On Fire

Takeshi steps fast inside the company building. There is a slice of resentment line on his face but he still replies the securities' greetings. A week after his birthday, Xiao Ping just admitted that she sent him a necklace as a birthday gift. Takeshi was surprised to hear it. Out of hundreds of gifts he has received, Takeshi could not find it. He is sure that it has the correct address since he received Harley miniature from Er Hua and Xiao Ping said that she sent it together with Er Hua.

"You haven't receive it ? it might lost in its way to Japan, cause it's too small ☺ don't take it too hard. It's nothing luxury, nothing precious. Actually … now I'm a bit embarrassed to tell you about my gift. It's really not worth your effort to find it." That's what Xiao Ping's email said last night.

Takeshi opens the administration room's door a bit rough to get people inside the room turn their heads to him. They exchange greeting for a while, then Takeshi approaches a row of lockers in front one of the walls and opens one of its door that has his name on it. Takeshi takes out all presents that are still kept inside the locker. The locker is meant to keep fans' gifts as its purpose. Every artist in the company has one.

"Are you looking for something ?" a guy asks him. Takeshi turns his head with sweaty face. "Have you guys seen a small box wrapped with brown paper ? The sender is from Taiwan ?" Takeshi answers with a question.

"There are a lot of gifts from Taiwan, mostly are wrapped with brown paper," the guy answers.

"Are these the only gifts for me? I mean, maybe there are some accidentally put in other's locker ?" Takeshi asks in hope.

"Geez, Takeshi. We have worked for years and never once misplaced," a woman says while shaking her head. Takeshi scratches his head.

"ごめん (Gomen - Sorry). I didn't meant to doubt your works, but it is very small thus could be easily tucked away," he explains, then changes his face in pleading.

"From whom anyway ?" the woman asks.

"Eee.. An old friend of mine at Taiwan. It is very important so he didn't send it to my apartment afraid that I might move already," Takeshi quickly answers, lying before his teeth. He keeps his pleading face.

"Fine.. fine. Anything for Takeshi," the man finally feels pity to him. Takeshi then bends down, "お願いします (onegaishimasu - Please [help])"

The four people in the room start to help finding the packet. They even look in other artists' lockers. When they are busy searching, a young man comes to the room. "Wow.. what a mess!" he exclaims and whistles. Then he moves his sight to Takeshi, "Takeshi-kun, boss is looking for you," he tells. Takeshi turns to him and nods.

"I'm going for a while. Please help me to continue," Takeshi says to his co-workers then stands and walks toward the door, passing the young man who just about to turn over. It is when Takeshi sees something around the youngster's neck.

"Eh, wait a minute," Takeshi reaches his shoulder. The young me turns his body facing him with a wonder sight. Takeshi does not return the sight, his eyes aim to the necklace that is wore by the man.

"Its pendant made of glass. It filled with blue-colored water and has kanji in the middle. I don't know whether it has the same meaning in Japanese, but it means happiness in Chinese."

The clear description made by Xiao Ping about the necklace has a lot similarity with the necklace wore by the man in front of Takeshi now.

"May I ask where did you get that necklace ?" Takeshi asks in sharp.

"Eeeng.. I.. eh.. I," the young man stumbles.

"You took my gift, didn't you ?" Takeshi asks similar to roars. He pulls the necklace hard until the man is forced to lean his head forward. Four people inside the room suddenly stop their activities to feel the tense. The man can only fearfully drop his head and gulps a few times.


Xiao Ping joyfully walks, her tongue is busy licking the chocolate ice cream she is holding. She occasionally glances at Yu Jin who is still staring inside his shopping back.

"Relax, your mom surely will be happy to receive it," Xiao Ping says, pats Yu Jin's arm to calm him down. Yu Jin moves his sight to look at her and smiles. "I know. I just imagined how beautiful my mom to wear it," Yu Jin replies. It is the first time for Xiao Ping to find that Yu Jin is also sentimental.

"Xiao Ping, thank you for helping me choosing these gifts," Yu Jin sincerely thanks her. "No need to thank me. Seems like it is the only thing I can do to repay your kindness," Xiao Ping replies before back to concentrate to her ice cream.

After had wandered around the mall, buying a silk shawl for Yu Jin's mother and fishing kit for his father, Yu Jin took Xiao Ping to dinner then bought her chocolate ice cream.

"You will leave tomorrow to Indonesia ?" Xiao Ping asks. Yu Jin says yes with a nod. "I have my ticket issued."

"Don't be too long," Xiao Ping requests. "Why ?" Yu Jin asks. "I may be missing you," Xiao Ping answers as a joke though actually she thinks she will miss him as well. Yu Jin is stammered and half grinning.

"What if your parents plan to make you stay there and marry you to an Indonesian girl ?" Xiao Ping asks, furthering her teasing.

"If she is pretty, why not ?" Yu Jin replies her joke. Xiao Ping playfully pouts.

"Then you let me be miserable here alone facing my problems. And you call your self my best friend," Xiao Ping sulks makes Yu Jin laughs.

"Alright.. alright.. when my parents matchmake me I will tell them that there is a girl named Xiao Ping who has waited for me here at Taiwan, 好 吗?(hao ma - okay ?)" Yu Jin says it jokingly while glaring at Xiao Ping. Though it seems like a joke his heart pounds hard to wait for her reaction.

"Hmm.. but if Yu Jin loves that girl.. I'm willing to be left alone here," Xiao Ping tells and smiles at Yu Jin. She does not realize the disappointment that is barely seen on Yu Jin's face due to hearing her response. Xiao Ping continues, "Seeing Yu Jin happy with the girl he love ..."

Yu Jin's cellular rings to catch their attention. With both hands being full, Yu Jin hassles to take it.

"Let me bring some," Xiao Ping immediately takes over things from his right hand. The guy then takes his cellular and greets one who calls, "Hello, Uncle. What's up ?"

Yu Jin's smily face suddenly turns to shock and worry. "What ?!! Okay.. okay.. I'll be right there. Uncle.. don't be to tense. You may have a heart attack. Wait for me," Yu Jin says in hurry then ends the call. While putting his cellular back to his pocket he turns to Xiao Ping.

"Cafe is on fire," Yu Jin explains short but clear. Xiao Ping is shocked until she stops walking. But her body is immediately jerked forward as Yu Jin pulls her hand to rush to the parking lot.