshi deeply inhales then slowly exhales his breath. He does not know what he should call this feeling. It is impossible to be love, his mind denies. First of all, it is different from what he experienced with Ayumi. Even though, both give him happiness but in a different ways. What he feels right now is a very worry-free happiness. It is like all his burdens are disappeared every time he read her email, like he is in their own little world. While with Ayumi always made him wanted to give her the world, restlessly trying to prove that he could be the best for her.

Ayumi. To remember the name, his heart rustles in discomfort. His smile fades a little bit. It has been almost two years yet all of their memories still vividly lingers in his mind. He still remembers all the sensations Ayumi gave whenever they were together, which he does not feel it with Xiao Ping. That is why he can be sure that it is impossible to be love. After all, Ayumi is the love of his life.

Second of all, he decides to drag his mind back to analyzing what is current rather than drowned in the past. Second of all, it is impossible to love a person who only has a second eye to eye contact. It is impossible to love a girl who you can not even remember her face.

Takeshi closes his eyes, then a faint shadow of Xiao Ping in his arms comes. He can only clearly remember the bang that covered Xiao Ping's forehead. Takeshi could not see her eyes since it was closed. Her eyes were round.. or narrow ? And Xiao Ping's face was tapering.. no.. a little round.. I don't know.

Takeshi opens his eyes and sighs. It is useless to try remembering Xiao Ping's face. But.. it seems even more useless if he must forget the faint shadow.